
Committee of Council

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Council Chambers - 4th Floor, City Hall - Webex Electronic Meeting
Members Present:
  • Mayor Patrick Brown (ex officio)
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente
  • City Councillor D. Whillans
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros
  • City Councillor J. Bowman
  • City Councillor C. Williams
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini
  • City Councillor H. Singh
  • Regional Councillor G. Dhillon
Staff Present:
  • David Barrick, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Michael Davidson, Commissioner, Corporate Support Services
  • Richard Forward, Commissioner, Planning, Building and Economic Development
  • Marion Nader, Commissioner, Community Services
  • Jayne Holmes, Acting Commissioner, Public Works & Engineering
  • Bill Boyes, Fire Chief, Fire and Emergency Services
  • Alex Milojevic, General Manager, Transit
  • Sameer Akhtar, City Solicitor
  • Peter Fay, City Clerk
  • Charlotte Gravlev, Deputy City Clerk
  • Sonya Pacheco, Legislative Coordinator

Note: In consideration of the current COVID-19 public health orders prohibiting large public gatherings of people and requirements for physical distancing between persons, in-person attendance at this Committee of Council meeting was limited and physical distancing was maintained in Council Chambers at all times during the meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m., recessed at 12:39 p.m., reconvened at 1:00 p.m. and recessed again at 2:49 p.m. Committee reconvened in Closed Session at 3:00 p.m., recessed at 4:12 p.m., moved back into Open Session at 4:20 p.m. adjourned at 4:21 p.m.

As this meeting of Committee of Council was conducted with electronic participation by Members of Council, the meeting started with the City Clerk calling the roll for attendance at the meeting, as follows:

Members present during roll call: Councillor Santos, Councillor Vicente, Councillor Whillans, Councillor Palleschi, Councillor Bowman, Councillor Medeiros, Councillor Williams, Councillor Fortini, Councillor Singh, Councillor Dhillon

Members absent during roll call: Nil


City Councillor Whillans was absent from the meeting from 10:20 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. (personal) and left the meeting at 2:30 p.m. (other municipal business)

Committee discussion took place with respect to proposed amendments to the agenda.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW043-2021

    That the agenda for the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021 be approved as amended as follows:

    To Add:

    5.1. Announcement re: Mitigation Badge Award to City of Brampton by Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM)

    5.2. Proclamation re: Black History Month

    8.3.1 Discussion Item at the request of Regional Councillor Santos, re: Toby’s Way Trail Segment Naming


In keeping with Council Resolution C019-2021, the Meeting Chair reviewed the relevant agenda items during this section of the meeting and allowed Members to identify agenda items for debate and consideration, with the balance to be approved as part of the Consent Motion given the items are generally deemed to be routine and non-controversial.

The following items listed with a caret (^) were considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Committee and were approved at one time.

(8.2.1, 11.2.3, 11.2.4, 11.2.5, 11.2.6, 12.2.3, 12.2.6)

The following motion was considered.

  • CW044-2021

    That the following items to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021 be approved as part of Consent: 

    8.2.1, 11.2.3, 11.2.4, 11.2.5, 11.2.6, 12.2.3, 12.2.6

    Yea (10)Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , City Councillor Whillans, Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , Regional Councillor Fortini , City Councillor Singh, and Regional Councillor Dhillon
    Absent (1)Mayor Patrick Brown
    Carried (10 to 0)

City Councillor Whillans and P. Cooper, Environmental Planner, Public Works and Engineering, announced that the City of Brampton received the Mitigation Badge Award from the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. They provided information on the Global Covenant of Mayors, the Mitigation Badge Award, and Brampton's successful completion of the showcase program. 

Committee thanked Councillor Whillans for representing the City on the Global Covenant of Mayors, and thanked staff for their efforts in working towards achieving Brampton's environmental goals.

Regional Councillor Santos acknowledged and read the following proclamation:

WHEREAS: During Black History Month, we celebrate the many achievements and contributions made by the Black community to our economic, cultural, spiritual and political development.

The celebration of Black History Month originates from the U.S. Professor Carter G. Woodson's 1926 declaration of Negro History Week, a week in February which marked the birthdates of civil rights activists Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln.

