
Planning and Development Committee

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi - Wards 2 and 6
  • Deputy Mayor H. Singh - Wards 9 and 10
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos - Wards 1 and 5
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente - Wards 1 and 5
  • Regional Councillor N. Kaur Brar - Wards 2 and 6
  • Regional Councillor D. Keenan - Wards 3 and 4
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros - Wards 3 and 4
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini - Wards 7 and 8
  • Regional Councillor G. Toor - Wards 9 and 10
  • City Councillor R. Power - Wards 7 and 8
Staff Present:
  • S. Ganesh, Commissioner, Planning Building and Growth Management
  • Henrik Zbogar, Director, Integrated City Planning
  • Angelo Ambrico, Manager, Development Services
  • Arjun Singh, Planner, Development Services
  • Tejinder Sidhu, Planner, Development Services
  • Natasha D'Souza, Planner, Integrated City Planning
  • Michelle Gervais, Advisor, Special Projects
  • Genevieve Scharback, City Clerk
  • Charlotte Gravlev, Deputy City Clerk
  • Gagandeep Jaswal, Acting Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. and adjourned at 1:13 p.m.

As this Planning and Development Committee Meeting was conducted with electronic and in-person participation by Members of Council, the meeting started with calling the roll for attendance at the meeting, as follows:

Members present during roll call:  Regional Councillor Palleschi (Chair), Deputy Mayor Singh, Regional Councillor Santos, Regional Councillor Vicente, Regional Councillor Brar, Regional Councillor Keenan, Regional Councillor Medeiros, Regional Councillor Fortini, Regional Councillor Toor, and City Councillor Power.

Members absent during roll call: Mayor Brown (ex officio).

  • PDC136-2024

    That the agenda for the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of July 8, 2024, be approved, as amended, as follows:

    To add:

    Item 9.1 - Discussion Item at the request of Councillor Power re: Rental Replacement Policy


The following items listed with a caret (^) were considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Committee and were approved at one time.

(7.2 and 8.1)

The following motion was considered:

  • PDC137-2024

    That the following items to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of July 8, 2024, be approved as part of Consent:

    7.2 and 8.1


Items 7.1 and 11.1 were brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Rachelle Larocque, The Biglieri Group, consultant on behalf of Ambria Homes, commented on their property located within the MTSA area. The consultant expressed concerns that the City's plans do not align with those of Ambria Homes. The consultant made the following requests of Committee:

  • to delay relevant timelines to ensure further discussions can be held with City staff
  • to clearly outline in policy that private amendments to MTSA designations will be permitted in the future

In response to questions of clarification from Committee, staff commented on the timelines anticipated for the project, noting that a public meeting will probably be held in September 2024 and final recommendations will likely be presented in November 2024. 

The following motion was considered:

  • PDC138-2024
    1. That the report from Natasha D’Souza, Policy Planner, Integrated City Planning, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of July 8, 2024, re: Brampton’s Major Transit Station Areas Project Update – May 2024 Open Houses and Next Steps, be received; 
    2. That the delegation from Rachelle Larocque, The Biglieri Group, re: Brampton’s Major Transit Station Areas Project Update – May 2024 Open Houses and Next Steps to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of July 8, 2024, be received; and
    3. That the following correspondence re: Brampton’s Major Transit Station Areas Project Update – May 2024 Open Houses and Next Steps to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of July 8, 2024, be received:
      1. Andrew Ferancik, WND Associates, on behalf of County Court Centre Ltd., dated July 3, 2024
      2. Gerry Tchisler, MHBC Planning, on behalf of Morguard Corporation, dated July 3, 2024
      3. David Riley, SGL Planning and Design Inc., on behalf of Hampton Development Corp., dated July 5, 2024
      4. Sarah Clark, Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., on behalf of Crestpoint Real Estate Investments Ltd., dated July 5, 2024.

