
City Council - Special Meeting

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Patrick Brown
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente
  • Regional Councillor N. Kaur Brar
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi
  • Regional Councillor D. Keenan
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini
  • Regional Councillor G. Singh Toor
  • City Councillor R. Power
  • Deputy Mayor H. Singh
Staff Present:
  • Marlon Kallideen, Chief Administrative Officer, and Acting Commissioner, Public Works and Engineering
  • Bill Boyes, Commissioner, Community Services, and Acting Fire Chief, Fire and Emergency Services
  • Steve Ganesh, Commissioner, Planning, Building and Growth Management
  • Alex Milojevic, Commissioner, Corporate Support Services
  • Sameer Akhtar, City Solicitor, and Acting Commissioner, Legislative Services
  • Heidi Dempster, General Manager, Brampton Transit
  • Nash Damer, Treasurer, Corporate Support Services
  • Peter Fay, City Clerk
  • Charlotte Gravlev, Deputy City Clerk
  • Sonya Pacheco, Legislative Coordinator

On December 5, 2023, the meeting was called to order at 9:31 a.m., recessed at 11:39 a.m., reconvened at 1:01 p.m. and recessed again at 2:55 p.m.

On December 7, 2023, the meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. and recessed at 8:34 p.m.

On December 13, 2023, the meeting reconvened at 1:01 p.m., recessed at 1:31 p.m., reconvened in Closed Session at 1:54 p.m., recessed at 2:15 p.m., moved back into Open Session at 2:25 p.m., and adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

Attendance Notes:

All Members were present for each meeting session. 

  • December 5
    • Regional Councillor Medeiros arrived at 9:32 a.m. (personal)
    • Mayor Brown left at 2:31 p.m. (personal)
  • December 7
    • Regional Councillor Keenan arrived at 7:01 p.m. (personal)
    • Regional Councillor Medeiros arrived at 7:06 p.m. (personal)
    • Regional Councillor Palleschi arrived at 7:01 p.m. (personal)
    • Regional Councillor Power arrived at 7:02 p.m. (personal)
  • December 13
    • Regional Councillor Power arrived at 1:02 p.m. (personal)
    • Regional Councillor Medeiros arrived at 1:03 p.m. (personal)

Meeting Chair Roles:

Deputy Mayor Singh assumed the Chair at the following times:

  • December 5 - 9:58 a.m. to 10:35 a.m., 1:01 p.m. to 1:32 p.m.
  • December 7 - 7:19 p.m. to 7:22 p.m.

Regional Councillor Santos assumed the Chair at the following time:

  • December 5 - 10:41 a.m. to 10:57 a.m.

Regional Councillor Toor assumed the Chair at the following time:

  • December 5 - 2:31 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.


The following motion was considered.

  • C308-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    That the agenda for the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023 be approved as published and circulated.


Regional Councillor Fortini declared a conflict of interest with respect to the compensation portion of the Enforcement and By-law Services Division budget, as his daughter is employed in this division.


Mayor Brown provided an overview of the public consultation process and feedback received from residents, and highlighted various service improvements and investments in the 2024 Budget. In addition, the Mayor thanked staff for their efforts, and encouraged Members of Council to provide their input, regarding the proposed 2024 budget.

N. Damer, Treasurer, Corporate Support Services, presented the Financial Overview for the proposed 2024 Budget, and thanked Members of Council and staff for their guidance and support.

Council discussion took place and included the following topics:

  • Labour expenditures/increases
  • Development charges and fees
  • Property tax revenues and user fees compared to similar municipalities, and a request for information in this regard
  • Request for a comparison of funding for 2023 to 2024, and information on user fee increases, grants and subsidies

The following motion was considered.

  • C309-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    That the presentation by Mayor Brown and N. Damer, Treasurer, Corporate Support Services, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: 2024 Proposed Budget, be received.


a. Transit

H. Dempster, General Manager, Transit, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Transit Department.

Council discussion took place and included the following topics:

  • Operating costs and reduction in the Base Operating Growth Budget 
  • Increase in Transit Revenue Budget
  • Dedicated Transit Fund 
  • 2024 staff requests
  • Request for information on outsourcing fleet maintenance
  • Fuel program and costs
  • Queen Street BRT project 
  • Advocacy for 2-way, all-day GO service and other transit projects

Later in the meeting, staff responded to additional questions from Council regarding the following:

  • Green fleet initiative 
  • Lifespan and refurbishment of buses
  • Previous budgets for the purchase of buses, and a request for information on any unspent funds
  • Government funding

b. Fire and Emergency Services

B. Boyes, Commissioner, Community Services, and Acting Fire Chief, Fire and Emergency Services, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Fire and Emergency Services Department.

