
Brampton Heritage Board

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Stephen Collie (Co-Chair)
  • Douglas McLeod (Co-Chair)
  • Nick Craniotis
  • Roy de Lima
  • Sharron Goodfellow
  • Hunyah Irfan
  • Dian Landurie
  • Naveed Suleman
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente - Wards 1 and 5
Members Absent:
  • Surinder Ahuja
  • Nicardo Francis
  • Prianka Garg
  • Rajesh Vashisth
  • Paul Willoughby
Staff Present:
  • Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor
  • Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner
  • Chandra Urquhart, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. and adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

  • HB012-2024

    That the agenda for the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of March 19, 2024 be approved as amended, to add the following:

    11.2   Discussion at the request of Steve Collie, Co-Chair, re: Brampton Historical Society Announcement

    11.3   Discussion at the request of Regional Councillor Vicente, re: Heritage Grant 


The minutes were considered by Planning and Development Committee on February 12, 2024 and approved by Council on February 28, 2024. The minutes were provided for the Board's information.


Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner, provided an overview of the subject report noting that the property is located in the Churchville Heritage Conservation District. The landscape elements of the property contribute to the heritage character of the District, however there is no cultural heritage value to the dwelling and even though it is considered a non-contributing property within the Village, a permit is required for alterations and additions to the property. 

Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor, provided additional information on the property, noting the property setbacks, garage location, and approvals by the Committee of Adjustment prior to the issuance of a heritage permit that allowed the homeowner to construct a home that did not conform to the requirements of the District.  

In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Charlton explained that staff were able to work on the design of the home with the homeowner to achieve compatibility with the Village. 

The following motion was considered:

  • HB013-2024

    1.   That the report from Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner, dated February 19, 2024 to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of March 19, 2024, re: Heritage Impact Assessment and Heritage Permit Recommendation Report - 7699 Creditview Road - Ward 6, be received;

    2.   That the Heritage Permit application for 7699 Creditview Road to remove the offset garage and to add a two-storey addition in its place with a two-car garage in front be approved; and

    3.   That the Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment dated October 2023 for 7699 Creditview Road be received.


Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor, provided an overview of the subject report noting that a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was undertaken for the property located in the Churchville Heritage Conservation District. The property is also listed on the Brampton Cultural Register. The HIA determined that the property meets all nine (9) criteria for designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. The HIA recommended restoration, preservation and designation of the building, however relocation and demolition were not supported. 

Board discussion, comments, questions and staff responses included the following:

  • Design of the building seems to indicate that it was constructed to prevent the possibility of flooding 
  • Will owner of the property will be receptive to restoration and preservation? 
    • owner of property has not submitted any application for alteration or a permit for demolition 
    • discussion with the owner regarding retention of the property is an option
  • Property appears to be poorly maintained and is currently occupied by several individual residents
    • condition and attractiveness of the property are not considered when evaluating and assessing for heritage value and significance 
  • Given the current condition and activities on the property, it was unlikely that the owner would consider restoration to bring back the home to its original appearance
    • many of the comments provided on the appearance and activity on the property suggest that there could be property standards issues
    • Citizens may approach the City with respect to property standard matters
  • Support of the staff recommendation to not issue a permit at this time may not preclude approval of a demolition permit in the future
  • Staff communication has been mostly with the consultant for the landowner who commissioned the HIA
  • Purchasing a property within the District suggests that the owner would be aware of the standard maintenance required
  • Designation of the property is understood given that it is located within the District and it qualifies for the Heritage Grant 
  • City may recommend designation of a property, advise the landowner of the intention to designate and outline the options available to the landowner 

Staff reiterated that the recommendations provided in the report for consideration confirm that the HIA was completed in accordance with the City's Terms of Reference, that designation of the property was recommended as it meets all nine criteria under the Ontario Heritage Act.