The following motion was approved on consent:

  • PDC139-2024
    1. That the report from Arjun Singh, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of July 8, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., Redcliff Homes, 0 Clarkway Drive, Ward 10, File: OZS-2021-0060, be received;
    2. That the application for an Amendment to the Zoning By-law and for a Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., on behalf of Redcliff Homes (File: OZS-2021-0060), be approved, on the basis that it represents good planning, including that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Region of Peel Official Plan, and the City’s Official Plan, and for the reasons set out in this Recommendation Report;
    3. That the amendment to the Zoning By-law, generally in accordance with the attached Attachment 10 to this report be adopted; and
    4. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34 (10.4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., as amended.

Deputy Mayor Singh commended staff for their work on the subject application and noted support for the process moving forward.

The following motion was considered:

  • PDC140-2024
    1. That the report from Tejinder Sidhu, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of July 8, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, Candevcon Limited, Shri Maha Kali Ammaa Mandir Hindu Association, West of Goreway Drive and South of Mayfield Road, Ward 10, File: C07E17.009, be received;
    2. That the application for an Amendment to the Zoning By-law submitted by Candevcon Limited, on behalf of Shri Maha Kali Ammaa Mandir Hindu Association (File: C07E17.009), be approved, on the basis that it represents good planning, including that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Region of Peel Official Plan, and the City’s Official Plan, and for the reasons set out in this Recommendation Report;
    3. That the amendment to the Zoning By-law, generally in accordance with Attachment 10 to this report be adopted; and
    4. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34 (10.4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., as amended.

The following motion was approved on consent:

  • PDC141-2024

    That the Minutes of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, Recommendations ATC022-2024 - ATC032-2024, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of July 8, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.

    The recommendations were approved as follows:


    That the agenda for the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be approved, as published and circulated.


    That the presentation from Lisa Stokes, Co-Chair, re: Ontario Bike Summit, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the presentation from Cindy Evans, Citizen Member, re: Ontario Bike Summit, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the presentation from Stephen Laidlaw, re: Leading Pedestrian Interval, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the presentation from Fernanda Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: E-scooter Pilot Program Update, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the verbal update from Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, Planning Building and Growth Management, re: The Brampton Bike Festival, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the verbal update from Lisa Stokes, Co-Chair, re: Community Rides, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the verbal update from Fernanda Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Latest Implementation developments on East-West Cycling Corridor, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the verbal update from Fernanda Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Community Engagement, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Sub-Committee Minutes of May 14, 2024, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024, be received.


    That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.


City Councillor Power requested staff to revisit the previous work that was being done regarding rental replacement policy, noting that similar programs are already in place in many municipalities.

Chair Palleschi commented that he was not in favour of this policy and suggested that staff continue research and development of the policy and bring back to Council for further consideration.

The following motion was considered: 

  • PDC142-2024

    Whereas protecting the existing purpose-built rental stock in Brampton is critical to ensuring that the city’s current and future residents have access to affordable housing options.

    Whereas purpose-built rental housing has an integral role in Brampton’s housing system, providing diverse and affordable housing supply options for residents, and more stable and secure rental options than Brampton’s secondary rental market (e.g., rented condominiums). 

    Whereas Housing Brampton - the City’s Housing Strategy endorsed by Council in 2021 – identifies the need to implement rental unit replacement requirements for rental conversion and demolition permits. 

    Whereas in 2021, staff-initiated work on a proposed rental unit replacement policy, which was paused because of changing provincial legislation (i.e. Bill 109 and Bill 23).

    Whereas it is important to deliver the City’s housing target in a manner that meets needs across Brampton’s diverse housing continuum; and,

    Therefore, be it resolved that staff be directed to finalize previous work on the rental unit replacement policy, develop a supporting by-law to regulate the conversion and demolition of rental properties, hold a statutory public meeting with respect to the proposed by-law, and report back to Council prior to the end of 2024. 

  • PDC143-2024

    That the Planning and Development Committee do now adjourn to meet again for a Regular Meeting on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.

No Item Selected