
City Council

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Patrick Brown
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente
  • Regional Councillor N. Kaur Brar
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi
  • Regional Councillor D. Keenan
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini
  • Regional Councillor G. Toor
  • City Councillor R. Power
  • Deputy Mayor H. Singh

The meeting was called to order at 9:31 a.m. and recessed at 11:51 a.m.  Council moved into Closed Session at 1:00 p.m. and recessed at 1:34  p.m.  Council reconvened in Open Session at 1:46 p.m. and adjourned at 1:49 p.m.

Mayor Brown confirmed that all Members were present in the meeting.

Council discussion took place with respect to proposed amendments to the agenda.

The following motion was considered.

  • C228-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Fortini

    That the agenda for the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024 be amended as follows:

    To withdraw:

    16.2. Discussion Item at the Request of Regional Councillor Santos re: Salvation Army Family Life Resource Centre – Shelter Expansion

    To add:

    6.3. Announcement – Ironman Competitor Brampton

    Council Sponsor: Regional Councillor Brar

    16.3. Discussion Item at the request of Councillor Keenan re: Ronald Webb Commemorative Naming

    18.38. By-law 219-2024 – To amend the Mobile Licensing By-Law 67-2014, as amended – to change the Taxicab Tariff meter fee schedule and fare deposit fee

    See Item 12.3 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW465-2024


Deputy Mayor Singh declared a Conflict of Interest during Closed Session and later in the meeting in Open Session, with respect to Item 19.6 (Request for Deferral of Development Charges - Ward 10) as his children attend the institution.  Deputy Mayor Singh did not participate in Council's consideration of this matter.

The following motion was considered.

  • C229-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byCity Councillor Power

    That the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of November 20, 2024 be adopted as published and circulated.


In keeping with Council Resolution C019-2021, Mayor Brown reviewed the relevant agenda items during this section of the meeting and allowed Members to identify agenda items for debate and consideration, with the balance to be approved as part of the Consent Motion given the items are generally deemed to be routine and non-controversial.

The following items marked with a caret (^) were considered to be routine and non-controversial by Council and were approved as part of the Consent Motion below: 10.3.1, 10.5.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 14.1, 16.1, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.7, and 19.8.

  • C230-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    That Council hereby approves the following items and that the various Officials of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be necessary to give effect of the recommendations as contained therein: 10.3.1, 10.5.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 14.1, 16.1, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.7, and 19.8:


    1. That the report from Raghu Kumar, Manager, Capital and Development Finance, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, re: Amendment to the 2024 Development Charges Bylaws, be received;

    2. That Council approve the policy change as outlined in this report;

    3. That the Development Charges Bylaws be amended to add the following clause relating to redevelopment credits, as set out in Appendices 1 to 8:

    • Notwithstanding Subsections 23 (1)(i)(a) and 23 (2)(i)(a), for a demolition permit that was issued before the effective date of this Bylaw, the demolition permit issuance date is deemed to be the effective date of this Bylaw for the purposes of Subsections 23 (1)(i)(a) and 23 (2)(i)(a).

    4. That Council determine that no further public meeting is required, pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges Act 1997, as amended.


    1. That the report from Ed Fagan, Director, Parks Maintenance & Forestry, dated November 26, 2024 to the City Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, re: Approval of Various Park Naming Requests (RM 78/2023), be received;

    2. That the following administratively named parks be permanently named as recommended, subject to successful completion of the public commenting period:

    i. New Park (Ward 6) to be named Father Roman Galadza;

    ii. New Park (Ward 6) to be named Jaswant Singh Khalra;

    iii. Native Landing Parkette (Ward 5) to be renamed Bangan Parkette;

    iv. Watchman Park (Ward 8) to be renamed Norman Duncan Park; and

    v. Whitewash Parkette (Ward 5) to be renamed Mashkiki Parkette.

    3. That upon successful completion of the public commenting period, staff be directed to install appropriate park signage and undertake notifications for addressing, mapping, operations and emergency services regarding the new park names.


    That the Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of November 4, 2024 be received.


    That the Minutes of the Committee of Council Meeting of November 13, 2024, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, be received.


    1. That the Minutes of the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, be received; and,

    2. That Recommendations CW436-2024 to CW470-2024 be approved as outlined in the minutes.


    1. That the Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, be received; and,

    2. That Recommendations AU034-2024 to AU043-2024 be approved as outlined in the minutes.


    That the following correspondence from Bolton residents re. Item 18.14 – Concerns regarding the Proposed approval of Zoning By-Law 194-2024, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, be received:

    1. Franca Pisani, dated December 10, 2024

    2. Carmela Anzelmo, dated December 10, 2024


    That the Referred Matters List, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, be acknowledged.

    19.1, 19.2 and 19.3.

    That the following Closed Session minutes be acknowledged and the directions therein be deemed given: 

    19.1. Closed Session Minutes - City Council - November 20, 2024 

    19.2. Closed Session Minutes - Committee of Council - November 27, 2024 

    19.3. Closed Session Minutes - Audit Committee - December 3, 2024

    19.4, 19.7 and 19.8.

    That the following Closed Session item be acknowledged and the directions therein be deemed given:

    19.4. Authority to Renew a Lease - Ward 1

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

    19.7. Update Re: Labour Relations Negotiations

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Labour relations or employee negotiations.

    19.8. Proposed or Pending Acquisition of Land - Ward 1

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.


    See also Resolution C243-2024 with respect to Item 19.4 and Resolution C244-2024 with respect to Item 19.8.

a) The Salvation Army Week – December 16-20, 2024

b) Philippines-Canada Friendship Day – December 1, 2024

Mayor Brown acknowledged and read the proclamation for The Salvation Army Week.  A representative from the Salvation Army provided comments in response to the proclamation.

Regional Councillor Santos acknowledged and read the proclamation for Philippines-Canada Friendship Day.  A representative from the Philippine Consulate in Toronto provided comments in response to the proclamation.

Deputy Mayor Singh, announcement sponsor, provided remarks and on the Radiothon and introduced Jagdish Grewal, (Radio Khabarsaar), Host of Radio Humsafar - 1350 AM.

Jagdish Grewal, representing the Radiothon Committee, along with other representatives from the Committee, announced the result of the Radiothon, acknowledged and thanked participants, sponsors, producers, listeners and donors for their support of this event in support of a second hospital.