Council discussion took place and included the following topics:

  • User fees for Fire and Emergency Services (e.g. false alarms, open fires)
  • Labour expenditures, contract negotiations and related provisions in the budget, and a request for an update in Closed Session

c. Community Services

B. Boyes, Commissioner, Community Services, and Acting Fire Chief, Fire and Emergency Services, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Community Services Department.

Council discussion took place and included the following topics:

  • Balmoral Recreation Centre project
  • Parks and Recreation Master Plan
    • Identifying service gaps and demand for sports
    • Ensuring an equitable distribution of services city-wide
  • Improving the registration process for recreation programs
  • Challenges resulting from the demand for programs, and the need for additional staff in skating and aquatics
  • Service Brampton
    • 311 hours of operation and costs associated with reinstating 24/7 service
    • Data collection and coordination of service requests
    • Call-back requests from residents 
    • Processing of requests received by email or via the mobile app
    • Request for information regarding:
      • 311 hours of operation in similar municipalities
      • the average number of calls received after hours
  • Addition of pickleball courts in wards 2 and 6
  • Livestreaming hockey games in City rinks, and a request for information on the possibility of providing this service internally, including related costs and potential revenue
  • Funding opportunities through subsidies and grants
  • Opportunity to partner with local schools for community use of space (e.g. gymnasium, community rooms) in the evenings and on weekends 
  • Urban Forest Canopy Program and the variety of trees being planted
  • One Million Trees Program and community participation

d. Public Works and Engineering

R. Gasper, Director, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Public Works and Engineering Department.

Council discussion took place and included the following topics:

  • Status of the recruit for the Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering
  • Review of capital project spending in relation to the ability to build
  • Budget for traffic calming measures, and the installation of speed humps/bumps and Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) cameras
  • Approach for dealing with encampments along trails and in parks
  • Clarification regarding the Williams Parkway project
  • State of good repair for buildings, and a request that staff assess vacant buildings for possible demolition
  • Additional staff for Security Services and reduction of contracted services
  • The need for additional space at the Cassie Campbell Community Centre for off-ice training
  • Howden Recreation Centre project budget
  • Road resurfacing program, the lifespan of roads, the assessment of road conditions for resurfacing, and a request that staff communicate with area councillors regarding road resurfacing projects prior to the tendering process 
  • Request that staff refrain from using steel grates at intersections
  • Way-finding Signage Program
  • City Clerk's Office front counter expansion project 

e. Corporate Support Services

A. Milojevic, Commissioner, Corporate Support Services, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Corporate Support Services Department.

There were no questions from Council.

f. Planning, Building and Growth Management

S. Ganesh, Commissioner, Planning, Building and Growth Management, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Planning, Building and Growth Management Department.

There were no questions from Council.

g. Legislative Services

S. Akhtar, City Solicitor and Acting Commissioner, Legislative Services, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Legislative Services Department.

Council discussion took place and included the following topics:

  • Status of the recruit for the Commissioner of Legislative Services
  • Proactive enforcement strategies, anticipating "hot spots" for various offenses, and the use of licence plate readers
  • Enforcement of parking in bike lanes and a request that the related fine be increased
  • Improving Enforcement and By-law Services timelines and processes for responding to 311 service requests
  • Suggestion that an operational review of Enforcement and By-law Services be undertaken 
  • The need to improve 311 technology to enhance data collection  
  • Coyote-related incidents, data collection for coyote sightings, and enforcement relating to feeding wildlife

h. Office of the CAO

M. Kallideen, Chief Administrative Officer, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer. 

There were no questions from Council.

In response to questions from Council regarding the Council Office budget, N. Damer, Treasurer, Corporate Support Services, advised that information would be provided later in the meeting. (See Items 9.2 and 9.4)

The following motion was considered.

  • C310-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    That the following departmental presentations to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: 2024 Proposed Budget, be received:

    a. Transit

    b. Fire and Emergency Services

    c. Community Services

    d. Public Works and Engineering

    e. Corporate Support Services

    f.  Planning, Building and Growth Management

    g. Legislative Services

    h. Office of the CAO  


Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, addressed Council with respect to the Transit Department budget, and highlighted the following:

  • Additional service hours in the budget
  • Busy transit routes
  • Population projections and the need for updated data to plan for future service demands

The following motion was considered.

  • C311-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Singh Toor

    That the delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: 2024 Proposed Budget, be received.


Carrie Percival, Board Chair, and Erica Henry-Jackman, Advisor, Investment Services, Economic Development, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Downtown Brampton BIA (DBBIA).

