
Committee of Council

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Patrick Brown (ex officio)
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente
  • Regional Councillor N. Brar
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi
  • Regional Councillor D. Keenan
  • City Councillor R. Power
  • Regional Councillor G. Toor
  • Deputy Mayor H. Singh
Members Absent:
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros (other municipal business)
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini (other municipal business)
Staff Present:
  • Marlon Kallideen, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Bill Boyes, Commissioner, Community Services
  • Steve Ganesh, Commissioner, Planning, Building and Growth Management
  • Laura Johnston, Commissioner, Legislative Services
  • Alex Milojevic, Commissioner, Corporate Support Services
  • Peter Pilateris, Commissioner, Public Works and Engineering
  • Heidi Dempster, General Manager, Brampton Transit
  • Sameer Akhtar, City Solicitor
  • Genevieve Scharback, City Clerk
  • Charlotte Gravlev, Deputy City Clerk
  • Sonya Pacheco, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 9:33 a.m., recessed at 12:05 p.m., reconvened in Closed Session at 12:45 p.m. and recessed again at 1:59 p.m. At 2:10 p.m., Committee reconvened in Open Session and adjourned at 2:13 p.m.


Committee discussion took place with respect to proposed amendments to the agenda.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW323-2024

    That the agenda for the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024 be approved, as amended, as follows:

    To vary the order to deal with Item 12.3.2 (Notice of Motion re: Addressing Unsafe Overcrowding and Subletting of Additional Residential Units (ARUs)), in conjunction with Item 12.2.1 (Staff Report re: Residential Rental Licensing (RRL) Pilot Program Implementation Update - Wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7)

    To add:

    6.6 Delegation from Jotvinder Sodhi, Vales of Humber Resident, re: Use of Airbnb/Short-term Rental Homes as Wedding Venues


The following items listed with a caret (^) were considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Committee and were approved at one time.

7.1, 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.3, 10.2.1, 10.2.3, 10.3.1, 13.1 

The following motion was considered.

  • CW324-2024

    That the following items to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024 be approved as part of Consent:

    7.1, 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.3, 10.2.1, 10.2.3, 10.3.1, 13.1 




Monsignor Owen Keenan, Parish Priest, St. Patrick's Church, thanked Members of Council and staff for their service to the Brampton community, provided information regarding the St. Patrick's Church development project, and requested Committee's consideration to provide relief of fees and charges associated with this project. The delegation highlighted the service and support provided by the church to the community, the need for a larger facility to meet current and future community needs, increased construction costs, and fundraising efforts. In addition, the delegation invited Members of Council to attend a fundraising gala on October 25, 2024.

Committee discussion took place with respect to the following:

  • Opportunities to provide assistance to St. Patrick's Church
  • Estimate of fees and charges associated with this project 
  • Clarification regarding development charges for places of worship

The following motion was considered.

  • CW325-2024

    That the delegation from Monsignor Owen Keenan, Parish Priest, St. Patrick's Church, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Request for Relief of Fees and Charges Associated with the Construction of the New St. Patrick's Church, be referred to staff for investigation and a report back on options for waiving fees or providing support by other means.


Mohit Sharma, President and CEO, Zochem ULC, announced Zochem's 50th anniversary in Brampton and presented an overview of this business, including achievements relating to safety, environmental sustainability, and community presence.

Committee Members thanked the delegation for their contributions to the Brampton community.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW326-2024

    That the delegation from Mohit Sharma, President and CEO, Zochem ULC, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Zochem ULC 50-Year Celebration in Brampton, be referred to staff (Economic Development) to investigate further means of support.


Vijai Singh, Co-Founder, Third Space Music, provided an overview of his experience in, and support for, the arts, and thanked Brampton OnStage for their support in showcasing Indian classical music at the Rose Theatre. The delegation invited Members of Council to attend Moksha by Third Space taking place at The Rose Theatre on October 4, 2024, and provided details regarding this event and the participating musicians. A short video of Indian classical music performances was played.

Committee Members thanked the delegation for his role in supporting the arts in Brampton and for bringing this performance to The Rose Theatre.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW327-2024

    That the delegation from Pavan Ubhi and Vijai Singh, Co-Founders, Third Space Music, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Moksha by Third Space - The Rose Theatre - October 4, 2024, be received.


A representative for Hemmy Bhandari, Brampton Resident, provided a presentation to Committee regarding the proposed development at 10015 Clarkway Drive, and requested that the proposed acquisition of land be approved in order to proceed with this project.

The delegation responded to questions from Committee regarding the proposed development project, including traffic impacts and access.

