That the agenda for the Brampton Election Compliance Audit Committee Meeting of June 20, 2019 be approved, as published and circulated.
Peter Fay, City Clerk, Legislative Services, explained the election process, advised that, in accordance with the Terms of Reference, a Chair and Vice-chair are to be selected, and provided options for the term of the appointment.
There was Committee consensus to appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair.
Mr. Fay opened the nominations for Chair.
Greg Prokopchuk nominated Caroline Lynch. Ms. Lynch accepted the nomination.
There were no further nominations. Mr. Fay announced that nominations were closed for Chair.
Voting for the selection of Chair was taken and the results were as follows:
Caroline Lynch – 6 votes
Based on the results of the votes, Mr. Fay declared Caroline Lynch as Chair of the Committee.
Mr. Fay opened the nominations for Vice-Chair.
Hardik Mankad nominated himself as Vice-Chair.
Nancy Mukhija nominated herself as Vice-Chair.
Voting for the selection of Vice-Chair was taken in alpha surname order. The results were as follows:
Hardik Mankad - 2 Votes
Nancy Mukhija - 4 Votes
Based on the results of the votes, Mr. Fay declared Nancy Mukhija as Vice-Chair of the Committee.
The following motion was considered, voted on, and carried unanimously.