Ken Mayhew, President and CEO, William Osler Health System (WOHS), on behalf of the staff and volunteers of WOHS, extended thanks to all those involved with and in support of the event, which raised over $85 thousand.

Regional Councillor Brar provided details on the Ironman Competition and announced that Brampton resident Harjit Singh completed the Triathlon in 16 hours and 40 minutes.

Harjit Singh thanked Council for honouring his achievement.

See By-law 194-2024

Amanda Corbett, Bolton resident, provided a presentation outlining concerns regarding approval of the proposed Zoning By-Law 194-2024 for the property located at 10120 Highway 50.

The following motion was considered.

  • C231-2024
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Singh
    Seconded byCity Councillor Power

    That the delegation from Amanda Corbett, Bolton resident, re. Item 18.14 – Concerns regarding the Proposed approval of Zoning By-Law 194-2024, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, be received.


Payal Mehta, Brampton resident, outlined concerns about the impact of their adjacent property should the application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law for 0 McLaughlin Road (Item 13.1) be approved.

The following motion was considered.

  • C232-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    That the delegation from Payal Mehta, Brampton resident, re. Item 13.1 – Staff Report re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., 2424203 Ontario Ltd., 0 McLaughlin Road, Ward 6, File: OZS-2024-0046, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, be received.


Andrzej Hoffmann, Manager, Government Relations and Public Liaison, Office of the CAO, provided a presentation which included information about Region of Peel, Provincial Government, Federal Government, and Federation of Canadian Municipalities matters.

Council discussion took place with respect to uploading/downloading of services between the City of Brampton and Region of Peel, Additional Residential Units, short-term rentals, the City’s Residential Rental Licensing Program, advocacy to the Federal and Provincial Governments, and matters being considered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, during which time staff responded to questions.

The following motion was considered.

  • C233-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    That the staff update re. Government Relations Matters, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, be received.


See By-laws 181-2024 and 182-2024

Council discussion took place with respect to occupancy limits, proposed increases in fines for property standards violations, cost recovery measures and advocacy to the Federal and Provincial Governments, costs relating to added infrastructure and community services as a result of an increase in the number of Additional Residential Units, 

Staff responded to questions from Council and provided clarification on the information in the report.

A motion, moved by Regional Councillor Santos, was introduced to refer the report to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 15, 2025 and defer the by-laws to the Council meeting of January 22, 2025.  As the motion was procedural in nature, a seconder was not required.

The motion was considered as follows.

  • C234-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos

    That the report from Allyson Sander, Strategic Leader, Project Management, Legislative Services, to the City Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, re: Occupancy Standards and Overcrowding in Rental Accommodations (RM 63/2024), be referred to the Committee of Council meeting of January 15, 2025 and By-laws 181-2024 and 182-2024 be deferred to the Council meeting of January 22, 2025.


An amendment was introduced by Regional Councillor Palleschi to amend Clause 6 ii. and to add an additional clause iii.  With assistance and input from staff, the amendments were proposed to read as follows:

II. The Chair of the Planning and Development Committee and the Chair of the Economic Development Section of Committee of Council be appointed as co-vice-chairs of the board of directors;

III. That citizen members be appointed if deemed necessary by the corporation inaugural members, after Council has established a process for the selection of new directors.

Councillor Palleschi outlined the purpose of his amendment and responded to questions from Council.

Staff responded to questions of clarification from Council.

Members of Council outlined comments in support of and in opposition to the proposed amendment.

The following motion to receive the staff report and approved the recommendations, as amended, was considered.

  • C235-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Toor

    1. That the report from Sameer Akhtar, City Solicitor, to the Council Meeting of December 11, 2024, re: Municipal Services Corporation, be received;

    2. That the Business Case Study for a Municipal Services Corporation, attached as Schedule A, be adopted;

    3. That Council approve the adoption of the Policy for Asset Transfer to a Municipal Services Corporation, attached as Schedule B;

    4. That the establishment of a municipal services corporation named “Brampton Municipal Holdings Inc.” (or similar name) as described in the business case study and this report, be approved;

    5. That the City Solicitor be authorized to execute such documents and undertake such other actions as required to establish the municipal services corporation, including acting as and/or designating incorporating director(s), and drafting and submitting articles of incorporation and other constating documents; and

    6. That following the incorporation of the municipal services corporation:

    i. The Mayor be appointed the chair of the board of directors; and

    ii. The Chair of the Planning and Development Committee and the Chair of the Economic Development Section of Committee of Council be appointed as co-vice-chairs of the board of directors;

    III. That citizen members be appointed if deemed necessary by the corporation inaugural members, after Council has established a process for the selection of new directors.

    A recorded vote was requested and the motion carried as follows.

    Yea (8)Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , Regional Councillor Palleschi , Deputy Mayor Singh , Mayor Patrick Brown, Regional Councillor Toor, Regional Councillor Keenan, and Regional Councillor Kaur Brar
    Nay (3)Regional Councillor Medeiros , Regional Councillor Fortini , and City Councillor Power
    Carried (8 to 3)


Dealt with under Consent Resolution C230-2024

Note: The recommendations outlined in the Minutes were approved, as amended, by Council on November 20, 2024 pursuant to Resolution C221-2024.

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C230-2024

Note: The recommendations outlined in the minutes were approved by Council on November 20, 2024 pursuant to Resolution C222-2024.

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C230-2024

The recommendations approved under Consent are as follows.


That the agenda for the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024 be approved, as amended, as follows:

To Add:

5.1. Announcement – Boxing Hall of Fame

15.4. Regarding Agenda Item 8.2.6

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

15.5. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.


That the following items to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024 be approved as part of Consent: 7.1, 8.2.1, 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.2.8, 8.2.9, 8.2.10. 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.5, 9.2.6, 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 12.2.1, 15.1, 15.2


That the delegation from Brian Hobbs, Executive Director, and Sarah Smith, Development Coordinator, Peel Learning Foundation, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: 2024 Hopeful Tomorrows Campaign in Support of the Student Emergency Needs Program, be received.


That the delegation from Michael Vickers, Executive Director, Brampton Arts Organization (BAO), to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: BAO Fall Updates and Brampton Poetry Project, be received.


That the delegation from Cheyenne Zierler, Senior Planning Manager, Shared Tower Inc., to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Telecommunication Infrastructure on City-Owned Lands - Teramoto Park - Ward 5, be referred to staff for consideration.