In 1976, the Toronto City Council declared February as Black History Month. National recognition occurred on December 14, 1995 when the House of Commons unanimously agreed to a motion presented by the Honourable Jean Augustine to recognize February as Black History Month.

Black History Month in Canada is essential to educating Canadians. Few Canadians know that slavery once existed in Canada, or that many of the British Loyalists who came here after the American Revolution were Black.

In the City of Brampton, the month long celebration encourages us to honour the significant role that Black people, both past and present, have played in shaping the multicultural mosaic of Brampton and its values.

THEREFORE: I, Mayor Patrick Brown, on behalf of Brampton City Council, do hereby proclaim February 2021 as "Black History Month" in the City of Brampton.

Mayor Brown highlighted some of the digital events taking place to celebrate Black History Month and the naming recognition for Denise Jones. 

B. Lucas, Senior Manager, Public Affairs, Office of the CAO, provided a presentation on Government Relations Matters, which included updates on Regional Government budget deliberations and Provincial and Federal Government updates. 

Committee discussion took place regarding the Regional budget deliberations, including the Peel Regional Police budget.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW045-2021

    That the staff update re: Government Relations Matters, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received.


Mayor Brown provided an update on the COVID-19 Emergency, which included the following:

  • Number of COVID-19 cases is starting to decline
  • Concerns regarding the impact of COVID-19 variants
  • Progress on the vaccination program
  • Implementation of new travel restrictions

Committee discussion took place with respect to recent travel restrictions to "sun destinations". Concerns were raised regarding the impact of these restrictions on people who need to travel for family emergencies, and the need to request that the Federal Government distinguish between leisure and essential travel.

A motion was introduced with the following operative clauses:

Therefore be it resolved that:

1. The Mayor write a letter on behalf of Council requesting that the federal government clearly identify the difference between leisure and essential travel;

2. Reverse the decision to ban flights to the Caribbean and Mexico on Canadian airlines; and,

3. Exempt residents who were out of the country for essential travel prior to the new travel restriction from the cost associated with the three-day quarantine and further, waive the cost of a three-day quarantine for those who are travelling for essential and humanitarian reasons.

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Impact of the travel restrictions on the local community and concerns regarding the costs to travelers
  • Intent of the travel restrictions to protect the public from COVID-19
  • The need for further information on why the travel restrictions were implemented 
  • Indication that Dr. Loh, Medical Officer of Health for Peel Region, does not support exemptions to the travel restrictions due to COVID-19 challenges in those countries
  • Suggestion that Dr. Loh be requested to address Council on this issue
  • Potential negative impact of asking the Federal Government to reverse its decision
  • Suggestion that the restrictions be consistently applied to all regions

At Committee's request, the motion was split and a recorded vote was taken on each of the clauses, with the results as follows:

1. The Mayor write a letter on behalf of Council requesting that the federal government clearly identify the difference between leisure and essential travel;

Yea (10): Mayor Patrick Brown, Regional Councillor Santos, Regional Councillor Vicente, Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , Regional Councillor Fortini, City Councillor Singh, and Regional Councillor Dhillon

Absent (1): City Councillor Whillans

Carried (10 to 0)

2. Reverse the decision to ban flights to the Caribbean and Mexico on Canadian airlines; and,

Yea (2): Regional Councillor Medeiros and City Councillor Williams
Nay (8): Mayor Brown, Regional Councillor Santos, Regional Councillor Vicente, Regional Councillor Palleschi, City Councillor Bowman, Regional Councillor Fortini, City Councillor Singh and Regional Councillor Dhillon

Absent (1): City Councillor Whillans

Lost (2 to 8)

3. Exempt residents who were out of the country for essential travel prior to the new travel restriction from the cost associated with the three-day quarantine and further, waive the cost of a three-day quarantine for those who are travelling for essential and humanitarian reasons.

