
Active Transportation Advisory Committee

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Steven Laidlaw (Co-Chair)
  • Lisa Stokes (Co-Chair)
  • Enzo Bek
  • Cindy Evans
  • Alina Grzejszczak
  • Dayle Laing
  • Barry Lavallee
  • Steven Lee
  • Regional Councillor Rowena Santos
Staff Present:
  • Nelson Cadete, Sr. Manager, Transportation Planning, Planning, Building and Growth Management
  • Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, Planning, Building and Growth Management
  • Tammi Jackson, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. and adjourned at 9:21 p.m.

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC001-2024

    That the agenda for the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of February 15, 2024, be approved, as published and circulated.


    Note: Later in the meeting, on a two-thirds majority vote to reopen the question, the Approval of Agenda was reopened and Item 7.8 was added to the agenda. 

The minutes were considered by Committee of Council on January 17, 2024, and were approved by Council on January 24, 2024.  The minutes were provided for Committee’s information.

Steven Laidlaw, Co-Chair, provided an overview of the Underreported Cyclist and Pedestrian Injuries - York University Study, and responded to questions of clarification from Committee.

Committee discussion included the following: 

  • Question regarding age and gender statistics.
  • Expressed Brampton roads are kept in good state of repair compared to surrounding municipalities. 
  • Concerns that Brampton pathways are not kept in a good state of repair compared to Brampton roads and asked if the pathways are built to be as robust as the roads. 
  • Concerns regarding the maintenance of the trails in Brampton. 
  • Staff advised they are aware of the gap regarding injury data. Gap is identified by using Police data records with respect to injuries and collisions.
  • Staff advised the City has partnered with Peel Public Health as they retain a third-party agency that specializes in data collection and pole emergency records. Staff should have the records soon. Data is being collected for the following years 2017 - 2022. Once the data is received staff will share the findings with the Committee. 
  • Question regarding how staff prioritize repaving pathways. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC002-2024

    That the presentation from Stephane Laidlaw, Co-Chair, re: York University Study, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of February 15, 2024, be received


Steven Laidlaw, Co-Chair, provided an overview of the Sidewalk Winter Maintenance, and responded to questions of clarification from Committee.

Committee discussion included the following: 

  • Questions regarding contract details for snow clearing
  • Concerns sidewalks are not being cleared forcing pedestrians to walk on the road.
  • Question regarding whether staff have input into the winter clearing contract
  • Question regarding whether Council made a decision regarding sidewalk and windrow clearing at the last Council meeting.
  • Concerns regarding difficulty accessing bus stops and the lack of snow clearing. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC003-2024

    That the presentation from Stephane Laidlaw, Co-Chair, re: Winter Maintenance, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of February 15, 2024, be received


Cindy Evans, Citizen Member, provided an overview of Knightsbridge and King's Cross Intersection, and responded to questions of clarification from Committee.

Committee discussion included the following: 

  • Advised studies have shown that raised cross walks have shown to improve safety at intersections. 
  • Staff advised that the request would be added to the 2025 Workplan.
  • Staff advised a commitment cannot be established at this time to raised intersections and road painting.
  • Suggestion to invite Traffic and Road Operation staff to future meetings in November or December.
  • Part of SNAP (Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Project) that TRCA has been working on over several years. There have been discussions regarding the possibility of a painting at the intersection.
  • Community Service have had conversations with the TRCA in the past and it was advised there may be possible funding through the United Way. 
  • Suggestion of installing a roundabout at the intersection. 
  • Possibility of increased lighting for pedestrian walkovers at the intersection to increase safety. 

Councillor Santos suggested the presentation be referred back to Community Services staff, to review whether the intersection would qualify for a mural or street art.

Councillor Santos placed the following motion on the floor for Committee's consideration:  

That the presentation from Cindy Evans, Citizen Member, re: Knightsbridge and King's Cross Intersection, be referred to Community Services staff to report back at the April 9, 2024 Active Transportation Advisory Committee meeting with opportunities for public art installations at this intersection

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC004-2024

    That the presentation from Cindy Evans, Citizen Member, re: Knightsbridge and King's Cross Intersection, be referred to Community Services staff to report back at the April 9, 2024 Active Transportation Advisory Committee meeting with opportunities for public art installations at this intersection.


Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, Planning Building and Growth Management, provided a brief update on Bike Month, and responded to questions of clarification from Committee.