Committee requested that Planning, Building and Growth Management staff meet with the delegation to review the request, in accordance with the planning process. 

The following motion was considered.

  • CW328-2024

    That the delegation from Hemmy Bhandari, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Proposed Acquisition of a Cul-de-sac on the North Corner of Castlemore Road and Clarkway Drive - Ward 10, be received.


Emmanuel Adebola, Executive Director, ANE Global, provided information to Committee regarding ANE Global and announced the Black Empowerment Summit and Gala taking place on October 19, 2024 at the Mississauga Convention Centre. The delegation provided an overview of the summit and gala, including attendance by various government officials, acknowledged the City's support for the black community and requested that Brampton partner with ANE Global by sponsoring tickets for this event. In addition, the delegation introduced members of the ANE Global team.

Committee thanked the delegation for their presentation and requested that staff review options to support this event.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW329-2024

    That the delegation from Emmanuel Adebola, Executive Director, ANE Global, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: ANE Global and Black Empowerment Summit and Gala - October 19, 2024, be referred to staff for a report back on options for support.


Jotvinder Sodhi, Vales of Humber Resident, expressed concerns to the Committee regarding an Airbnb/short-term rental home being used as a venue for weddings and other large gatherings. The delegation outlined the significant impact of this activity on the community and requested that short-term rentals not be permitted in the Vales of Humber area.  

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Tools to address the improper use of Airbnb/short-term rental properties
  • Indication that staff is working on a report regarding regulations for short-term rentals
  • Efforts by the City to address these issues, and a request that the delegation advocate to local Federal and Provincial Members of Parliament regarding this matter
  • Process for revoking a short-term rental licence

The following motion was considered.

  • CW330-2024

    That the delegation from Jotvinder Sodhi, Vales of Humber Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Use of Airbnb/Short-term Rental Homes as Wedding Venues, be referred to staff for review in the context of short-term rentals consideration.

  • CW331-2024

    That the presentation by Andrzej Hoffmann, Manager, Government Relations and Public Liaison, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Government Relations Matters, be received.


Manav Sidhu, Programmer, Education Programs, Economic Development and International Relations, Office of the CAO, provided a presentation to Committee regarding the city-wide Hackathon event taking place on November 8 to 10, 2024 at City Hall.

Committee discussion took place with respect to the following:

  • Number of registrations expected
  • Brampton Board of Trade (BBOT) symposium "Brampton in Motion" on September 26, 2024 regarding housing and mobility issues, and an indication that potential solutions may be identified at the Hackathon
  • Suggestion that the BBOT encourage large corporations to attend the Hackathon 

Committee Members thanked staff for their efforts in this regard.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW332-2024

    That the presentation from Denise McClure, Acting Director, Economic Development and International Relations, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: City-Wide Hackathon Update, be received.










The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted.





  • CW333-2024

    1. That the report from Jennifer Anderson, Property Tax Account Analyst, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Tax Adjustments, Cancellations and Reductions Pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, be received; 

    2. That the tax account adjustments as listed on Appendix A of this report be approved.

  • CW334-2024

    That the report from Claudia Santeramo, Manager, Procurement Performance, Purchasing, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Purchasing Activity Quarterly Report – 2nd Quarter 2024, be received.

  • CW335-2024

    That the report from Claudia Santeramo, Manager, Procurement Performance, Purchasing, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Active Consulting Service Contracts – 2nd Quarter 2024, be received.












  • CW336-2024

    1. That the report from Doug Rieger, Director, Transit Development, Transit, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Budget Amendment - Operator Washroom and Lunchroom at Mount Pleasant GO Station – Ward 6, be received; 

    2. That Council approve the return of surplus capital funds from project #124800 – Züm BRT, in the amount of $959,469, with the funding returned to its original sources; 

    3. That Council approve the return of capital funds from project #164840-001 – Terminal Improvements, totaling $993,029, with funding to be returned to Reserve #91 – Canada Community Building Fund; and

    4. That Council approve a new capital project, #244840-001 – Terminal Improvements, in the amount of $1,900,000, with $1,000,000 to be funded through Reserve #91 – Canada Community Building Fund and $900,000 to be funded through Reserve #95 – Accele Ride Reserve.


Committee discussion took place, and staff responded to questions, with respect to the following:

  • Increased scope of work and costs for this project
  • Space for the Post Traumatic Growth Association

The following motion was considered.