Yea (2): Regional Councillor Medeiros and City Councillor Williams
Nay (8): Mayor Brown, Regional Councillor Santos, Regional Councillor Vicente, Regional Councillor Palleschi, City Councillor Bowman, Regional Councillor Fortini, City Councillor Singh and Regional Councillor Dhillon

Absent (1): City Councillor Whillans

Lost (2 to 8)

The motion carried as follows:

  • CW046-2021

    Whereas the Prime Minister announced Air Canada, WestJet, Sunwing and Air Transat have all agreed to suspend their flights to those popular so-called "sun destinations" until 30 April,

    Whereas the new travel restrictions are intended to prevent leisure travel to sun destinations as opposed to those traveling to those regions with direct family ties and responsibilities,

    Whereas some Brampton and GTA residents are currently stranded in the Caribbean with cancelled flights and without the means to pay for the additional cost that they did not plan for prior to travelling for essential reasons,

    Whereas the labelling of these regions as sun destinations reinforces a narrow stereotypical view that these countries are limited to tourism

    Whereas employers are faced with absent employees who have been economically stranded in these countries,

    Whereas the residents who cannot get a direct flight from Canada to the Caribbean and Mexico and vice versa are now forced to travel through countries that have a much higher COVID-19 infection rate,

    Whereas the Prime Minister stated that the cost of staying in a hotel up to 72 hours while waiting for a negative COVID test result, could cost a single traveler approximately $2,000,

    Whereas the restrictions put undue pressure on those already facing financial demands taking care of a family member abroad or paying funeral costs,

    Therefore be it resolved that:

    1. The Mayor write a letter on behalf of Council requesting that the federal government clearly identify the difference between leisure and essential travel.

    Yea (10)Mayor Patrick Brown, Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , Regional Councillor Fortini , City Councillor Singh, and Regional Councillor Dhillon
    Absent (1)City Councillor Whillans
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Committee discussion took place with respect to the removal of MP Kamal Khera from various roles as a result of her travel for a funeral during the pandemic. Committee Members outlined her contributions to the community, particularly during the pandemic, and expressed their opinions that the decision to remove her from her roles was unfair, given the reason for traveling, and should be reconsidered.

    The following motions were considered.


    That the Mayor be requested to send a letter in support of reinstatement of MP Kamal Khera to her various roles, having regard for her diligence during COVID-19 and her value as a Member of Parliament to the City of Brampton.

  • CW048-2021

    That the update from Mayor P. Brown, re: COVID-19 Emergency, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received.


a. Appendix A - Licence Fees and to Revoke By-law 75-2020, a By-law to provide relief to fees and timelines under By-law 67-2014, as amended, during the COVID-19 emergency (See Item 9.2.1)

b. Appendix B - Expiry Dates (See Item 9.2.2)

Note: Public Notice regarding this matter was published on the City’s website on January 28, 2021. In response to an inquiry from the Chair, P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no one expressed an interest in delegating Committee on this matter.

See Items 9.2.1 (Recommendation CW056-2021) and 9.2.2 (Recommendation CW057-2021)

Items 12.2.5 and 12.4.1 were brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Joseph Ehrlich, Manager, Project Planning, Rapid Transit, Metrolinx, provided a presentation entitled "Queen St-Hwy 7 BRT Initial Business Case Briefing".

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Development of the scope of work and timeline for preliminary drawings
  • Importance of this project to the community, particularly students attending York University, and options for expediting this project
  • Project consultations, costs, funding and the decision making process
  • Importance of a collaborative working relationship
  • How the BRT project will compliment existing and future transit connections and services (Main St. LRT extension)
  • Role of Council in this project as a key stakeholder

The following motions were considered.

  • CW049-2021

    1. That the delegation from Joseph Ehrlich, Manager, Project Planning, Rapid Transit, and Leona Hollingsworth, Sr. Manager, Community and Stakeholder Relations – Peel, Metrolinx, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, re: Queen Street-Highway 7 Bus Rapid Transit Project be received; and

    2. That the correspondence from The Drew Family, Brampton Residents, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, re: Queen Street – Highway 7 BRT Initial Business Case, be received.