The following motion was considered:

  • HB014-2024

    1.  That the report from Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor - Heritage, Integrated City Planning, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of March 19, 2024, re: Heritage Impact Assessment, 7749 Churchville Road – Ward 6, be received; 

    2.  That the Heritage Impact Assessment for 7749 Churchville Road prepared by Bruce Corley, Built Heritage Specialist, dated February 21, 2024, be deemed complete; 

    3.  That the following ‘Immediate Recommendations’ as per the Heritage Impact Assessment by Bruce Corley for 7749 Churchville Road be followed:

    1. Demolition is not recommended;
    2. Relocation of the building is not recommended at this time;
      • Relocation may be worth considering at a future date because the survival of the design and building techniques are more important than its original location
    3. Designation of the building under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act is recommended;
      • The structure meets all nine (9) criteria under Ontario Regulation 9/06 needed for designation
      • Designation carries with it eligibility for Heritage Incentive grants
    4. Restoration is recommended; and,

    4.  That the following ‘Long Term Restoration Recommendations’ as per the Heritage Impact Assessment by Bruce Corley for 7749 Churchville Road be followed:

    1. Should the building be subject to restoration, a ‘Heritage Conservation Plan’ should be prepared that addresses the particularities of the house’s history and construction, including:
      • Providing adequate ventilation to the cellar and repairing/replacing damaged timbers (subsequently dated using dendrochronology);
      • Determining the location, size, and design of original doors and windows and replacing them using the design of the Orange Church Inn;
      • Rebuilding the chimney;
      • Replacing roof with cedar shingles; and
      • Determining the original floor levels, wall, and stair configuration and restoring the interior using casings derived from the existing interior profile
    2. The original fabric of the structure be uncovered, including:
      • Removing existing metal siding to restore the pebble dash lime mortar;
      • Revealing the fascia and associated trim, and restoring using accurate profiles; and
      • Removing the existing drywall
    3. The building be measured and documented with thorough measured drawings and photographs once the underlying fabric has been uncovered.

Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner, provided details of the Commemoration Plan for 1524 Countryside Drive noting that an affordable housing development is proposed for the site and will include rental units. The Commemoration Plan will integrate the 1873 datestone of the school. 

In response to a question regarding the presence of a cemetery on the site, staff advised that they were unaware of a burial site on the grounds.  Additionally, an architectural assessment will be undertaken for the property which will determine if there were burials on the site.

The following motion was considered:

  • HB015-2024

    1.  That the report from Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner, Integrated City Planning, dated February 20, 2024, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of March 19, 2024, re: Report by Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner, re: Heritage Report and Commemoration Plan - 1524 Countryside Drive – Ward 9, be received.


Steve Collie, Co-Chair, advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Brampton Historical Society will be taking place on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., at the Heart Lake Presbyterian Church on Ruth Road. Board members were invited to attend.

Regional Councillor Vicente requested support for a staff report to commemorate the long standing work history of Board Member, Paul Willoughby, by renaming the Heritage Grant program to add Paul Willoughby to the name of the program. Members acknowledged and supported the request.

Staff and Board Members acknowledged Mr. Willoughby's loyalty and valuable contribution to the Board and to the preservation of heritage culture in Brampton. 

The following motion was considered: 

  • HB016-2024

    1.   That the discussion by Regional Councillor Vicente, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of March 19, 2024, re: Heritage Grant, be received; and,

    2.  That staff prepare a report on the renaming of the Heritage Grant program to the Paul Willoughby Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant program. 


Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor provided the following information:

  • Planning has welcomed two new Heritage Planners, Arpita Jambekar and Tom Tran 
  • Resignation of Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner 
  • Plaque unveiling of Brampton Railway Station on June 8, 2024 
  • Work on the Heritage Register is underway 
    • A group of designation reports from the consultants will be presented at a later meeting
    • Further reports will be brought forward to subsequent meetings
  • Details on the plaque for the memorial of late Bill Davis which will placed on the front lawn of PAMA
    • Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor was selected to be a member of the Design Committee for the memorial 
  • HB017-2024

    That Brampton Heritage Board do now adjourn to meet again for on April 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