  • CW337-2024

    1. That the report from Peter Gabor, Manager, Building Design and Construction, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting on September 18, 2024, re: Budget Amendment Request - Environmental Education Centre, Animal Shelter, Centre for Community Energy Transformation and Post Traumatic Growth Association - Ward 6, be received; 

    2. That Council approve a funding swap to replace the initially approved funding of $3,500,000 for the Design phase from Reserve #4 Asset Repair & Replacement with Reserve #136 - Development Charges PW Building & Fleet for project #235180-002 – Environmental Education Centre, Animal Shelter, Centre for Community Energy Transformation and Post Traumatic Growth Association;

    3. That a budget amendment be approved in the amount of $2,000,000 to expand the scope of project #235180-002 – Environmental Education Centre, Animal Shelter, Centre for Community Energy Transformation and Post Traumatic Growth Association, with funding to be transferred from Reserve #136 - Development Charges PW Building & Fleet; and

    4. That a budget amendment be approved to substitute funding of $3,500,000 in capital project #235180-002 - Environmental Education Centre, Animal Shelter, Centre for Community Energy Transformation and Post Traumatic Growth Association, from Reserve #4 Asset to Repair to Reserve #136 - Development Charges PW Building and Fleet.

  • CW338-2024

    1. That the report from Amanullah Memon, Traffic Operations Technologist, Roads Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024 re: Special Event Road Closures - Wards 4 and 10, be received;

    2. That the special event road closures for Country Ridge Court (Ward 10) occurring from October 3 to October 12 be approved provided the applicant fulfills all standard permit requirements; and

    3. That the special event road closures for Dalkeith Court (Ward 4) occurring from October 11, 12 and 13 be approved provided the applicant fulfills all standard permit requirements.

  • CW339-2024

    That the Minutes of the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council Meeting of September 5, 2024, Recommendations SC041-2024 to SC048-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18 2024, be approved.


    The recommendations were approved as follows:


    That the agenda for the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of September 5, 2024, be approved as amended to add the following item:

    7.3   Correspondence from Violet Skirten, Crossing Guard Supervisor, on behalf of Lakeshia Mullings, resident, re: Request for a Crossing Guard at Black Forest Drive and Willow Park Drive, Fernforest Public School, 275 Fernforest Drive - Ward 9


    1. That the correspondence from Violet Skirten, Supervisor, Crossing Guards, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of September 5, 2024, re: Review of New School Operations, Malala Yousafzai Public School, 565 Remembrance Road - Ward 6, be received; and,
    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    1. That the correspondence from Violet Skirten, Supervisor, Crossing Guards, on behalf of Jennifer Rouso, resident, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting on September 2024, re: Request for a Crossing Guard at the intersection of Ironshield Drive and Franktown Drive - Ward 10, be received; and,
    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    1. That the correspondence from Violet Skirten, Crossing Guard Supervisor, on behalf of Lakeshia Mullings, resident, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of September 5, 2024, re: Request for a Crossing Guard at Black Forest Drive and Willow Park Drive, Fernforest Public School, 275 Fernforest Drive - Ward 9 be received; and
    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    That the update by Enforcement and By-law Services, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of September 5, 2024, re: School Patrol Statistics - June 2024, be received.


    1. That the Site Inspection report for Carberry Public School be received;
    2. That in an effort to encourage Active Transportation to and from school, the principal contact their designated Peel Health Nurse to participate in the School Travel Plan Program in Peel; and;
    3. That a Crossing Guard is warranted at the intersection of Fernforest Drive and Abitibi Lake Road.


    1. That the Site Inspection report for Ridgeview Public School be received;
    2. That in an effort to encourage Active Transportation to and from school, the principal contact their designated Peel Health Nurse to participate in the School Travel Plan Program in Peel;
    3. That Peel Regional Police be requested to enforce the “No U-Turn” driving restrictions on Brenda Avenue; and,
    4. That the Manager of Enforcement and By-law Services be requested to arrange for the enforcement of parking restrictions on Brenda Avenue during school arrival and dismissal times.


    That Brampton School Traffic Council do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, October 4, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.




The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted.
















Item 12.3.1 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Committee thanked staff for their efforts with respect to the implementation of the Residential Rental Licensing (RRL) Pilot Program, and discussion took place with respect to the following:

  • Overcrowding in rental homes
  • Advocacy efforts by the City relating to rental properties/Additional Residential Units (ARUs)
  • Limited resources and funding available for the City to deal with the impacts of the housing crisis, ARUs and slum landlords

The following motion was introduced:

That the report from Allyson Sander, Strategic Leader, Project Management, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Residential Rental Licensing (RRL) Pilot Program Implementation Update - Wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, be received; and

Whereas the City of Brampton has and continues to do our part to embrace growth and provincial and federal direction to support ARUs, the city is now feeling the unintended consequences associated with this unprecedented growth and needs our fair share of funding to support proactive enforcement and RRL programs;

That the City advocate to the provincial government to help fund programs like Brampton’s RRL whereby its costs are directly related to growth by helping to track, regulate and prioritize the safe development of ARUs to address the housing crisis; and that a consolidated package be prepared including advocacy and actions undertaken by the City in other related areas.