  • CW050-2021

    1. That the report titled: Queen Street – Highway 7 BRT - Initial Business Case, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received;

    2. That the Metrolinx report titled Brampton Queen Street – York Region Highway 7 (Queen Street – Highway 7) BRT Initial Business Case, attached as Appendix 2 be received;

    3. That Council support the conclusions of the Metrolinx Queen Street – Highway 7 BRT Initial Business Case report that the following two scenarios, identified as providing greater transit benefits, be carried forward to the Preliminary Design Business Case:

    • Scenario 4: conversion of a traffic lane per direction to median BRT exclusive lanes along the length of the Queen Street – Highway 7 Corridor, except in Downtown Brampton where one traffic lane per direction is converted to a curbside BRT lane, between McMurchy Avenue and Kennedy Road.

    • Scenario 5: median BRT lanes (one per direction) along the length of the Queen Street – Highway 7 Corridor as a result of road widening (retaining the current number of traffic lanes), everywhere except Downtown Brampton (Queen Street between McMurchy Avenue and Kennedy Road) where lane conversion is considered.

    4. That the Council authorize staff:

    A. to continue to work with Metrolinx to advance the Queen St – Highway 7 BRT in-development project to the next stage to develop the preliminary design with the associated business case for the corridor.

    B. to continue to work with Metrolinx and Region of Peel, and Region of York to develop the terms of reference of a Memorandum of Understanding for any required governance framework to administer the project, potential partnerships, subject to Council approval.

    5. That a copy of this report be forwarded to Metrolinx.

    Yea (10)Mayor Patrick Brown, Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , Regional Councillor Fortini , City Councillor Singh, and Regional Councillor Dhillon
    Absent (1)City Councillor Whillans
    Carried (10 to 0)

Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident, provided a presentation entitled "Brampton Transit Regional Service Improvements", which included information on transit service improvements and demand.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW051-2021

    That the delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, re: Brampton Transit Regional Service Improvements, be received.


Keba Thomas, Urban Indigenous and Indigenous Affairs, provided a presentation entitled "Civic Engagement and Domestic Affairs", which included information on Indigenous Peoples in Peel and the Urban Indigenous Council Consultant.

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Importance of acknowledging the indigenous community, issues and rights
  • Equity Office staff composition, scope, work plan, and deliverables
  • Indigenous identification
  • Community engagement

The following motion was considered.

  • CW052-2021

    That the delegation from Keba Thomas, Urban Indigenous and Indigenous Affairs, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, re: Request to Establish a New Position/Office to Address Indigenous and Urban Migrant Affairs, be referred to staff for consideration and a report back thereon.


Item 11.3.2 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Jules Bedeau, Renewed Computer Technology (RCT), provided a presentation regarding RCT and the repurposing of old City computers.

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Number of students that don't have access to a computer at home
  • Significant demand for technology in low income communities
  • Process for donations
  • Types of devices that are provided through RCT
  • Program funding
  • Electronics disposed of at Region of Peel recycling centres and a suggestion that RCT connect with the Region in this regard  

The following motion was considered.

  • CW053-2021

    That the delegation from Jules Bedeau, Renewed Computer Technology, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, re: Repurposing of Old City Computers, be received; and

    WHEREAS the City of Brampton currently reuses computers and supportive equipment (including desktop towers, monitors, keyboards, mouse, laptops and tablets) within the Corporation until they fail to function, then disposes them;

    WHEREAS desktop towers are disposed after 5 years through an active contract with a vendor (CSI Electronics Processing), where they remove the equipment, securely destruct the data and send the City a certificate of destruction and a reimbursement cheque for the fair market value of the equipment that is deemed salvageable for the resale market;

    WHEREAS Renewed Computer Technology is a non-profit, charitable organization that delivers renewed computers to public schools, First Nations bands, charities, non-profits and individuals and families living with limited income across Ontario, including the Region of Peel and the City of Brampton;

    WHEREAS since 1993, the “Computers for Schools” program has delivered over 1.5 million computers that have been renewed and recycled across Canada, with over 455,000 in Ontario alone;

    WHEREAS over 22 million pound of e-waste will be diverted from landfills, aligned with the City’s “Brampton 2040 Vision” and the “Grown Green Environment Master Plan;”

    WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant increase in demand for renewed and refurbished computers and computer equipment;