That the delegation from Steve Kerr, Ambassador of Peace, Pastor Chaplain, Brampton International Entertainment Festival, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Request for Building and Funding Support, be received.


1. That the following delegations to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Committee of Adjustment Concerns, be referred to staff for consideration:

1. Tushar Mahendra, Brampton Resident

2. Kathleen McDermott, Brampton Resident

2. That the diversity and equity training module be required to be completed by all members of the Committee of Adjustment by December 20, 2024, or that they be at risk of removal by Council as member; and

3. That the Chair, Citizen Appointments Committee, consider convening a meeting to consider such appointments.


That the delegation from Jeffrey Takeuchi, Senior Land Development Planner, Digram Developments Inc., to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Street Name and Park Name Request, be referred to staff for consideration.


That the delegation from Khrish Handa, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Expansion of the Leaf Vacuum Program, be referred to staff for consideration and report back in conjunction with the 2025 Budget.


That the delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Item 9.3.1 - Notice of Motion - Paid Overnight Parking System, be received.


That staff be directed to report back to Council with a recommendation related to the feasibility of implementing a neighbourhood parking pilot project, similar to the Milton model, with consideration given to utilizing underused city space for the proposed pilot project.


That the delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement - Road Resurfacing Projects - All Wards, be received.


That the report from Mohammad H. Rahman, Project Manager, Capital Works, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement for Road Resurfacing Projects – All Wards, be referred back to staff to provide further rationalization, and that detail be provided for a single versus a two-year contract structuring.


That the presentation by Andrzej Hoffmann, Manager, Government Relations and Public Liaison, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Government Relations Matters, be received.


1. That the report from Vincent Rodo, Director, Organizational Performance and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Brampton Public Library (RM 82/2023), be received;

2. That the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) be authorized to approve the MOU between the City of Brampton (the “City") and the Brampton Public Library Board (the “Library”) for support services to be provided by the City to the Library;

3. That the City approve MOU be forwarded to the Library for consideration; and

4. That the Community Services and Facilities Operations & Maintenance MOU dated January 23, 2019, and the Technology Acquisition, Administration and Support MOU dated December 5, 2014, be rescinded upon execution of the MOU.


1. That the report from Michael Heralall, Director, Environment and Development Engineering, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement – Riverwalk Construction Manager Services – Wards 1 and 3, be received; and

2. That Council authorize the Purchasing Agent to begin the procurement of the Riverwalk Construction Manager for construction services to deliver the capital works for the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection.


That the report from Bennett Kim, Real Estate Coordinator, Realty Services, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Agreements Executed by Administrative Authority for July 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024, be received.


1. That the report from Jason Tamming, Director, Strategic Communications, Tourism and Events, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Important and Commemorative Dates 2025, be received; and

2. That Council approve the proposed 2025 Commemorative Dates Listing and recommended tactics (Appendix A).


1. That the report from Kartik Sengar, Manager, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: 2025 User Fees – Community Services, Corporate Support Services, Legislative Services, Public Works and Engineering, Planning, Building and Growth Management, and Office of the CAO, be received;

2. That the user fee charges proposed for 2025, as set out in Schedules A to J of this report, be approved, with the exception of the proposed increase to stormwater management charges, which is to be referred to Budget considerations; and

3. That a by-law be brought forward for Council’s consideration to establish a new User Fee By-law, and to repeal By-law 380-2003, as amended.


That the report from Mark Medeiros, Senior Manager, Financial Planning and Analytics, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: 2024 Third Quarter Operating Budget Forecast, be received.


That the report from Raghu Kumar, Manager, Capital and Development, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: 2024 Development Charges By-laws Amendment – Public Meeting, be received.


1. That the report from Mark Medeiros, Chief Budget Officer, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: 2024 Third Quarter Reserve Report, be received; and

2. That surplus funding in Reserve #200 - Debt Repayment Reserve in the amount of $13,594,000 be transferred to Reserve 4 - Asset Replacement Reserve, including any interest accrued on these funds prior to transfer.


1. That the report from Maja Kuzmanov, Senior Manager Accounting Services/Deputy Treasurer, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: 2024 Third Quarter Capital Project Financial Status Report, be received;

2. That the Treasurer be authorized to amend budgets for Capital Projects listed in Schedule D of this report;

3. That the projects identified in Schedule E be reviewed as part of the 2025 Budget, subject to Commitments; and

4. That staff develop recommendations to achieve Council’s objective of strategically utilizing dormant capital funding and address Council’s direction at that time.


1. That the report from Fermin Pico, Project Leader, Transit Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement Various Transit Goods and Services, be received; and

2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence procurement, in accordance with the Purchasing By-Law for:

a) Fully formulated conventional diesel engine coolant.

b) Transit bus body and structure repairs.

c) Transit bus air conditioning preventative maintenance, repair services, and supply of spare parts.

d) Supply and delivery of aftermarket bus parts.

e) Towing services for light, medium, and heavy vehicles

f) Transit bus safety inspections, preventative maintenance, and on-demand repair services.


1. That the report from Rod Landry, Supervisor, Traffic Outside Services, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement – Retro-reflectivity Inspection and Signs Inventory Data Collection Services for a Three-Year Initial Term with Two Optional One-Year Terms, be received; and

2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence procurement for the Retro-reflectivity Inspection and Signs Inventory Data Collection Services.


1. That the report from Van Thai, Street Lighting Supervisor, Roads Maintenance and Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement - Underground Locates Services for Street Lighting, Traffic Signals, Transit and Storm Sewers for a Two-Year Period with three additional one year optional renewal periods – All Wards, be received; and;

2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for underground locates services for street lighting, park and pathway lighting, traffic signal, transit and storm sewers.


1. That the report from Kevin Minaker, Manager, Traffic Operations and Parking, Roads Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Turn Restrictions - McLaughlin Road North and Denison Avenue - Ward 1, be received; and

2. That a by-law be passed to amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, to implement a westbound left turn restrictions at the intersection of McLaughlin Road North and Denison Avenue Monday to Friday between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.


1. That the report from Binita Poudyal, Traffic Operations Technologist, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Traffic By-law 93-93 – Administrative Update, be received; and

2. That a by-law be passed to amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, as outlined in the subject report.


