
Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Franco Spadafora, Co-Chair
  • Gurleen Garcha, Co-Chair
  • Chamila Belleth
  • Kathia Johnson
  • Michelle Buckland
  • Nuno Alberto Peixoto
  • Paula Anderson
  • Sherri Hopkins
  • Sukhbir Taank
  • Vanessa Tantalo
  • City Councillor Rod Power - Wards 7 and 8
Members Absent:
  • Chris Mann
Staff Present:
  • Janice Adshead, Deputy City Clerk
  • Sylvia Ingham, Accessibility Coordinator
  • Sabrina Cook, Accessibility Coordinator
  • Chandra Urquhart, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. and adjourned at 8:42 p.m.

  • AAC001-2024

    That the agenda for the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


The minutes were considered by Committee of Council on January 17, 2024, and approved by Council on January 24, 2024. The minutes were provided for Committee’s information.

Andrew Charles, Supervisor, Planning, Transit, provided a presentation entitled, 'Brampton Transit Update' and highlighted the following: 

  • Transit Capital Improvements
    • Bus Stops & Shelters
  • 2024 Service Plan
    • Public Information Centres

Committee discussion included the following:

  • Results of the survey conducted for the 2024 Service Plan and how they were achieved 
    • locations where the public information sessions were held, and details of how the results are determined 
  • Barriers that are limiting achieving complete accessible features at all bus stops
    •  lack of infrastructure at sites, such as pedestrian signals for safe crossing and timing of ridership
  • Need for a bus shelter at the southbound bus stop at Heart Lake Road and Sprucewood Road

Staff advised that the issues raised by Committee and the reference to the 'Hidden Disability Sunflower Project' will be reviewed and considered. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • AAC002-2024

    That the presentation from Andrew Charles, Supervisor, Planning, Transit, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2024, re: Brampton Transit Update be received.


Philip O'Sullivan, Perkins&Will, Canada, provided a presentation entitled, 'Embleton Community Centre - Design and Accessibility'.  The following was highlighted:

  • Design overview and site plan
  • Community centre access 
  • Park accessible routes
  • Entrance ways and views
  • Ground level features
  • Lobby reception and counter design
  • Washrooms, gym change rooms, aquatic change rooms
  • Second level features
  • Interior features

Committee discussion included the following:

  • Location and number of adult change tables 
  • Availability of sensory friendly areas and how they may be accommodated
  • Provisions for rest pathways given the size of the facility
  • Accessible features for the amphitheatre
  • Compliance with Canadian Standards Association (CSA) requirements for built environment 
    • Accessibility team were currently reviewing the accessible technical standards 
  • Presence of benches with arms and without arms to address individuals with different abilities
  • Use of contrasting colours throughout the building
  • Accessible change rooms and shower areas and location of lockers to allow easy reach 
  • Possibility of increasing the number accessible change rooms 
  • Parking ratio for accessible and non-accessible spots

The delegation advised that the questions and comments brought forward will be reviewed and discussed with staff so that they may be addressed.

The following motion was considered:

  • AAC003-2024

    That the delegation by Philip O'Sullivan, Perkins&Will, Canada, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2024, re: Embleton Community Centre - Design and Accessibility be received.


The following motion was considered:

  • AAC004-2024

    That the update by Enforcement and By-law Services, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May14, 2024, re: Accessible Parking Enforcement Update – Q4 2023 (October 01 to December 31) be received.


Chris Sensicle, Enforcement Officer, provided an overview of the 2024 Accessible Enforcement Statistics, highlighting the number of outstanding charges, screening and hearing matters, warnings issued, number of dismissed violations and charges paid.

Committee discussion and staff responses included:

  • One enforcement officer is assigned to accessibility, however all officers are authorized to issue tickets, issue or seize a permit that is in use illegally
  • Security teams at large properties such as shopping centres are authorized to address parking in access aisles and issue tickets for infractions
  • Misuse of permits are dealt with individually based on the information provided by the owner of permit
  • Process is underway to increase fines for violations in the City, maximum fine is $5,000 
  • Calls can be made to 311 Service line or the number displayed on the accessible signs when individuals are observed parked in an accessible spot
  • Offer by staff to have members attend a ride along with an officer to observe misuse of accessible parking spots 

The following motion was considered:

  • AAC005-2024

    That the update by Chris Sensicle, Enforcement and By-law Services, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2024, re: Quarter One, 2024 Accessible Enforcement Statistics – Overview be received.


Paula Anderson, Member, inquired whether the City has considered a budget to provide respite funding for families who are caregivers to individuals with disabilities.

Staff advised that the City does not provide this type of funding and explained that funding may be available through the Region Peel Social Services programs. It was suggested that Ms. Anderson may wish to delegate at Regional Council. 

Paula Anderson, Member, requested reconsideration of the City's policy regarding the Recreation Services fee for children with disabilities. The City currently offers support on a two-for-one ratio and an extra $400.00 fee is required for a child who may require support on a one-to-one ratio. Ms. Anderson added the following comments:

  • Questioned the human rights aspect of the City's support services
  • Viewed as discriminatory to impose an additional $400.00 fee on the family
  • Program should be all-inclusive regardless of support required
  • Criteria seems unclear on what constitutes one-to-one or two-to-one support 

Recreation Services staff provided information on the issues raised that included the following;

  • Support is offered at different support ratios based on age of the participant
  • Outlined the support for mainstream programs
  • One-to-one support is determined based on the needs of the child and the type of support that is offered at school or at home
    • requires an intake process 
    • fee is at subsidized rate
  • Fee is benchmarked across other municipalities
  • Option is available for personal support whereby an individual is supported by someone known to the individual
  • Students are hired for support positions and their level of training and support are lower than what is offered at schools
  • Discussion at a Regional level meeting confirms that Ontario Human Rights Commission supports current practices on City's fees

Committee discussion followed and included the following:

  • Questioned why the City would not consider taking the lead in being inclusive and bring change to the status quo in Brampton 
    • Brampton is leading in services for integration and inclusiveness 
    • volume of staff hired to support those with disabilities surpasses other municipalities
  • Concerns that individuals with disabilities may be excluded from programs because cost are prohibitive
  • Preference to have overall recreation fees increased to help provide supports to children with disabilities
  • Questioned whether staff undertake outreach at organizations such as Erin Oaks, CNIB Foundation and March of Dimes 
    • outreach is undertaken with various organizations including Kerry's Place who are frequently contacted to assist with staff training at the City
    • organizations do not offer financial support, however they offer assistance to individuals that they themselves have referred to the City to utilize programs
    • Brampton Caledon Community Living offers support for camp funding 
  • Reference to a funding source, namely, Passport Funding, which offers funds through an application process, information will be shared with members
  • Whether there is a reserve fund for extreme situations if an individual has completed the registration through the intake process, been placed in a program and determined by staff at a later date that additional support is required 
    • funding is not offered, however staff will follow a consistent process to ensure fairness and do their best to educate parents and caregivers to ensure individuals are registered in the appropriate program
    • staff are not equipped to assess individual themselves, they rely on the information shared by parents/caregivers
    • staff may engage an outside organization, such as Brampton Caledon Community Living to assist the family if behavioral challenges are observed that staff are not trained to cope with

Staff advised that the concerns raised at the meeting will be discussed with senior staff and the accessible team and information will be brought back to the Committee in the future. 

  • AAC006-2024

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting do now adjourn to meet again on September 10, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