    WHEREAS Renewed Computer Technology has provided 62% more laptops in Q1-Q2 2020 when compared to Q1-Q2 2019, to help organizations, schools and individuals across Ontario stay connected from home since the start of the pandemic;

    WHEREAS the Peel District School Board was supplied 2500 renewed desktops to classrooms between 2020-2021, supporting hundreds of low-income Brampton residents with affordable technology;

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that City staff be requested to investigate and report back to Council on the proposal by Renewed Computer Technology, as outlined in their delegation, to donate outdated City computer technology to Renewed Computer Technology for their repair, renewal and repurposing for other community uses, with such report to address the following, but not limited, considerations;

    1. Renewed Computer Technology secure and certify that all hard drives will be wiped and data destruction practices are followed to ensure City and Corporate data is not at risk;

    2. The City of Brampton’s Digital Innovation and Information Technology services will not provide post-donation support;

    3. Renewed Computer Technology provide tax receipts for the City of Brampton’s computer donations and support the circular economy, where computers and supportive equipment will be refurbished and reused, and not go to waste or in a landfill.


(Regional Councillor R. Santos, Chair; City Councillor C. Williams, Vice-Chair)


  • CW054-2021

    1. That the report titled: Request to Begin Procurement – Supply, Delivery and Installation of Four-Fold Doors at 11 Fire Stations, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received;
    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Four-Fold Doors at 11 Fire Stations; and
    3. That the appropriate City staff be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


Regional Councillor Santos addressed Committee with respect to the tragic loss of Kevin Montgomery's son, Toby, to a rare form of liver cancer. She suggested a trail segment be named in memory of Toby, given the family's advocacy for active transportation in Brampton. Councillor Santos acknowledged and read from a letter of correspondence received from Mr. Montgomery regarding the trail segment naming.

Committee members expressed their condolences to the Montgomery family.

The following motion was considered, and seconded by all Members of Council.

  • CW055-2021

    1. That the email correspondence from Kevin Montgomery, Brampton Resident, dated January 31, 2021, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, re: Toby's Way Trail Segment Naming, be received; and

    2. That staff report back on the implementation of naming “Toby’s Way” trail segment with appropriate signage, as identified in the correspondence and in working with the family with a target date for Spring of 2021.

    Yea (11)Mayor Patrick Brown, Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , City Councillor Whillans, Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , Regional Councillor Fortini , City Councillor Singh, and Regional Councillor Dhillon
    Carried (11 to 0)

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

(City Councillor J. Bowman, Chair; City Councillor D. Whillans, Vice-Chair)


The following motion was considered.

  • CW056-2021

    1. That the report titled: Mobile Licensing By-law 67-2014 - Licence Fees 2021, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2020, be received;
    2. That Council enact amendments to Mobile Licensing By-Laws 67-2014 as attached as Appendix 3 to this report; and
    3. That Council repeal by-law 75-2020.


The following motion was considered.

  • CW057-2021

    1. That the report titled: Mobile Licensing By-law 67-2014 - Expiry Dates, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received; and

    2. That Council enact amendments to the Mobile Licensing By-Law, 67-2014, as described in Appendix 1 to this report.


Regional Councillor Medeiros addressed Committee regarding the lack of clarity on whether pet grooming and dog walking services are considered essential services under the Provincial Stay-at-home Order.

A motion with the following operative clause was introduced:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Mayor Brown send a letter to the Ontario Solicitor General on behalf of Brampton City Council to seek clarity on whether Pet Grooming and Dog Walking services are an essential service; and request that the Province amend regulations so that Pet Grooming and Dog Walking businesses be deemed essential service, and be permitted to operate as a curbside business only; and

THAT enforcement of Dog Walking and Pet Grooming services operating as a curbside business be suspended until a response from the Province is received.

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Ensuring the well-being of pets
  • Current practice in other municipalities
  • Information from staff regarding the provincial regulations relating to pet services, and confirmation that charges have not been laid for the provision of such services

The following motion was considered.