That the correspondence from Anthony Melo, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Item 9.2.3 - Staff Report re: Request to Begin Procurement - Road Resurfacing Projects - All Wards; be received.


1. That the report from Kevin Lindegaard, Manager, Licensing Enforcement, Enforcement and By-law Services, Legislative Services, dated November 27, 2024, re: Taxicab Tariff Increase and Fee Renewal Reduction, be received;

2. That an increase to the taxicab tariff to $4.75 drop rate, be implemented for the taxicab industry in the City of Brampton;

3. That the meter rate distance as outlined in Appendix H – Mobile Licensing By-law 67-2014, be reduced from 141 meters to 125 meters;

4. That Mobile Licensing By-law Schedule 4, Part IV section 9(l) be amended to allow a security deposit not exceeding $20 at any time if required by the driver, prior to the start of a trip; and,

5. That the City of Brampton licensing fee for taxi plate renewals be reduced by $100 in 2025 as set out in this report.


That the report from Shane Keyes, Manager, Property Standards, Enforcement and By-law Services, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Information Report - Property Standards Audit Update (RM 33/2024), be received.


1. That the report from Andrea Williams, Sector Manager, Advanced Manufacturing, Economic Development, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Brampton’s Business Climate Partnership Program, be received;

2. That Economic Development staff work with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA), Partners in Project Green (PPG) to develop a partnership program for Brampton businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote energy conservation and support sustainability practices; and

3. That staff report back to Council on the results of this program in Q4 of 2025.


That Committee proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

15.3 Tenant Rent Review – Ward 3

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

15.4 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - re: Agenda Item 8.2.6

15.5 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.


That the report from Demarr Royal, Real Estate Coordinator, Strategic Services and Initiatives, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 27, 2024, re: Surplus Declaration and Disposal of a portion of City Owned Lands at 40 and 0 Aurora Place – Ward 2, be referred back to staff.


That the Committee of Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, January 15, 2024, or at the call of the Chair.

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C230-2024

The recommendations approved under Consent are as follows.


That the agenda for the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, be approved, as published and circulated.


That the following items to the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024 be approved as part of Consent: 6.3, 6.4


1. That the delegation from Maria Khoushnood, Lead Audit Engagement Partner, KPMG, to the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, re: KPMG Audit Plan for the 2024 Fiscal Year, be received;

2. That the report from Maja Kuzmanov, Senior Manager, Accounting Services/Deputy Treasurer, Corporate Support Services, to the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, re: KPMG Audit Plan for the 2024 Fiscal Year, be received; and

3. That the Audit Planning Report for the Year Ending December 31, 2024, prepared by KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants (KPMG LLP), to the Audit Committee, be received.


1. That the report from Brad Cecile, Manager, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, re: Road Resurfacing Audit 2024 Report, be received;

2. That the recommendations contained in Appendix 1: Road Resurfacing Audit 2024 Report, be approved; and

3. Whereas the current format of internal audit reports places management action plans and responses in an appendix, which may limit their visibility to stakeholders reviewing the reports; and

Whereas integrating management action plans and responses into the main body of the report would improve clarity, ensure greater transparency, and provide stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of audit findings, including management’s commitments and the specific steps planned to address recommendations, thereby enabling more informed decision-making;

Therefore Be It Resolved that Internal Audit adopts an updated reporting format that incorporates management action plans and responses directly within the main body of audit reports, immediately following each audit finding and recommendation. Furthermore, the revised format shall be implemented by the first Audit Committee meeting of 2025.


1. That the report from Mia Cui, Manager, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, re: Fire Fleet Asset Management 2024 Audit Report, be received; and

2. That the recommendations contained in Appendix 1: Fire Fleet Asset Management 2024 Audit Report, be approved.


That the report from Richard Gervais, Senior Advisor - IT Audit, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, re: Internal Audit Work Plan Status Update Q4- 2024, be received.


That the report from Richard Gervais, Senior Advisor - IT Audit, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, re: Corporate Ethics Hotline Quarterly Report – Q4 2024, be received.


1. That the report from Kevin Mahadeo, Advisor, Research, Administrative Services and Special Projects, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2024, re: Internal Audit Strategy 2024-2026, be received; and,

2. That the full strategy document included in Appendix 1 – Internal Audit Strategy 2024-2026, be approved.


That Committee proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

11.1  Cyber Security Audit – 2024

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (a) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

The security of the property of the municipality or local board.


That the Audit Committee do now adjourn to meet again for a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. or at the call of the Chair.

Council varied the order of business and considered the subject minutes after Item 13.1.

The following motion was considered.

  • C237-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Santos

    1. That the Summary of Recommendations from the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received; and,

    2. That Recommendations PDC208-2024 to PDC231-2024 be approved as outlined in the summary.


    The recommendations were approved as follows.


    That the agenda for the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be approved, as amended, as follows:

    To add

    Item 7.12: Staff Report re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, G-Force Urban
    Planners and Consultants, Jindal Developments Ltd., 1955 Cottrelle Boulevard, Ward 8, File: OZS-2023-0045


    That the following items to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be approved as part of Consent: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.6, 7.10, and 7.11


    That the presentation from David VanderBerg, Manager, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: City-Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment, Residential Driveway Standards, Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 (RM 67/2024), be received.


    1. That the presentation from Arjun Singh, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, Avalon Developments Inc., Blackthorn Development Corporation, 137 Steeles Avenue West, Ward 4, File: OZS-2024-0040, be received; and

    2. That the delegation from Joe Cimer, MSH Planning, re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, Avalon Developments Inc., Blackthorn Development Corporation, 137 Steeles Avenue West, Ward 4, File: OZS-2024-0040 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received.


    1. That the presentation from Yin Xiao, Principle Planner/Supervisor, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, MHBC Planning Limited, 11722 Mississauga RD JV, 1000302127 Ontario Inc., 11722 Mississauga Road, Ward 6, File: OZS-2024-0063, be received; and

    2. That the following delegations re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, MHBC Planning Limited, 11722 Mississauga RD JV, 1000302127 Ontario Inc., 11722 Mississauga Road, Ward 6, File: OZS-2024-0063 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received;

    1. Harpreet Singh Behl and Gurkiran Kaur Behl, Brampton Residents

    2. Peter and Sheila Smith, Brampton Residents

    3. Ajit Singh Sahota, Brampton Resident


    That the delegation from Payal Mehta, Brampton Resident, re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., 2424203 Ontario Ltd., 0 McLaughlin Road, Ward 6, File: OZS-2024-0046 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received.


