
Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Franco Spadafora, (Co-Chair)
  • Kathia Johnson
  • Michelle Buckland
  • Nuno Alberto Peixoto
  • Paula Anderson
  • Sherri Hopkins
  • Vanessa Tantalo
  • City Councillor Rod Power - Wards 7 and 8
Members Absent:
  • Gurleen Garcha, (Co-Chair)
  • Chamila Belleth
  • Chris Mann
  • Sukhbir Taank
Staff Present:
  • Sabrina Cook, Accessibility Coordinator
  • Sylvia Ingham, Accessibility Coordinator
  • Chandra Urquhart, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m. and adjourned at 8:42 p.m.

The following motion was considered:

  • AAC007-2024

    That the agenda for the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of September 10, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


The minutes were considered by Committee of Council on June 19, 2024, and approved by Council on June 26, 2024. The minutes were provided for Committee’s information.

Sabrina Cook, Accessibility Coordinator, City Clerk's Office, and Adam Vaiya, Advisor, Office of Climate Change and Energy Management, Region of Peel, provided a presentation regarding Accessible Design Guidelines for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations. The following key points were highlighted:

  • Current state of Brampton public EV charging stations
  • Development of accessible design guidelines
  • Key elements in the design
    • alignment with AODA and Traffic By-law with additional space encouraged
    • recommendations to manufacturers to make products and services more accessible
  • Next steps include:
    • apply guidelines to all new corporate EV charging stations
    • update the technical standards and create a web version

Item 7.4 was brought forward and dealt together with the presentation.

Sabrina Cook provided an overview of the report highlighting the dimensions of the site and spatial design, design guidelines, signage, spatial mobility, requirements and best practices, access aisles, operable parts and placement distance, lighting, websites and mobile applications. 

Sabrina Cook, was joined by Adam Vaiya, Advisor, Office of Climate Change and Energy Management, Region of Peel, to respond to Committee with respect to comments and questions that included the following:

  • Seating accommodation for users while vehicles were being charged 
  • Both upper and lower case lettering required on signage content
  • Questions on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and a suggestion that the updated AODA guidelines standards should be considered instead of the approved Provincial level standards
  • Ensuring that EV charging stations are fully accessible to all users with amenities, such as bathrooms
  • Suggestion that charging stations should provide wide accessible aisles on both sides 
  • New charging stations will be fitted with accessible aisles and follow all guidelines
  • Retrofitting of older charging locations will not be considered, however the site of the Region of Peel headquarters will be retrofitted
  • Clarification on the requirements for accessible EV charging spaces 
  • Communication to the public about where accessible charging stations will be located and ensuring that information will be available on the City's website
  • Suggestion that a mobile application that can identify to a user that an accessible charging station was available and may be reserved would be beneficial

Both Sabrina Cook and Adam Vaiya advised that all comments and feedback will be reviewed and considered. The Accessible Design Guidelines will then be finalized and circulated to all stakeholders.

The following motion was considered: 

  • AAC008-2024

    1.  That the presentation by Sabrina Cook, Accessibility Coordinator, City Clerk’s Office, and Adam Vaiya, Advisor, Office of Climate Change and Energy Management, Region of Peel, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of September 10, 2024, re: Accessible Design Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Presentation, be received; and,

    2.  That the report from Sabrina Cook, Accessibility Coordinator, City Clerk’s Office, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of September 10, 2024, re: Accessible Design Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, be received.


Franco Spadafora, Co-Chair, referenced previous Accessibility Awards Events held by the City in past years, noting that the event was cancelled during the pandemic and suggested that staff consider its re-establishment. It was suggested that the event can be held as part of the Brampton Citizen Awards' event which is held annually in recognition of outstanding individuals. 

Sylvia Ingham, Accessibility Coordinator, City Clerk's Office, provided the following information:

  • Details of other events and initiatives that were held during the pandemic to advance accessibility awareness, one of which was an on-line event with a guest speaker
  • Events were attended by AAC members and award winners and provided opportunities for sharing and networking by all in attendance
  • Accessibility team partnered with Brampton Entrepreneur Centre (BEC) and hired a guest speaker for an event in 2023
    • event was an effort to improve and promote a more engaging event and it was deemed a success
  • Overview of the award application process available on the City's website
    • suggested that members review the information on-line and provide feedback

Committee discussion took place and included suggestions and comments as follows:

  • Combining accessibility awards event with the annual Citizen's Awards event
  • Accessibility Award event should be inclusive and open to all 
  • Implications may result if events are combined
    • accessibility group is small and may not receive the same recognition and awareness as it will become part of a larger group setting
  • Suggestion that a category be considered for an individual accessible inclusive design of a space outside of the City's purview
  • Advice that the City's accessibility team provide input and comments on City facilities
    • technical standards that are followed are beyond the accessibility requirements
    • design of commercial and private buildings are reviewed by the City's Building Department and accessibility standards are based on the Ontario Building Code  
  • Whether there is an opportunity to add a category for an architectural design award
  • Scheduling of event in December around the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
  • Reference to National Accessibility Week in May 2025 and a suggestion that the awards event may be considered for that week 

Sylvia Ingham advised that an awareness event is being planned for December 2024. 

Committee suggested that staff continue to prepare for the December 2024 event and report back in the next few months regarding options to resume the annual Accessibility Awards event.

The following motion was considered:

  • AAC009-2024

    1.  That staff continue with the preparation of an Accessibility Awareness vent as planned for December 2024; and,

    2.  That it is the position of the Accessibility Advisory Committee that staff consider the comments and feedback discussed at the meeting and report back with options to re-establish the Accessibility Awards event going forward. 


Richa Dave, Project Manager, Transportation Planning, Planning, Building and Growth Management, provided information regarding the Brampton Mobility Plan (Transportation Master Plan), noting that the Plan will serve as the City long-term strategy that will guide investment and planning over the next 20-years and beyond. The following key points were highlighted:

  • Alternative network solutions to address travel demand in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner
  • Seven principles endorsed by Council to guide the plan and serve as an evaluation framework for assessing alternative network solutions, leveraging technology, including a transportation solution for all ages and abilities
  • Evaluation criteria metrics
  • Phase 3 - next steps
  • Opportunities for upcoming public consultation/engagement in September and October 2024
  • Events will be posted on the project website and social media platforms, and maybe shared with the community

In response to a question Richa Dave advised that the date of the public engagement sessions will be shared with the Committee.

The following motion was considered:

  • AAC010-2024

    That the verbal update by Richa Dave, Project Manager, Transportation Planning, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of September 10, 2024, re: Brampton Mobility Plan be received.


Chris Sensicle, Accessible Enforcement Officer, provided an overview of the Accessible Parking Statistics for the Second Quarter of 2024 which included violations for parking in an accessible space without a permit, number of tickets issued, obstruction of access aisles, and number of permits seized.

The following motion was considered:

  • AAC011-2024

    That the update by Chris Sensicle, Accessible Enforcement Officer, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of September 10, 2024, re: Accessible Parking Statistics - Q2-2024 be received. 


The following motion was considered: 

  • AAC012-2024

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting do now adjourn to meet again on December 10, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. 