  • CW058-2021

    WHEREAS there is a lack of clarity on whether pet grooming and dog walking is an essential service under the Province of Ontario’s Stay-at-home-order;

    WHEREAS many residents rely on pet grooming and dog walking businesses to keep their pets healthy;

    WHEREAS a lack of pet grooming and dog walking can lead to serious skin and mobility problems;

    WHEREAS Pet Grooming businesses are already setup with health and safety measures in place;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Mayor Brown send a letter to the Ontario Solicitor General on behalf of Brampton City Council to seek clarity on whether Pet Grooming and Dog Walking services are an essential service; and request that the Province amend regulations so that Pet Grooming and Dog Walking businesses be deemed essential service, and be permitted to operate as a curbside business only; and

    THAT enforcement of Dog Walking and Pet Grooming services operating as a curbside business be suspended until a response from the Province is received.

    Yea (11)Mayor Patrick Brown, Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , City Councillor Whillans, Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , Regional Councillor Fortini , City Councillor Singh, and Regional Councillor Dhillon
    Carried (11 to 0)

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

(Regional Councillor M. Medeiros, Chair; Regional Councillor P. Vicente, Vice-Chair)

J. Vivian, Manager, Entrepreneurial Services, Planning, Building and Economic Development, provided a presentation entitled "Brampton Entrepreneur Centre Update".

Ms. Vivian responded to questions from Committee regarding support available to not-for-profit businesses, and advised that staff would review options to communicate this service.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW059-2021

    That the staff presentation titled: Brampton Entrepreneur Centre: 2020 Year in Review (RM 117/2019)to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received.




The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

(City Councillor H. Singh, Chair; Regional Councillor R. Santos, Vice-Chair)


Item 11.2.2 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Committee asked questions of staff with respect to the following:

  • Use of 3D printing and laser cutting services by staff
  • The purpose of retaining one vendor for these services and the proposed length of the contract (5-year term)
  • RFP approval process and a request that a previous report provided to Council regarding the procurement process be redistributed to Members of Council

 The following motion was considered.

  • CW060-2021

    That Items 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 be referred back to staff for further consideration based on committee discussion and report back to a future meeting of Committee with options for proceeding, and on the potential reduction of printing.

    11.2.1. Staff Report re: Request to Begin Procurement – Multi-Functional Printers and Services, Print Shop Printers and Services, Specialized Printers

    11.2.2. Staff Report re: Supplementary Report - Request to Begin Procurement – Multi-Functional Printers and Services, Print Shop Printers and Services, Specialized Printers

    Yea (11)Mayor Patrick Brown, Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , City Councillor Whillans, Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , Regional Councillor Fortini , City Councillor Singh, and Regional Councillor Dhillon
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • CW061-2021

    1. That the report titled: Request to Begin Procurement – Netapp Storage VOR Purchase, Supply, Install, Maintenance, Support for a Five Year Period, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received; 

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence procurement, via the tendering process, of Enterprise storage platform replacement within the City of Brampton which includes, Purchase, Installation, Maintenance and Support for a five (5) Year Period; and

    3. That the Chief Information Officer, be authorized to execute any required related documents after the Purchase Order has been issued.

  • CW062-2021

    1. That the report titled: Film Services Feasibility Study and Film and Television Office Update, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received; and

    2. That the Film Services Feasibility Study be endorsed by Council and staff given approval to move forward with recommendations.

  • CW063-2021

    1. That the report titled: Hotel VISA and BIA E-Gift Card Promotion, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received;

    2. That Council approve the recommendation to financially support this promotion with funds from a tourism grant provided by the Federal Economic Development Agency of Southern Ontario (FedDev); and,

    3. That Council approve the promotion be activated in partnership with the Downtown Brampton BIA to support Brampton’s economy and tourism.

  • CW064-2021

    1. That the report titled: 2021 Temporary Borrowing By-law, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received; and

    2. That a by-law be enacted in accordance with Section 407 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in the form attached to this report as Appendix A, to authorize the temporary borrowing of funds, if considered necessary by the Treasurer, to meet current expenditures for the year 2021, until sufficient taxes are collected and other non-tax revenue are received.