    1. That the report from Samantha Dela Pena, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Draft Plan of Subdivision and Application to Amend the Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law, Senwood Development Inc., Candevcon Limited, 10159 The Gore Road, Ward 10, File: OZS-2021-0038, be received;

    2. That Draft Plan of Subdivision and Application to Amend the Secondary Plan and Zoning By-Law submitted by Candevcon Limited on behalf of Senwood Development Inc., File OZS-2021-0038 & 21T-21015B, be endorsed, on the basis that it represents good planning, including that it is consistent with the Planning Act, and for the reasons set out in this Planning Recommendation Report; and

    3. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. c.P. 13, as amended.


    1. That the report from Angelo Ambrico, Manager, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and to Amend the Zoning By-law, Opal Valley Developments, Candevcon Limited, 11185 Airport Road, Ward 10, File: OZS-2021-0046, be received;

    2. That the application for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and to Amend the Zoning By-law submitted by Candevcon Limited on behalf of Opal Valley Developments Inc. be approved on the basis that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, and the City’s Official Plan, and for the reasons set out in this Recommendation Report; and

    3. That the amendments to the Zoning By-law generally in accordance with the attached Attachment 12 to this report be adopted.


    1. That the report from Chinoye Sunny, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and to Amend the Zoning By-law, Greenvale Homes Ltd., KLM Planning Partners, 2648 Countryside Drive, Ward 10, File: OZS-2021-0065, be received;

    2. That the application for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by KLM Planning Partners on behalf of Greenvale Homes Ltd. be approved on the basis that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, and the City’s Official Plan, and for the reasons set out in this Recommendation Report;

    3. That the amendments to the Zoning By-law generally in accordance with the attached Attachment 12 to this report be adopted; and

    4. That no further notice of public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment as per Section 34(10.4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. c.P. 13, as amended.


    1. That the report from Satwant Hothi, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, Meridian Planning Consultants, Dar Ul Imaan Institute, 8627 Mississauga Road, Ward 4, File: OZS-2023-0037, be received;

    2. That the application for an Amendment to the Zoning By-law, on behalf of Dar ul Imaan Institute (File: OZS-2023-0037) be approved, on the basis that it represents good planning, including that it is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement and the City’s Official Plan, and for the reasons set out in this Recommendation Report;

    3. That the amendment to the Zoning By-law generally in accordance with the Attachment 10 to this report be adopted; and

    4. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34 (10.4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., as amended.


    That the report from Mana Zavalat, Manager, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., 2424203 Ontario Ltd., 0 McLaughlin Road, Ward 6, File: OZS-2024-0046, be referred to the City Council meeting of December 11, 2024.


    1. That the report from Arjun Singh, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., Castlemore Country Properties and 47-1 Country Properties Limited, 5076 Old Castlemore Road, Ward 10, File: OZS-2024-0049, be received;

    2. That the application for an Amendment to the Zoning By-law submitted by Glen Schnarr and Associates., on behalf of Castlemore Country Properties & 47-1 Country Properties Limited. (File: OZS-2024-0049) be approved, on the basis that it represents good planning, including that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Region of Peel Official Plan, and the City’s Official Plan, and for the reasons set out in this Recommendation Report;

    3. That the amendment to the Zoning By-law, generally in accordance with the attached Attachment 10 to this report be adopted; and,

    4. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34 (10.4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., as amended.


    1. That the report from Harjot Sra, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, Gagnon Walker Domes Ltd., 2811135 Ontario Inc., 2803832 Ontario Inc., 1283, 1298, 1300, and 1306 Queen Street West, Ward 5, File: OZS-2023-0024, be received;

    2. That the Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law, Gagnon Walker Domes Ltd – 2811135 Ontario Inc., 2803832 Ontario Inc., Ward: 5, (File: OZS-2023-0024), be approved, on the basis that it represents good planning, including that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, the newly approved Provincial Planning Statement and conforms to the City’s Official Plan for the reasons set out in the Planning Recommendation Report, dated December 9th, 2024;

    3. That the amendments to the Official Plan, as generally attached as Attachment 12, to this report to be adopted;

    4. That the amendments to the Zoning By-Law, as generally attached as Attachment 13, to this report be adopted; and

    5. That prior to forwarding the implementing zoning by-law to Council for enactment, a letter is to be received from the landowner confirming they are agreeable to making access arrangements in relation to the abutting lands to the west through a future site plan application, and that a conceptual design for this access arrangement be provided, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management.


    1. That the presentation from Charton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor, Integrated City Planning, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Bill 23 and Changes to the Heritage Act, be received;

    2. That the report from Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor, Integrated City Planning, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Updates to the Heritage Register and Related Matters as a result of Implementation of Provincial Bills 23 and 200, be received;

    3. That staff develop and implement a public consultation plan Strategic Communications regarding bills 23 and 200 and Heritage Conservation and property Designation that focuses on the greater downtown area;

    4. That following the consultation, staff will report back to Council to initiate a program of Designation of Heritage Properties for Council’s consideration under Part IV of the Heritage Act for properties identified in Attachments A and B;

    5. That staff be directed to investigate the implementation of the Heritage Incentive Tax Rebate as identified in Section 365.2 of the Planning Act and to report back to Council by Q2 2025; and

    6. That the Paul Willoughby Heritage Incentive Grant be increased to a maximum of $25,000 from the current limit of $10,000 effective Q1 of 2026.


    That the presentation from Carolyn Crozier, Strategic Leader, Project Management, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Proposed Fee Changes for Committee of Adjustment Applications, be received.


    1. That the report from Carolyn Crozier, Strategic Leader, Project Management, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024 re: Proposed Fee Changes for Committee of Adjustment Applications (RM 66/2024), be received; and

    2. That Schedule A to the Tariff of Fees By-law with respect to Planning and Other Municipal Applications By-law 85-96, as amended, be further amended to reflect the fee changes as set out in Attachment A of this report, to be effective following Council ratification for January 1, 2025.


    That the report from Charles Ng, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, G-Force Urban Planners and Consultants, Jindal Developments Ltd., 1955 Cottrelle Boulevard, Ward 8, File: OZS-2023-0045, be referred to the City Council meeting of December 11, 2024.


