Moved by: Regional Councillor Santos
Seconded by: Regional Councillor Brar
Whereas in 2019, City Council passed a motion for City staff to continue working with and supporting existing programs at the Region of Peel which service those affected by domestic violence, and to support public awareness and advocacy regarding violence against women;
Whereas on June 21, 2023, the City of Brampton declared gender-based violence and intimate-partner violence an epidemic in Brampton, advocating for increased funding and support for organizations that provide essential resources, vital support, and safe spaces for individuals affected by domestic violence;
Whereas the City of Brampton received a delegation from Armagh House on October 25, 2023 requesting funding support from the City to operate 12 affordable transitional housing units located in Brampton, which will support women and their families;
Whereas the City of Brampton received funding from the federal government through CMHC’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), which can be used in support of housing under 4 categories, one of which is investments in affordable housing, namely the construction and operation of affordable housing units.
Therefore be it resolved that Council endorse:
- Financial assistance in the form of a cash grant of $300,000 to Armagh House, subject to the negotiation and execution of a mutually acceptable agreement with the City; and
- The delegation of authority to the Commissioner, Planning, Building & Growth Management, and Treasurer to execute on behalf of the City the contribution agreement with Armagh House on such terms and conditions acceptable to the Commissioner, Planning, Building & Growth Management, and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or designate.
*See Item 7.2