
Active Transportation Advisory Committee

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Steven Laidlaw (Co-Chair)
  • Lisa Stokes (Co-Chair)
  • Cindy Evans
  • Alina Grzejszczak
  • Dayle Laing
  • Barry Lavallee
  • Steven Lee
  • Regional Councillor Rowena Santos
Members Absent:
  • Enzo Bek
  • Akinade Oduntan
Staff Present:
  • Nelson Cadete, Sr. Manager, Transportation Planning, Planning, Building and Growth Management
  • Fernanda Duarte Peixoto Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Integrated City Planning, Planning Building and Growth Management
  • Tammi Jackson, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 5:12p.m. and adjourned at 7:02 p.m. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC023-2023

    That the agenda for the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be approved, as amended to add the following item:

    5.4 Delegation by David Boone, Brampton Resident, re: Parking in Bike Lanes


The minutes were considered by Committee of Council on October 25, 2023, and were approved by Council on November 1, 2023.  The minutes were provided for Committee’s information.

Fernanda Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Growth Management, provided an overview of the Complete Streets Guidelines, and responded to questions of clarification from Committee.

Committee discussion included the following: 

  • Questions regarding land use planning, repaving and construction projects and how they relates to the Complete Sheets Guidelines.
  • Staff advised the Complete Streets Guideline will be used as a guiding tool for projects and is intended to guide and form projects. 
  • Question regarding whether staff will understand the purpose of the guide and use it as a tool when undertaking projects. 
  • Clarification that all staff are aware and onboard with the Complete Streets Guidelines. 

The following motion was considered.

  • ATC024-2023

    That the presentation from Fernanda Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Complete Streets Guidelines, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received.



Item 5.4 was brought forward and dealt with at this time. 

Barry Lavelle, Citizen Member, provided an overview of the Parking in Bike Lanes, and responded to questions of clarification from Committee.

Committee discussion included the following: 

  • Advised that increasing the fines for parking in a bike lane will be discussed in the next budget meeting. 
  • Request to have By-law Enforcement review concerns raised from the presentation to be considered as part of the operational review of by-law enforcement which is currently underway. 
  • Request staff report back to Committee of Council meeting on January 31, 2024, regarding suggested improvements including and not limited to improved By-law Enforcement and increasing fines related to parking in bike lanes.

David Boone, Brampton Resident, provided a presentation regarding the Parking in Bike Lanes, outlining safety concerns at the intersections of Archdekin Road and Rutherford Road and Archdekin Road and Howden Boulevard.  Mr. Boon advised he has reached out to 311 and Councillor Santos to identify the safety concerns.  

Councillor Santos put the following motion on the floor for Committee consideration:

  1. That staff report back to Committee of Council meeting on January 31, 2024, regarding suggested improvements including and not limited to improved By-law Enforcement and increasing fines related to parking in bike lanes; and,
  2. That the concerns raised in the presentation also be considered as part of the operational review of By-law Enforcement which is currently underway. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC025-2023
    1. That the presentation from Barry Lavelle, Citizen Member, re: Parking in Bike Lanes, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be referred to the Committee of Council meeting on January 31, 2024; and,
    2. That the delegation by David Boone, Brampton Resident, re: Parking in Bike Lanes, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received; and,
    3. That staff report back to Committee of Council meeting on January 31, 2024, regarding suggested improvements including and not limited to improved By-law Enforcement and increasing fines related to parking in bike lanes; and,
    4. That the concerns raised in the presentation also be considered as part of the operational review of By-law Enforcement which is currently underway. 




Lisa Stokes, Co-Chair, provided an overview of Winter Cycling In Brampton - Lessons Learned from Finland, and responded to questions of clarification from Committee.

Committee discussion included the following: 

  • Members were encouraged to document shortfalls with snow clearing. 
  • Suggestion to refer the matter to Public Works staff for consideration and report back at a future meeting of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee regarding how snow the snow clearing contact will improve and address concerns outlined by the Committee. 

Councillor Santos put the following motion on the floor for Committee consideration:

That Public Works and Engineering staff report back to a future meeting of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee regarding how the new snow clearing contract will improve and address concerns. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC026-2023
    1. That the presentation from Stephane Laidlaw, Co-Chair, re: Winter Cycling In Brampton - Lessons Learned from Finland, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received; and,
    2. That Public Works and Engineering staff report back to a future meeting of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee regarding how the new snow clearing contract will improve and address concerns. 

Dealt with under Item 5.2 - Recommendation ATC025-2023

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC027-2023

    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Sub-Committee Minutes of November 2023, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received.


Committee acknowledged the information and the following motion was considered. 

  • ATC028-2023

    That the Information from Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Community Rides Debrief 2023, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received.


Committee acknowledged the information and the following motion was considered. 

  • ATC029-2023

    That the Information from Fernanda Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Wards 3 and 4 Community Town Hall - Bike Lanes on Charlolais Boulevard, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received.


The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made at this meeting. T. Jackson, Legislative Coordinator, confirmed there were no questions from the public. 

The following motion was considered. 

  • ATC030-2023

    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, February 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.