    That the Minutes of the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of November 19, 2024, Recommendations HB046-2024 - HB048-2024 and HB050-2024 - HB051-2024, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be approved; and

    That Recommendation HB049-2024 be approved, as amended, as follows:


    1. That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of November 19, 2024, re: Heritage Impact Assessment, 76 Main Street South – Ward 3, be received; and

    2. That staff be directed to work with the applicant to halt the designation process and preserve the property in another manner.


    That the agenda for the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of November 19, 2024 be approved, as amended:

    To add:

    9.3  Report by Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, re: Revised Scoped Heritage Impact Assessment and Heritage Permit Phase II of 10254 Hurontario St – Ward 2


    1. That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of November 19, 2024, re: Heritage Designation of 18 River Road - Ward 6, be received;

    2. That designation of the property at 18 River Road under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act (the “Act”) be approved;

    3. That staff be authorized to publish and serve the Notice of Intention to Designate for the property at 18 River Road in accordance with the requirements of the Act;

    4. That in the event that no objections to the designation are received, a by-law be passed to designate the subject property;

    5. That in the event that any objections to the designation are received, staff be directed to refer the proposed designation to the Ontario Land Tribunal, and;

    6. That staff be authorized to attend any hearing process held by the Ontario Land Tribunal in support of Council’s decision to designate the subject property.


    1. That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of November 19, 2024, re: Heritage Permit, Documentation, Salvage and Interpretation Plan for 10020 Mississauga Road - Ward 6, be received;

    2. That the Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum, Heritage Documentation and Salvage Plan and Heritage Interpretation Plan for 10020 Mississauga Road prepared by ERA, dated September 10, 2024, be received; and,

    3. That the Heritage Permit application for demolition of the house at 10020 Mississauga Road be approved, as recommended by the Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum, subject to the following conditions:

    i. that the demolition and deconstruction of the subject property follow the process elaborated in the Appendix II of the Documentation and Salvage Plan for the property;

    ii. that the architect and/or heritage consultant monitors demolition and deconstruction work to ensure that salvaged material is inventoried and stored appropriately and reused as part of the new commemoration features as recommended in the Documentation and Salvage Plan.


    1. That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of November 19, 2024, re: Heritage Impact Assessment, 76 Main Street South – Ward 3, be received; and

    2. That staff be directed to work with the applicant to halt the designation process and preserve the property in another manner.


    1. That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, dated November 18, 2024, to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of November 19, 2024, re: Revised Scoped Heritage Impact Assessment and Heritage Permit of Phase II for 10254 Hurontario St - Ward 2 be received;

    2. That the revised scoped Heritage Impact Assessment for 10254 Hurontario St prepared by AREA Architects, dated November 1, 2024 for Phase 2 of the proposed alterations and additions to the property be received; and,

    3. That the Heritage Permit application submitted on November 12, 2024 for Phase 2: Daycare Ground and Second floor addition on West (rear) façade of 10254 Hurontario St, be approved, as recommended by the Heritage Impact Assessment, subject to the following condition, as recommended by heritage staff:

    i. that the architect and/or heritage consultant monitors construction work to ensure that original features are preserved wherever possible and that all new work is compatible and completed to the same high standard as the existing.


    That Brampton Heritage Board do now adjourn to meet again on January 21, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.


    That the correspondence from Nick Pileggi, Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd., on behalf of Pier Pointe Inc., dated December 5, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, Avalon Developments Inc., Blackthorn Development Corporation, 137 Steeles Avenue West, Ward 4, File: OZS-2024-0040 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received.


    That the correspondence from the Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister, Municipal Affairs and Housing, dated November 28, 2024, re: Additional Residential Units (ARUs) (RM 58/2024), to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received.


    That the following correspondence re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, MHBC Planning Limited, 11722 Mississauga RD JV, 1000302127 Ontario Inc., 11722 Mississauga Road, Ward 6, File: OZS-2024-0063 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received:

    1. Jay and Priyanka Desai, Brampton Residents, dated December 4, 2024

    2. Yuvraj Verma, Brampton Resident, dated November 22, 2024

    3. Harpreet Singh Bhel, Brampton Resident, dated December 9, 2024

    4. Michael Gagnon, Colin Chung, and Andrew Walker, Gagnon Walker Domes and Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., on behalf of Northwest Brampton Landowners Group Inc., dated December 9, 2024.


    That the correspondence from Marc De Nardis, Gagnon Walker Domes Ltd., on behalf of Kyle Pulis and Emily Miles, dated December 6, 2024, re: Item 8.1 - Request for Amendment to Brampton Heritage Board Minutes - November 19, 2024, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received.


    That the following correspondence re: Updates to the Heritage Register and Related Matters as a result of Implementation of Provincial Bills 23 and 200 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024, be received:

    1. Peter Jakovcic, Tribute Limited, dated December 6, 2024

    2. Cindy Prince, Amico Properties Inc., dated December 5, 2024

    3. Thanes Bala, Longview Developments, dated December 9, 2024.


    That the Planning and Development Committee do now adjourn to meet again for a Regular Meeting on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.

Referred from the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024.

See Item 12.5 – Summary of Recommendations – Planning and Development Committee

Regional Councillor Palleschi outlined concerns with respect to the proposed development application.

A motion, moved by Regional Councillor Brar and seconded by Regional Councillor Santos, was introduced as considered as follows.

  • C238-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Santos

    That the report from Mana Zavalat, Manager, Development Services to the Planning and Development Committee of December 09, 2024, re: Recommendation Report, Application to amend the Official Plan and the Zoning By-Law, Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. – 2424203 Ontario Ltd., City File: OZS-2024-0046, Part 1, Plan of Block 19, under Registered Plan 43M-4444, Ward 6, be deferred to the Council meeting of January 22, 2025.


Referred from the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of December 9, 2024.

See Item 12.5 – Summary of Recommendations – Planning and Development Committee and By-law 215-2024

Staff responded to questions from Council with respect to consideration of the proposed development application by the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), indicated that staff worked with the applicant toward a new proposal that would be better for the community and would provide for a reduction in density from what was approved by the OLT, confirmed staff’s support for this new proposal, and agreed to work with the Ward Councillors on a communications plan for area residents.