Staff responded to questions from Committee with respect to the implementation of the RRL pilot program and the level of compliance being achieved.

Further Committee discussion took place and included the following:

  • Measuring the success of the RRL program
  • Compliance achieved through this program, including in relation to property standards
  • Progress updates provided to the public regarding this program
  • Impact of rental properties in mature neighbourhoods
  • Engagement rate of the City's new public webpage for this program
  • Public support of the City's efforts to crack down on illegal residential units, including the hiring of additional enforcement officers
  • Impact of the housing crisis on international student girls, and work on the International Student Charter

The following amendment to the motion was introduced and accepted by the mover:

That a framework (including community engagement and public consultation) be constructed for the integration of Wards 2 & 6 and Ward 8 to be taken into the RRL program, commencing with Pillar 1, and that the Ward Councillors be consulted prior to further activation.

The motion, in its entirety, was considered as follows.

  • CW340-2024

    That the report from Allyson Sander, Strategic Leader, Project Management, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Residential Rental Licensing (RRL) Pilot Program Implementation Update - Wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, be received; and

    Whereas the City of Brampton has and continues to do our part to embrace growth and provincial and federal direction to support ARUs, the city is now feeling the unintended consequences associated with this unprecedented growth and needs our fair share of funding to support proactive enforcement and RRL programs;

    That the City advocate to the provincial government to help fund programs like Brampton’s RRL whereby its costs are directly related to growth by helping to track, regulate and prioritize the safe development of ARUs to address the housing crisis; and that a consolidated package be prepared including advocacy and actions undertaken by the City in other related areas; and

    That a framework (including community engagement and public consultation) be constructed for the integration of Wards 2 & 6 and Ward 8 to be taken into the RRL program, commencing with Pillar 1, and that the Ward Councillors be consulted prior to further activation.


Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Number, and estimated cost, of reinspections conducted by the Building Division for Additional Residential Unit (ARU) construction projects
  • Concerns regarding, and impact of, unqualified contractors, particularly in relation to the construction of ARUs
  • Business licensing requirements for contractors operating in Brampton
  • Options and tools to address the issue of unlicensed contractors 

The following motion was considered.

  • CW341-2024

    1. That the report from Farhad Habibi, Chief Building Official and Director of Building, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024 re: Addressing Unqualified Contractors and Repeat Inspections (RM 27/2024), be received; 

    2. That staff be directed to implement the surcharge fee as prescribed in the City’s Building By-law for any recall of the same inspection process after the second failed inspection; 

    3. That the Education and Awareness provisions described in this report be implemented by Q1 2025;

    4. That staff be directed to continue to advocate and collaborate with the Ontario Contractors Association to address concerns about unqualified contractors to enforce the Business Licensing By-law for contractors in ARU construction; and, 

    5. That staff be directed to report back on the efficacy of these recommendations in Q3 2025.


Regional Councillor Santos referenced the comparison outlined in the subject report, of the City's Public Nuisance By-law with by-laws in the City of Vaughan in respect to car rallies, and highlighted that the fines for violations are higher in Vaughan.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW342-2024

    That the report from Peter Bryson, Manager, Enforcement and Bylaw Services, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, re: Review of Public Nuisance By-Law 136-2018 in Respect to Car Rallies (RM 49/2024), be referred back to staff to report back to the September 25, 2024 meeting of Council with increased fines related to car rallies which are similar to the City of Vaughan. (Note: Brampton’s fines related to noise, et cetera, at car rallies are currently lower than those in Vaughan).


Regional Councillor Santos addressed Committee regarding the issue of unsafe overcrowding and subletting of Additional Residential Units (ARUs), and advised that, under the Residential Tenancies Act, a landlord can restrict or refuse subletting based on property capacity limits. 

In response to a question from Councillor Santos, staff advised that the provincial government has not consulted with the City on matters relating to the impacts and enforcement of ARUs.