Council discussion took place and included the following topics:

  • Potential future expansion of the DBBIA boundary
  • Clarification on the proposed budget increase, and request for a breakdown of the new General Subsidy
  • Marketing and promotion, including advertising in City facilities and on transit buses
  • Downtown beautification
  • Opportunities to increase revenue and decrease dependency on City funding
  • Executive Director position

The following motion was considered.

  • C312-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    That the presentation by Carrie Percival, Board Chair, and Erica Henry-Jackman, Advisor, Investment Services, Economic Development, Downtown Brampton BIA to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: Downtown Brampton BIA 2024 Budget Request, be received.


Todd Kyle, CEO, Brampton Library, presented the 2024 Proposed Budget for the Brampton Library.

Council discussion took place and included the following topics:

  • Improving collaboration between the Brampton Library and the City to:
    • eliminate redundancy and competition in the delivery of programs
    • utilize City services (e.g. marketing, printing)
    • align capital facilities planning

The following motion was considered.

  • C313-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byCity Councillor Power

    That the presentation by Todd Kyle, CEO, Brampton Library, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: Brampton Library 2024 Budget Request, be received.


H. Dempster, General Manager, Transit, provided an overview of the subject report.

Council discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Increase of the Transit Operator complement by 50 full time equivalents (FTEs), to be funded through operational savings with no budget impact 
  • Impact of operator absences, and increase of absenteeism since COVID-19

The following motion was considered.

  • C314-2023
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Singh
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Singh Toor

    1. That the report from Heidi Dempster, General Manager, Transit, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: Brampton Transit – Approval to Increase the Transit Operator Complement by 50 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs), be received; and

    2. That Council approve the increase of complement for Transit Operators by 50 FTEs, at a $0 budget impact, to be funded through operational savings, as a measure to address service demand, operator absenteeism and long-term absences.


Council discussion took place with respect to the concerns outlined in the subject correspondence, and the need to undertake an operational review of By-law and Enforcement Services.

The following motion was introduced:

That staff be directed to conduct a comprehensive operational review of By-law and Enforcement Services to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and consistency of operations, with a focus on optimizing use of resources, identifying potential service improvements (including proactive enforcement strategies), and establishing SOPs (standard operating procedures) and metrics to assess performance and promote accountability, and report back to Council in Q1 of 2024.

S. Akhtar, City Solicitor and Acting Commissioner, Legislative Services, advised that a review of By-law and Enforcement Services is currently underway, and will include the directives outlined in the motion above. Mr. Akhtar added that staff will report back on this matter in the first quarter of 2024.

The motion above was subsequently withdrawn.

The following motion was considered.

  • C315-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byCity Councillor Power

    That the correspondence from Anthony Melo, Brampton resident, dated November 22, 2023, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: By-law Enforcement, be received.


The following motion was considered.

  • C316-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byCity Councillor Power

    That the correspondence from Anthony Melo, Brampton resident, dated December 3, 2023, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: Litter and Cleanliness, be received.


The following motion was considered.

  • C317-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byCity Councillor Power

    That the correspondence from Todd Letts, Chief Executive Officer, Brampton Board of Trade, dated December 7, 2023, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, re: 2024 Municipal Budget, be received.


The following motion was considered.

  • C318-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    That the Budget 2024 Community Engagement Summary, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, be received.


Council discussion took place with respect to the following:

  • Budget for additional Transit fleet mechanics
  • 311 service
    • Additional cost to return to 24/7 service
    • Average number of after-hours calls and urgent service requests
    • Call trends and volumes
    • Hours of operation in other municipalities
    • Promotion of the 311 mobile app
    • Request for information on the average number of requests received between midnight and 1 a.m.
  • Enforcement of after-hours complaints
  • Downtown Brampton BIA budget increase
    • Breakdown of the General Subsidy
    • Indication that staff will work with the DBBIA on budget requests for security and banners/banner arms 
    • Request to discuss a DBBIA remuneration matter in Closed Session
  • Council Office budget
    • Advertising, marketing and promotion, and professional services budgets
    • Administrative Directive Policy relating to Council spending
    • Provision in the budget for the cost of living adjustment (COLA) 
  • Improving budget forecasting to better align with actuals
  • Request that a pickleball court planned for the Cassie Campbell Community Centre be relocated to Peel Village Park
  • Request for a population budget supplement for Councillors representing wards with populations higher than the baseline  
  • Under-reported population in wards with a high concentration of rental units 

The following motions were considered.

  • C319-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    That the Budget 2024 - Responses to Member Questions from Meetings, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, be received.