An amendment to the staff recommendations was introduced by Mayor Brown to add the following to the end of Clause 2 “and in light of the previous OLT decision”.

The following motion to receive the report and approved the recommendations, as amended, was considered.

  • C239-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Fortini
    Seconded byCity Councillor Power

    1. That the report from Charles Ng, Planner I, Development Services to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of November 4th, 2024, re: Recommendation Report - OZS-2023-0045 - 1955 Cottrelle Boulevard - Application to Amend the Zoning By-Law, be received;

    2. That the application for a Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by G-Force Urban Planners and Consultants on behalf of Jindal Developments Ltd. be approved, on the basis that it represents good planning, including that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, The Region of Peel Official Plan, the City’s Official Plan, and for the reasons set out in this Recommendation Report, and in light of the previous OLT decision;

    3. That the amendments to the Zoning By-law generally in accordance with the attached Attachment 10 to this report be adopted; and

    4. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34 (10.4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. c.P. 13, as amended.


Dealt with under Consent Resolution C230-2024

Regional Councillor Keenan informed Council of the recent passing of Ronald Webb, a beacon of the Brampton community and, on behalf of Council, extended condolences to his family.

Councillor Keenan highlighted Ronald’s contributions to the community and proposed a motion for a commemorative naming in his honour, which was considered as follows.

  • C240-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    That staff be requested to report back on the potential opportunities for the inclusion of Ronald Webb in a Commemorative naming within Brampton. 


The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office or in person regarding any decisions made during the meeting.

No questions were put forward from members of the public.




  • No by-laws were assigned to 181-2024 and 182-2024 due to the referral of the related report (Item 10.2.1).
  • The by-laws were misnumbered, such that there is no by-law associated with 205-2024.

The following motion was considered.

  • C241-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Medeiros

    That By-laws 183-2024 to 219-2024 inclusive, before Council at its Regular Meeting of December 11, 2024, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.


    The by-laws were passed as follows.

    By-law 181-2024 – To amend By-law 165-2022, as amended, being a by-law to prescribe minimum standards for the maintenance and occupancy of properties in the City of Brampton

    See Item 10.2.1

    By-law 182-2024 – To amend By-law 218-2019, as amended, being a by-law to establish a system of administrative penalties (non-parking)

    See Item 10.2.1

    By-law 183-2024 – To amend Development Charges By-law 110-2024 Enforcement Services to add a clause relating to redevelopment credits

    See Item 10.3.1

    By-law 184-2024 – To amend Development Charges By-law 111-2024 Development Related Studies to add a clause relating to redevelopment credits

    See Item 10.3.1

    By-law 185-2024 – To amend Development Charges By-law 112-2024 Fire Services to add a clause relating to redevelopment credits

    See Item 10.3.1

    By-law 186-2024 – To amend Development Charges By-law 113-2024 Library Services to add a clause relating to redevelopment credits

    See Item 10.3.1

    By-law 187-2024 – To amend Development Charges By-law 114-2024 Public Works to add a clause relating to redevelopment credits

    See Item 10.3.1

    By-law 188-2024 – To amend Development Charges By-law 115-2024 Recreation Services to add a clause relating to redevelopment credits

    See Item 10.3.1

    By-law 189-2024 – To amend Development Charges By-law 116-2024 Road Services to add a clause relating to redevelopment credits

    See Item 10.3.1

    By-law 190-2024 – To amend Development Charges By-law 117-2024 Transit Services to add a clause relating to redevelopment credits

    See Item 10.3.1

    By-law 191-2024 – To amend the Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended – schedule relating to Prohibited Turns

    See Item 12.3 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW462-2024 – November 27, 2024

    By-law 192-2024 – To amend the Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended – administrative updates to schedules relating to community safety zones and designated bicycle lanes

    See Item 12.3 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW463-2024 – November 27, 2024

    By-law 193-2024 – To repeal and replace User Fee By-law 380-2003, as amended

    See Item 12.3 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW454-2024 – November 27, 2024

    By-law 194-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended  – temporary amendment – Highway 50 Holdings Inc. and First Gulf Corporation – 10120 Highway 50 – Ward 10 (File OZS-2024-0029)

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC202-2024 – November 4, 2024 (approved by Council on November 20, 2024 pursuant to Resolution C221-2024)

    By-law 195-2024 – To designate the City of Brampton as a Community Improvement Project Area

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC201-2024 – November 4, 2024 (approved by Council on November 20, 2024 pursuant to Resolution C221-2024)

    By-law 196-2024 – To enact a City-Wide Community Improvement Plan for Affordable Housing

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC201-2024 – November 4, 2024 (approved by Council on November 20, 2024 pursuant to Resolution C221-2024)

    By-law 197-2024 – To repeal By-Law 217-2022 and enact an amended Community Improvement Plan By-Law for Office Employment

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC201-2024 – November 4, 2024 (approved by Council on November 20, 2024 pursuant to Resolution C221-2024)

    By-law 198-2024 – To repeal By-law No.72-2021, being a by-law to designate the property municipally located at 10020 Mississauga Road as being of cultural heritage value or interest

    See Brampton Heritage Board Recommendation HB061-2024 (November 21, 2023) and Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC183-2023 (December 4, 2023), approved by Council on December 6, 2023 pursuant to Resolution C299-2023.

    By-law 199-2024 – To amend Boulevard Maintenance and Highway Obstruction By-law 163-2013, as amended

    See Committee of Council Recommendation CW394-2019 – October 2, 2019 (approved by Council on October 16, 2019 pursuant to Resolution C376-2019)

    By-law 200-2024 – To accept and assume works in Registered Plan 43M-1927 – Mattamy (Credit River) Limited – north of Bovaird Drive West and east of Mississauga Road – Ward 6 (Planning References: C04W11.006 and 21T-10022B)

    By-law 201-2024 – To accept and assume works in Registered Plan 43M-2035 – Ornstock Developments Limited – north of Steeles Avenue and east of The Gore Road – Ward 6 (Planning References C05W01.006 and 21T-10016B)

    By-law 202-2024 – To accept and assume works in Registered Plan 43M-2045 – Paradise Homes NW Inc. – south of Mayfield Road and east of Mississauga Road – Ward 6 (Planning References C04W17.002 and 21T-10011B)

    By-law 203-2024 – To accept and assume works in Registered Plan 43M-2024 – Landmart Realty Corp. – north of Wanless Drive and west of Chinguacousy Road – Ward 6 (Planning References C03W16.004 and 21T-13007B)