Committee discussion included the following: 

  • Bike to work day for the City of Brampton will be an internal City staff event. 
  • City staff will work to assist other workplaces throughout the city to implement their own bike to work events that are better suited for their employees. 
  • There will be Bike Month Celebration day  held on a Saturday along with smaller events and community rides. 
  • Suggestion to hold a sub-committee meeting with staff on Tuesday March 5, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. with the volunteers to discuss event details. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC005-2024

    That the Verbal Update from Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Bike Month, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of February 15, 2024, be received.


The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC006-2024

    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Sub-Committee Minutes of January 9, 2024, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of February 15, 2024, be received.


The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC007-2024

    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee - Sub-Committee Minutes of January 16, 2024, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of February 15, 2024, be received.


The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC008-2024

    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee - Sub-Committee Minutes of January 23, 2024, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of February 15, 2024, be received.


The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC008-2024

    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Sub-Committee Minutes of January 24, 2024, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of February 15, 2024, be received.


Tammi Jackson, Legislative Coordinator, advised the Committee that on January 9, 2024 attendance for all members was undertaken and, in accordance with Section 2.15(a) of the Procedure By-law, Mr. Oduntan's membership was terminated from the Active Transportation Advisory Committee as he had missed three consecutive meetings. After several emails to Mr. Oduntan outlining his termination as a Citizen Member on the Committee Mr. Oduntan responded requesting that the Committee reconsider his termination due to being away on travel and health concerns. 

 Committee discussion included the following: 

  • Outlined the importance of all members of the committee being active and involved. Obligations need to be spread out amongst all volunteers. 
  • Members expressed opposition to reconsidering the termination and support the City Clerk's Office decision to terminate Mr. Oduntan.
  • Question regarding the procedure to appoint additional members to the Committee. 
  • Concerns raised regarding a lack of communication. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC009-2024

    That the termination of Akinade Oduntan as a member on the Active Transportation Advisory Committee be accepted and he be wished well with his future endeavors. 


Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, Planning Building and Growth Management, provided a brief overview of the Bike Summit and advised that this year two Committee members are eligible to attend. Mr. Nimalakumar advised the event will take place April 3rd to 5th, 2024 and will be held in Waterloo, Ontario. The following members expressed interest in attending: Lisa Stokes and Cindy Evans. 

Alina Grzejszczak, Citizen Member, encouraged the new members to attended the event as it will be a valuable experience. 

Lisa Stokes, Co-Chair, encouraged members to submit their interest via email to Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, no later then Tuesday, February 20, 2024 by the end of the day. If there are more then two members interested, names will be pulled from hat to determine the two members that will be attending. 

Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, Planning Building and Growth Management, provided a brief overview of the Community Rides Volunteer Liability. Concerns were raised regarding the liability of community ride volunteers, based on litigation that ensued in a fundraising event in Alberta. 

Mr. Nimalakumar spoke with Legal Services and Risk Management about the risk to volunteers and was advised that Active Transportation Advisory Committee volunteers would have a clear connection with the city and would be covered during the events. Legal directed Mr. Nimalakumar to Community Services to better establish a formal volunteer role. Community Services has offered to enroll volunteers through the city's online portal, but would require a paid vulnerable sector check for every volunteer. Due to the lack of interaction with vulnerable persons, the timelines for obtaining a check and the difficulty to reimburse volunteers, staff will attempt to have conversations to provide a less formal offering. The goal would be to match the volunteer process with that of Bike the Creek (training and registration only). 

Note: Later in the meeting, on a two-thirds majority vote to reopen the question, the Approval of Agenda was reopened and Item 7.8 was added.

Dayle Laing, Citizen Member, provided background information regarding the Pedal Pole 2024 initiative indicating that there is a meeting Friday, February 16, 2024 with Fellow Canada Bikes which Bike Brampton is a member of. The Pedal Pole 2024 is listed as a discussion item. The Committee participated in 2023, and asked the Committee if the Active Transportation Advisory Committee was interested in participating this year. 

Lisa Stokes suggested listing the Pedal Pole results as a discussion on at the next sub-committee meeting or Committee meeting or distribute the information for members to review on their own. 

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made at this meeting. T. Jackson, Legislative Coordinator, confirmed there were no questions from the public. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC010-2024

    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.