  • C320-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Keenan

    Whereas all Members of Council currently receive the same annual budget to represent their constituents; and

    Whereas there are population differences between wards in the City of Brampton based on the 2021 Census numbers; and

    Whereas the variance between 2021 Census populations between the wards with the lowest population and highest population is a difference of 50,158 residents; 

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the budget for Councillors representing wards with populations higher than the baseline be provided a population budget supplement consistent with practices of federal and provincial legislatures.


Mayor Brown provided an overview of budget revenue opportunities.

The following motion was considered.

  • C321-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Vicente
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Santos

    That the Budget 2024 - Revenue Opportunities, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, be received.


The following motion was considered.

  • C322-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    That the 2024 Budget – Responses to Member Questions from Meetings re. Mayor and Members of Council Budget, to the Special Council Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, be received.


    At this time in the meeting, various motions were introduced and considered relating to the 2024 Proposed Budget.

    Technical Recommendations Budget 2024

    P. Fay, City Clerk, provided an overview of the technical recommendations.

    The following motion was considered.

    Moved byMayor Patrick Brown
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    1. That the City of Brampton Council endorse a 2024 net property tax levy variance of 1.9% on the Tax Bill for the City;

    2. That the Treasurer be authorized to make all necessary transfers of amounts budgeted on a provisional basis in General Government accounts to Department operating accounts, as and when the necessary supporting information is available;

    3. That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to affect the necessary funding transfers, incur expenditures, and add or adjust complement as required to implement the budget;

    4. That Budget Policy Fin-140 (Section 6.10e) be amended and replaced as follows:

    e) Capital Projects or Activities that have been open for 3 years or longer and have no commitments against them are to be presented to Council, through the Second Quarter Capital Status Report, including a recommendation for closure with remaining funds returned to source.  Projects with an external funding component or that are tied to funding by other levels of government will be exempt from this section as the budget or program is dependent on external factors not controlled by the City of Brampton; 

    5. That the Budget Policy Fin-140 be amended to add the following as Section 6.10j:

    j) Annual recurring capital programs with unspent balances greater than the 5-year average spend can only request new funding by reducing an equivalent amount of existing endorsed funding.  Projects with an external funding component or that are tied to funding by other levels of government will be exempt from this section as the budget or program is dependent on external factors not controlled by the City of Brampton;

    6. That the budgeted $950,000.00 relating to project number 245865-022 titled Baseball Diamond Conversion to Kabaddi Field/Sesquicentennial Park on Page 134 of the budget binder be reallocated to the Purchase and Installation of Portable Washrooms and Bleachers, to support Parks and Recreation events city wide; and

    7. That Council approve funding of the design phase capital project for Cricket winter optimized outdoor facilities in the amount of $2,000,000 to be funded from Res # 134 - DC: Recreation reserve.


    Downtown Brampton BIA - 2024 Budget 

    Regional Councillor Vicente advised that various City departments will be providing additional services to the Downtown Brampton BIA, and provided an overview of the revised budget.

    The following motion was considered.

    Moved byRegional Councillor Vicente
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Keenan


    1. Downtown Brampton is in a time of major transformation with key projects including the CFI, LRT, Riverwalk and Major Transit Station on the horizon; and,
    2. Key infrastructure and streetscaping upgrades are under construction causing major disruption to businesses; and,
    3. Gage Park, Ken Whillans Square and Garden Square will be going through major upgrades; and,
    4. The City has approved a revised parking strategy which makes special accommodation for downtown Brampton’s current condition; and,
    5. Ongoing construction on City or Public property has further impacted business recovery after the pandemic; and,
    6. The perception of cleanliness and safety are exasperated by the ongoing construction in the downtown; and
    7. Downtown Brampton continues to attract more delegations, dignitaries, and events such as Collision 2024, through the work of Economic Development and the activities of the Innovation District; and
    8. The City of Brampton currently has a MOU with the Downtown Brampton BIA outlining each organizations baseline obligations and responsibilities; and 
    9. In accordance with the MOU, subject to Council approval, the City may provide additional assistance to the DBBIA as permitted; and, 
    10. The DBBIA recognizes that they need to strive to become more self sufficient following this major construction period, through increased memberships, BIA boundary changes and other revenues sources; and,
    11. The DBBIA presented a 2024 Budget of $1,137,535 to Council, which incorporates increase levies, BIA reserves and increased funding from the City; and,
    12. The DBBIA originally requested additional funding in the form of General Subsidy in the amount of $257,250 to address graffiti, lighting, security, cleanliness, banners, and marketing; and,
    13. Council gave direction for the DBBIA to meet with City departments to clarify the request and find efficiencies to deliver the level of service the DBBIA envisions for the downtown; and   
    14. The DBBIA is now requesting a revised budget of $1,089,335, which reduces the City’s contribution in the 2024 Budget request by $70,700.