M. Marr, Director, Organizational Performance, Office of the CAO, provided an overview of the subject report, which included information on the COVID-19 Improper Disposal of Sharps Mitigation Measures – Downtown Brampton pilot program.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW065-2021

    1. That the report titled: COVID-19 Improper Disposal of Sharps Mitigation Measures – Downtown Brampton – January 2021 Update (RM 32-2020), to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received; and

    2. That the report also be provided to the downtown partners for information, including Regeneration, Knights Table, St. Andrew’s Church, DBBIA, and Brampton Library Board.


Committee discussion took place with respect to the policies, practices and procedures within the Human Resources Division, and included the following:

  • Indication from staff that a report would be provided at the next Council Meeting to demonstrate the work that has been undertaken
  • Request for information on the hiring process for key positions
  • Clarification from staff that Mayor and Council Office employees are considered City staff
  • The need to ensure HR policies are being appropriately applied in the Mayor and Council Offices and to review HR-related complaints from political staff
  • Indication that staff will request that the Integrity Commissioner align her annual report with the report from staff on HR policies 
  • The Employee and Council Codes of Conduct, and how the zero tolerance policy is implemented for staff and Council 

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

(Regional Councillor P. Vicente, Chair; Regional Councillor P. Fortini, Vice-Chair)

Item 12.2.1 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Shannon Logan, Senior Program Manager of Sustainable Neighbourhoods, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and Stavroula Kassaris, Environmental Planner, Public Works and Engineering, provided a presentation entitled "Bramalea Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan".

Committee Members highlighted the benefits and success of the SNAP program and thanked staff for their efforts.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW066-2021

    1. That the presentation from Shannon Logan, Senior Program Manager of Sustainable Neighbourhoods, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and Stavroula Kassaris, Environmental Planner, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, re: Bramalea Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) be received; and

    2. That the report titled: Bramalea Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program (SNAP), to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received;

    3. That Council endorse the “Bramalea Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan” dated November 2020; and

    4. That staff be directed to form a Bramalea SNAP Implementation Team in collaboration with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Region of Peel.



Staff responded to questions from Committee with respect to the following:

  • Prequalification process for contractors
  • Remedies in place to address situations where project expectations have not been met
  • Thorough review of project change orders by staff to ensure they are reasonable and justified

The following motion was considered.

  • CW067-2021

    1. That, the report titled: Request to Begin Procurement - Hiring of a General Contractor to Complete the Addition and Renovation at Balmoral Recreation Centre - Ward 7, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received;

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for the general contracting services for the renovation and addition of the Balmoral Recreation Centre; and

    3. That the appropriate City staff be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

  • CW068-2021

    1. That the report titled: Parking Related Concerns – Blair Drive - Ward 3, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received; and

    2. That a by-law be passed to amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, to implement “No Parking, Anytime” restrictions on west and south sides of Blair Drive between Glidden Road and the westerly limit of the roadway (including cul-de-sac).


The following motion was considered.

  • CW069-2021

    1. That the report titled: Traffic By-law 93-93 - Administrative Update (File I.AC), to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received; and,

    2. That a by-law be passed to amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, as outlined in the subject report.

  • CW070-2021

    1. That the report titled: Request to Begin Procurement - SmartBus Maintenance and Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 3, 2021, be received; and

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to begin procurement through Direct Negotiations with Conduent Transport Solutions Inc. for the SmartBus Maintenance and Support Services.


Mayor Brown advised Committee of complaints received from residents regarding the Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) Program, specifically relating to tickets issued.

Staff responded to questions from Committee with respect to the following: 

  • Determination of threshold speeds for the ASE program
  • Indication that ASE tickets include the speed traveled at the time 
  • Status of the ASE program implementation and staff report on program status anticipated for May 2021
  • ASE program revenue and impacts of COVID-19 on processing of tickets
  • Indications that the ASE program is working to slow down traffic and alter driver behaviour 

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW071-2021

    That Committee proceed into Closed Session to address matters pertaining to: 

    *15.1. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001
    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

    15.2. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:
    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.


    In Open Session, the Chair reported on the status of matters considered in Closed Session, as follows:
    15.1 – This item was considered by Committee in Closed Session and no direction was given to staff
    15.2 – This item was considered by Committee in Closed Session and direction was given to staff

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

The following motion was considered

  • CW072-2021

    That the Committee of Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. or at the call of the Chair.

No Item Selected