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • The need to advocate to the provincial and federal government for funding for municipalities to help address the impacts of ARUs
  • Subletting regulations under the Residential Tenancies Act
  • The need to explore options to introduce occupancy limits within the existing process for ARU registration and Residential Rental Licensing (RRL)

The following motion was considered.

  • CW343-2024


    1. The RRL is in place to address non-compliant property, parking, and health and safety standards of registered and unregistered ARU properties which are negatively impacting quality of life and overall safety of residents; and

    2. The City ongoingly receives thousands of complaints and evidence of overcrowding and excessive subletting of rental units within registered and unregistered ARUs which may or may not be licensed through RRL; and

    3. The City currently does not have by-laws in place to control overcrowding and excessive subletting; and

    4. The Residential Tenancies Act allows landlords to reasonably deny tenants from subletting based on property capacity and local legislation; and

    5. Through ARU registration and RRL, it is possible to track the total number of units per ARU household, and respectively determine safe occupancy numbers for each RRL license held; and

    6. The City’s comments to the Province on “Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024” highlighted the need for the Province to consult with municipalities on safety, environmental and community impacts related to the enforcement of ARUs; and

    7. The provision of ARUs to address the national housing crisis should be more than simply providing a roof over heads, and needs to focus on the integration of ARUs as part of complete communities; and

    8. The province and federal government needs to consider municipal funding programs to help municipalities enforce the proper construction, maintenance and licensing of ARUs; and

    9. Currently, the City of Brampton’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law 270-2004 only allow Lodging Houses in detached dwelling units within the downtown core and it is illegal to operate an unregistered lodging or group home without a licence or outside this area; and

    10. Staff have been directed by resolution CW113-2023 (cl.5) to “Develop a workplan to update Lodging Houses for city-wide Application”; and

    11. Supportive Housing (previously known as “Group Homes”) are regulated by Supportive Housing Registration By-law 254-2021 and Supportive Housing Residences Type 1 and Type 2 shall not operate in the City unless they are registered as per By-law 254-2021.

    Therefore be it resolved that:

    1. Staff report back (in Q4), with by-law recommendations that outline occupancy limits within the existing process for ARU registration and Residential Rental Licensing (RRL); and 

    2. Staff report back with recommendations on how overcrowding and excessive subletting will be identified and tracked, and how occupancy limits will be enforced through the RRL process; and

    3. Staff report back on a process to identify and enforce existing legislation regarding illegal lodging and group homes; and

    4. The City advocate to the provincial and federal government (with copies to FCM and AMO) for municipal funding programs to help municipalities enforce the proper and safe construction, maintenance and licensing of ARUs that prioritizes safety of residents; and

    5. As part of the above advocacy to appropriate provincial and federal Ministers, local MPPs and MPs, this motion be included as an attachment.




The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. G. Scharback, City Clerk, read the following questions submitted by email regarding Item 12.3.2 (Notice of Motion re: Addressing Unsafe Overcrowding and Subletting of Additional Residential Units (ARUs)): 

1) Jane Russell, Brampton resident:

"Many by-law complaints are the result of overcrowding. Are we going to wait until there are 20 or 30 people living in these rentals before by-law officers can finally address overcrowding and the impact it is having on our community? If there is no limit then the sky is the limit."

2) Kevin Russell, Brampton resident:

"When will landlords with overcrowded rental units be asked to pay their fair share of property taxes?" 

Regional Councillor Palleschi requested that staff provide a response to the residents directly and to copy the area Councillors.


  • CW344-2024

    That the Referred Matters List - 2024 Third Quarter Update, to the Committee of Council Meeting of September 18, 2024, be received.


The following motion was considered.

  • CW345-2024

    That Committee proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

    15.1 Report – New Brampton Transit Facility – Ward 10        

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 

    15.2 Report - Legal Advice re: Development Agreements        

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and,

    A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 

    15.3 Report - Construction Services to Accommodate Office Space Reorganization        

    Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (a) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    The security of the property of the municipality or local board and,

    A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.



    In Open Session, Regional Councillor Palleschi, Chair, reported on the status of matters considered in Closed Session, as follows:

    15.1 – This item was considered in closed session and direction was given, including procedural direction to refer the item to the September 25, 2024 meeting of Council. 

    15.2 – This item was considered in closed session and direction was given.

    15.3 – This item was considered in closed session and direction was given, including procedural direction to refer the item back to staff.


Report – New Brampton Transit Facility – Ward 10


Report - Legal Advice RE: Development Agreements


Report - Construction Services to Accommodate Office Space Reorganization


The following motion was considered.

  • CW346-2024

    That the Committee of Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, or at the call of the Chair.

No Item Selected