    By-law 204-2024 – To accept and assume works in Registered Plan 43M-2058 – TFP Clockwork Developments Inc. – south of Mayfield Road and west of Chinguacousy Road – Ward 6 (Planning References: C03W17.006 and 21T-16011B)

    By-law 206-2024 – To accept and assume works in Registered Plan 43M-2066 – 1556613 Ontario Limited – south of Cottrelle Boulevard and east of The Gore Road – Ward 8 (Planning References: C10E07.017 and 21T-16014B)

    By-law 207-2024 – To accept and assume works in Registered Plan 43M-2038 – LIV Developments Ltd. - north of Wanless Drive and west of Chinguacousy Road – Ward 6 (Planning References: C03W16.004 and 21T-13007B)

    By-law 208-2024 – To establish certain lands as part of the public highway system (Zamek Street) – Ward 9

    By-law 209-2024 – To prevent the application of part lot control to part of Registered Plan 43M-2075 – multiple easements near Creditview Road and Mayfield Road  – Ward 6 (PLC-2024-0011)

    By-law 210-2024 – To prevent the application of part lot control to part of Registered Plan 43M–2075 – maintenance easements for one lot near Creditview Road and Brisdale Drive – Ward 6 (PLC-2024-0013)

    By-law 211-2024 – To prevent the application of part lot control to part of Registered Plan 43M–2100 – maintenance easements for one lot near Creditview Road and Mayfield Road – Ward 6 (PLC-2024-0014)

    By-law 212-2024 – To prevent the application of part lot control to part of Registered Plan 43M-2099 – maintenance easements for one block near Brisdale Drive and Mayfield Road – Ward 6 (PLC-2024-0015)

    By-law 213-2024 – To prevent the application of part lot control to part of Registered Plan 43M-2166 – multiple lots along Cadillac Crescent near Sandalwood Parkway and Creditview Road – Ward 6 (PLC-2024-0016)

    By-law 214-2024 – To amend the Tariff of Fees By-law 85-96, as amended – to implement a revised fee structure

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC183-2024 – October 21, 2024 (approved, as amended, by Council on October 30, 2024) and Item 12.5 – summary of Recommendations – Planning and Development Committee – December 9, 2024

    By-law 215-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended (OZS-2023-0045)

    By-law 216-2024 – To amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended – Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc. – Castlemore Country Properties and 47-1 Country Properties Limited – 5076 Old Castlemore Road – Ward 10 (File OZS-2024-0049)

    See Item 12.5 – Summary of Recommendations – Planning and Development Committee – December 9, 2024

    By-law 217-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended – Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc. – Redcliff Homes – 0 Clarkway Drive – Ward 10 (OZS-2021-0060)

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC139-2024 – July 8, 2024 (approved by Council on July 10, 2024 pursuant to Resolution C144-2024

    By-law 218-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended – Countryside Real Estate Holdings Inc. (Pearl Builders) – SGL Planning and Design Inc. – 0 Countryside Drive – Ward 10 (OZS-2024-0045)

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC177-2024 – September 23, 2024 (approved by Council on September 25, 2024 pursuant to Resolution C183-2024

    By-law 219-2024 – To amend the Mobile Licensing By-Law 67-2014, as amended – to change the Taxicab Tariff meter fee schedule and fare deposit fee

    See Item 12.3 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW465-2024 – November 27, 2024

Note: Deputy Mayor Singh declared a Conflict of Interest during Closed Session and later in the meeting in Open Session, with respect to Item 19.6 (Request for Deferral of Development Charges - Ward 10) as his children attend the institution.  Deputy Mayor Singh did not participate in Council's consideration of this matter.

Note: Items 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.7 and 19.8 were approved on consent, and any directions therein deemed given.

The following motion was considered.

  • C242-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Fortini
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    That Council proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

    19.5. Impacts Associated with Election Signs - All Wards

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (e) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

    19.6. Information Report – Request for Deferral of Development Charges - Ward 10

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

    19.9. Integrity Commissioner Update

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (b) and (e) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and, litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board.


    Note: In Open Session, Mayor Brown reported on the status of matters considered in Closed Session, as follows.

    19.4 – This item was approved on consent and direction deemed given, including that a motion be considered in Open Session (see Resolution C243-2024 below).

    19.5 – This item was considered in closed session and no direction was given.

    19.6 – This item was considered in closed session and direction was given.

    19.8 – This item was approved on consent and direction deemed given, including that a motion be considered in Open Session (see Resolution C244-2024 below).

    19.9 This item was considered in closed session and no direction was given.

  • The following motion was considered with respect to Item 19.4.

    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    THAT the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management be delegated the authority to execute a lease agreement and all other agreements and documents necessary to effect a lease with Punjabi Community Health Services to continue to operate the Brampton Bike Hub from the City owned property municipally known as 8 Nelson Street West, Unit 104, Brampton subject to the terms and conditions as directed by Council, and otherwise on such terms and conditions as may be acceptable to the Senior Manager, Realty Services and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or designate.

  • The following motion was considered with respect to Item 19.8. 

    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    That the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management be delegated the authority to execute on behalf of the City the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and any other agreements and documents necessary for the completion of the City’s acquisition of 30 James Street, Brampton, on terms as directed by Council and otherwise on terms acceptable to the Senior Manager, Realty Services and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or designate.


^ Closed Session Minutes - City Council - November 20, 2024


^ Closed Session Minutes - Committee of Council - November 27, 2024


^ Closed Session Minutes - Audit Committee - December 3, 2024


^ Authority to Renew a Lease - Ward 1


Impacts Associated with Election Signs - All Wards


Information Report – Request for Deferral of Development Charges - Ward 10


^ Update Re: Labour Relations Negotiations


^ Proposed or Pending Acquisition of Land - Ward 1


Integrity Commissioner Update


The following motion was considered.

  • C245-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Vicente
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    That the following by-law before Council at its Regular Meeting of December 11, 2024, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, and signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:

    By-law 220-2024 – To confirm the proceedings of Council at its Regular Meeting held on December 11, 2024.


The following motion was considered.

  • C246-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    That Council do now adjourn to meet again for a Regular Meeting of Council on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. or at the call of the Mayor.

No Item Selected