    Therefore, be it resolved that the City approve a revised Downtown BIA 2024 Budget of $1,089,335, which includes:

    • An increase to the BIA levy portion to $383,386;
    • Withdrawing from the BIA reserve in the amount of $105,000;
    • The City contributing $365,950 of which 186,550.00 is additional City subsidy for 2024; and,
    • Sponsorship, Grants & Marketing Revenue in the amount of $235,000




    Original Amount  Requested

    Revised Amount Requested





    Staff Consultation Complete


     $  35,000.00

     $  31,800.00

    Beautification & Safety

    Banner: Printing, Installation and Hardware

    The revised banner budget request is $31,800, including $25,500 for printing and $6,300 for 1 of 2 seasonal installations. (Hardware removed)



     $  37,250.00

     $  37,250.00

    Beautification & Safety


    The DBBIA  requesting $37,250 towards hiring a private security agency to provide additional security services on private property of downtown businesses. The total cost of the security program is $108,000 annually.



     $  45,000.00

     $                  -

    Beautification & Safety

    Downtown Street Cleaner

    The City will enhance the current level of  existing City Cleaning Services for downtown properties -
    the DBBIA budget request for a Downtown Street Cleaner is withdrawn



     $  15,000.00

     $  15,000.00

    Beautification & Safety

    Increase Lighting - Public Spaces

    Requested  $15,000 for lighting on public property.



     $  35,000.00

     $  35,000.00

    Beautification & Safety

    Graffiti Removal

    Requested $35,000 to hire an external Graffiti Removal service provider to remove graffiti on a regular basis for downtown properties.



     $  45,000.00

     $  22,500.00


    Media Ad Buy

    Brampton Transit, Radio and Print



     $  45,000.00

     $  45,000.00

    Marketing & Events

    Speciality Events

    Specialty Events - Culinary and Pedestrian focused


    General Subsidy TOTAL

     $  257,250.00

     $  186,550.00






    Advocacy for federal funding for food banks

    Regional Councillor Santos outlined the need to support food banks and advocate to the Federal Government for funding.  

    The following motion was considered.

    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    Whereas financial and affordability pressures have pushed more people towards food insecurity, the need to address this crisis aligns with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) advocacy work to ease the economic and social barriers people face in their everyday lives;

    Therefore, be it resolved: 

    That City of Brampton Council endorse and support the motion passed by the Region of Peel Council on December 7, 2023 requesting FCM, through resolution at its upcoming Board of Directors Meeting and AGM, to advocate to the Federal Government to take action in addressing the food insecurity crisis by providing emergency funding to food banks.


    Motion to reduce 30-day Consideration Period

    Mayor Brown provided an overview of the motion to reduce the 30-day consideration period.

    The motion was considered as follows.

    Moved byCity Councillor Power
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Singh Toor

    That, in accordance with Part VI.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council reduce the time period as set out in subsection 7(3) of O. Reg. 530/22 to pass a resolution making an amendment to the proposed budget from 30 days from the date the budget is submitted, being November 29, 2023, to 15 days, being December 13, 2023, after which the budget shall be deemed adopted by the municipality pending the mayoral veto period of 10 days or a mayoral decision to shorten the 10 day period.


The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made during this meeting. 

Staff responded to questions from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, relating to the 10-year capital forecast and Brampton's property tax increase/rate.






12.1 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:        

Labour relations or employee negotiations – a BIA remuneration matter

The following motion was considered.

  • C327-2023
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Singh
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Singh Toor

    That Council proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

    12.1 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Labour relations or employee negotiations – a BIA remuneration matter


    In Open Session, the Chair reported on the status of matters considered in Closed Session, as follows:

    12.1 – This matter was considered in closed session, information was received and no direction was given.


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


The following motion was considered.

  • C328-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Medeiros
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    That the following by-law before Council at its Special Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, and signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:

    By-law 233-2023 – To confirm the proceedings of Council at its Special Meeting of December 5, 7 and 13, 2023.


Earlier in the meeting, Mayor Brown announced the retirement of Peter Fay, City Clerk, from the City of Brampton. Mayor Brown and Members of Council congratulated Mr. Fay on his well-deserved retirement, and recognized and expressed thanks for his exceptional service and dedication to the City.

The following motion was considered.

  • C329-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Fortini
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Singh Toor

    That Council do now adjourn to meet again for a Special Meeting of Council on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. or at the call of the Mayor. 
