Rebecca Pacheco, Development and Education Manager, Embrave Agency to End Violence, provided a presentation on the status of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Peel. The following topics were highlighted:
- Embrave: Agency to End Violence is the lead agency of Peel Committee Against Women Abuse (PACWA)
- Vision and Mission
- Role of PACWA in the Region of Peel and Ontario
- Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS)
- Expectations include
- strengthening partnerships. collaborating, and sharing information to improve accessibility and quality of services
- sharing information on prevention, education and training to help raise awareness on the issue of GBV
- Municipalities (95) have declared gender-based violence and/or intimate partner violence an epidemic in Ontario - including Region of Peel
- 2023 Peel Regional Snapshot
- femicide
- shelter and housing
- poverty and social assistance
- food insecurity
Committee discussion, comments and questions on this matter included the following:
- Reference to Peel Regional snapshot report and questions on reported number of calls
- details on under reported cases, barriers that women face, stigma, fear and isolation
- What type of assistance is Embrave providing to the community and suggestions how the Committee may assist
- sharing information within the community on events, such as, 'Take Back the Night', the 'Vigil on the Montreal Massacre' held annually on December 6th, the snapshot guide, and other resource development
- Collaboration with the Region of Peel and other municipalities and service providers, includes working together on campaigns, such as, intimate partner violence, public education and raising awareness
- campaigns encourage more people to request assistance, however service providers are at capacity and are unable to assist due to their mandate and lack of funding
- Update regarding the request to the Province on Bill 173 to declare Gender Based Violence as an epidemic
- Bill was forwarded to a standing committee in the province to undertake further research on the matter
- Consideration for accelerated action on the proposed Bill 173, given that International Women's Day will be recognized on March 8, 2025
- acknowledgement that action is required to gain support from the province and suggestions of ways to bring about meaningful change
- need for funding
- suggestion of a petition to be presented to the province
- Whether there is a time limit on the duration that persons are accommodated at emergency shelters
- Embrave is mandated as an emergency shelter and average stay is limited to four months to assist survivors with the next steps, including the legal and housing application process
- Re-admission to the facility is low, however community outreach programs continue to offer support as required
- Details shared regarding ways to contact Embrave for assistance, such as, through the police, hospitals and referrals by community partners
- Measures are in place to ensure that all cultures and communities have access to the support provided by Embrave, and interpreters are brought in as required
- Location of Embrave is fully accessible as required by the province
- Support staff are trained and they are continually provided with upgraded training, such as, proficiency with new technology, and skills to support newcomers, including the LGBTQ+ community
- agencies such as the Region of Peel are brought in to assist with training
In response to comments regarding funding, clarification was provided that the Committee is mandated to function in an advisory capacity and that promoting awareness to the community at this point would be appropriate in order to gain support for the passing of Bill 173.
The following motion was considered: