
City Council

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Patrick Brown, 
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos, 
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente , 
  • Regional Councillor N. Kaur Brar, 
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi , 
  • Regional Councillor D. Keenan, 
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros , 
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini, 
  • Regional Councillor G. Toor, 
  • City Councillor R. Power, 
  • and Deputy Mayor H. Singh  

Deputy Mayor Singh and Janice Adshead, Acting City Clerk, confirmed that all Members were present in the meeting, with the exception of Mayor Brown and Regional Councillor Toor, who arrived late due to other municipal business. 

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. and recessed at 11:33 a.m.  Council moved into Closed Session at 12:28 p.m. and recessed at 12:46 p.m.  Council reconvened in Open Session at 12:56 p.m. and adjourned at 12:57 p.m.

Council discussion took place with respect to proposed amendments to the agenda.

The following motion was considered.

  • C012-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    That the agenda for the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024 be approved, as amended:

    To add:

    6.2. Announcement – Public Works and Engineering

    6.3. Announcement – Seva Kitchen

    7.3. Delegation from Andrea Knight, Brampton Racers Track and Field Club, re. Item 16.2 – Discussion Item at the Request of Regional Councillor Santos, re. Brampton Racers Track and Field Club; and,

    16.2. Discussion Item at the Request of Regional Councillor Santos, re. Brampton Racers Track and Field Club.


The following motion was considered.

  • C013-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Fortini
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Medeiros

    That the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 24, 2024, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be adopted as printed and circulated.


In keeping with Council Resolution C019-2021, Deputy Mayor Singh reviewed the relevant agenda items during this section of the meeting and allowed Members to identify agenda items for debate and consideration, with the balance to be approved as part of the Consent Motion given the items are generally deemed to be routine and non-controversial. 

The following items marked with a caret (^) were considered to be routine and non-controversial by Council and were approved as part of the Consent Motion below: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 19.1, 19.2.

The following motion was considered.

  • C014-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Keenan

    That Council hereby approves the following items and that the various Officials of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be necessary to give effect of the recommendations as contained therein: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 19.1, 19.2.


    1. That the Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of January 29, 2024, to the Council Meeting of January 24, 2024, be received; and,

    2. That Recommendations PDC018-2024 to PDC027-2024 be approved as outlined in the minutes.


    1. That the Summary of Recommendations from the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be received; and,

    2. That Recommendations CW016-2024 to CW043-2024 be approved as outlined in the summary.


    1. That the Minutes of the Governance and Council Operations Committee Meeting of February 5, 2024, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be received; and,

    2. That Recommendations GC002-2024 to GC004-2024 be approved as outlined in the minutes.


    That the following correspondence re. Item 12.2 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW026-2024 – Residential Rental Licensing Program, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be received:     

    1. Carrie Percival, Brampton resident, dated January 26, 2024

    2. Barbara Johnstone, Brampton resident, received February 2, 2024

    3. David Lozowsky, Brampton resident, received February 5, 2024


    That the following correspondence re. Item 12.1 – Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC023-2024 – City-initiated Amendment to the Zoning By-law – Garage Dimensions, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be received:

    1. Alex Lundy, Davies Howe, dated January 30, 2024


    That the following correspondence re. Item 10.6.2 – Staff Report re. Request to Begin Procurement – Winter Maintenance Services, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be received:

    1. Joanne Cottel, Brampton resident, dated February 1, 2024

    19.1 and 19.2

    That the following Closed Session minutes and note to file be acknowledged and the directions outlined within be confirmed:

    19.1. Closed Session Minutes – City Council – January 24, 2024

    19.2. Note to File – Committee of Council – January 31, 2024


a) National 211 Day – February 11, 2024

b) World Thinking Day – February 22, 2024

Deputy Mayor Singh acknowledged and read the proclamations listed above.

Marlon Kallideen, CAO, introduced Peter Pilateris, the City's new Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering, and outlined details about his experience, qualifications and achievements.

At the invitation of Deputy Mayor Singh, Mr. Pilateris addressed Council and expressed his interest in working with Council to achieve the priorities over this Term of Council.

Deputy Mayor Singh provided information about Seva Kitchen, and invited Jaswinder Khosa to provide further details.

Mr. Khosa outlined the programs and services provided by Seva Kitchen, and provided details on the organization’s upcoming fundraising Gala. 

See Item 10.6.1

Barry Lavelle, Citizen Member, Active Transportation Advisory Committee, outlined the Committee’s efforts to address issues regarding parking in bike lanes, and provided a video presentation.

The following motion was introduced and considered to refer Mr. Lavelle’s delegation to staff for consideration in the context of the By-law Operations review.

  • C015-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    That the delegation from Barry Lavelle, Citizen Member, Active Transportation Advisory Committee, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, re: Parking in Bike Lanes, be referred to staff for consideration, in the context of By-law Operations review.

  • Item 10.6.1 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

    Council discussion took place on this item during which time staff responded to questions regarding pavement markings, signage and urban shoulders.

    The following motion was considered.

    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    1. That the report from Kevin Minaker, Manager, Traffic Operations and Parking, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, and Shane Keyes, Manager, Enforcement, Enforcement & Bylaw Services, to the Council Meeting of February 7th, 2024, re: Increased Penalties for Parking and Stopping in Bicycle Lanes, be received; and,

    2. That penalties for parking and stopping in bicycle lanes be increased from $35 to $150.


1. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident

See Items 10.6.2 and 14.3

Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, outlined comments, concerns, and suggestions, about the proposed Request to Begin Procurement for Winter Maintenance Services (Item 10.6.2), as it relates to active transportation during winter months.

The following motion was considered.

  • C017-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    That the following delegation re. Item 10.6.2 – Staff Report re. Request to Begin Procurement – Winter Maintenance Services, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be received:

    1. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident


See Item 16.2

Andrea Knight, President and Co-founder, Brampton Racers Track and Field Club, provided a presentation and video outlining information on the Club, including its services, achievements, athletes, sponsors and the Club’s participation in an upcoming competition in Jamaica.

Ms. Knight responded to questions of clarification from Council.

Council extended thanks for the delegation and acknowledged the efforts of the Club's leadership, coaches, parents and youth for their contributions to the Brampton community, and wished them success at their upcoming competition.

The following motion was considered.

  • C018-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Keenan

    That the delegation from Andrea Knight, Brampton Racers Track and Field Club, re. Item 16.2 – Discussion Item at the Request of Regional Councillor Santos re: Brampton Racers Track and Field Club, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be received.


Andrzej Hoffmann, Acting Manager, Government Relations, Office of the CAO, provided a presentation, which included information about Region of Peel, Provincial Government, and Federal Government matters, as well as the City’s 2024 Federal Pre-Budget Submission.

The following motion was considered.

  • C019-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Toor

    That the staff update re. Government Relations Matters, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, be received.


See By-law 10-2024

In response to questions from Council, staff confirmed that early communication would be provided to the Downtown Brampton BIA and member businesses regarding the impact of the downtown streetscaping work on 2024 patio extensions in the downtown.

The following motion was considered.

  • C020-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    1. That the report from Laurie Robinson, Supervisor, Business Operations & Vital Statistics, City Clerk’s Office, to the City Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, re: Establishing the Seasonal Patio Program – Temporary Patio Extensions to Outdoor Spaces be received;

    2. That the establishment of a Seasonal Patio Program be endorsed; and

    3. That By-law 10-2024 be passed, as generally set out in Attachment 1 to this report, to amend Temporary Outdoor Patio Expansions By-law 103-2020, to serve as a stand-alone by-law to facilitate temporary extensions to outdoor spaces/patios with or without alcohol service.


See Items 7.2 and 14.3

Council consideration included pre-qualifications and references, ensuring value-for-money for residents, proposed length of the contract, benchmarking other municipalities, age and condition of vehicles and equipment, clearing of sidewalks and windrows, penalties for any breaches of the contract, and concerns about any extensions to the current contract.

During Council’s discussion on this matter, staff responded to questions.

The following motion to approve the recommendations in the staff report, as amended, to add an additional clause (#3) was introduced and considered.

  • C021-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    1. That the report from Sam Mattina, Manager, Contracts, Operations Planning and Projects, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, to the Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, re: Request To Begin Procurement – Winter Maintenance Services, be received;

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to begin procurement for Winter Maintenance Services within the City of Brampton; and

    3. That the selection process include reference checks, and declarations by contractors with respect to the age (to be reviewed prior to RFP issuance) and condition of vehicles to be used.


Dealt with under Consent Resolution C014-2024

The recommendations approved under Consent are as follows.


That the agenda for the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of January 29, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


That the following items to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of January 29, 2024, be approved as part of Consent: 8.1.


1. That the report from Megan Fernandes, Assistant Development Planner, Development Services, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, MHBC Planning Limited - Glenshore Investments Inc., 5203 Old Castlemore Road, Ward 10, File: OZS-2023-0038 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of January 29, 2024, be received;

2. That the application for a Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by MHBC Planning Limited - Glenshore Investments Inc. (File: OZS-2023-0038) be approved, on the basis that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Region of Peel Official Plan, and the City’s Official Plan, and for the reasons set out in the Recommendation Report;

3. That the amendment to the Zoning By-law generally in accordance with the attached Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (Attachment 8) to this report be adopted;

4. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. c.P. 13, as amended; and

5. That the following delegation re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, MHBC Planning Limited - Glenshore Investments Inc., 5203 Old Castlemore Road, Ward 10, File: OZS-2023-0038, be received:

1. Katherine Rauscher, MHBC, on behalf of Glenshore Investments Inc.


That the following delegations re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law, KLM Planning Partners Inc. - Metrus Central Properties Ltd., 1750 and 1735 Steeles Avenue West, Wards 4 and 6, File: OZS-2023-0014 and OZS-2023-0015, be received:

1. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident

2. Darren Steedman, DG Group, on behalf of Metrus Central Properties Inc.


1. That the report from Angelo Ambrico, Manager, Development Services, re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law, KLM Planning Partners Inc. - Metrus Central Properties Ltd., 1750 and 1735 Steeles Avenue West, Wards 4 and 6, File: OZS-2023-0014 and OZS-2023-0015 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of January 29, 2024, be received;

2. That the application for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by KLM Planning Partners Inc., on behalf of Metrus Central Properties Ltd. (File: OZS-2023-0014 & OZS-2023-0015) be endorsed, for the reasons set out in this Recommendation Report;

3. That direction be received from Council for City Staff to continue to work with the Region of Peel to approve the Council Approved Brampton Plan to facilitate final approval of the subject applications identified herein;

4. That the amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, generally in accordance with Attachments 11 and 12 to this report be endorsed;

5. That final adoption of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment only be enacted once the Major Transit Station Areas - Hub-3 Steeles at Mississauga Land Use Plan and/or the Brampton Plan is approved by the Region of Peel, pursuant to subsection 24(2) of the Planning Act;

6. That the use of a Section 34(5) of the Planning Act be added to the Zoning By-law, which would restrict development until such time as appropriate servicing arrangements are made to the satisfaction of the Region of Peel and City of Brampton;

7. That Staff be directed to report back to Council, pending the Region’s review and approval of the MTSA land use schedules and policies, which is anticipated to be completed in the coming months; and

8. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Official Plan Amendment Application pursuant to Section 22 and Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O, C.P.13 as amended.


1. That the report from Simran Sandhu, Advisor, Special Projects, Planning, Building & Growth Management, re: City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendments to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of January 29, 2024, be received;

2. That the Zoning By-law Amendments attached hereto as Attachments 1, 2 and 4 be adopted, on the basis that they represent good planning for the reasons set out in the Recommendation Report dated January 12, 2024;

3. That Attachment 3 be referred back to staff for further consideration and report back to Council by February 2024;

4. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 22(6.1) and Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O c.P. 13, as amended; and

5. That the following correspondence re: City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendments, be received:

1. Mark Condello, Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., on behalf of Landowner Group, dated January 19, 2024

2. Mark Condello and Colin Chung, Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc., dated January 24, 2024

3. Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillan LLP, on behalf of 1951 Queen Street West Inc., dated January 26, 2024

4. Maria Jones, Candevcon Group Inc., on behalf of 2511362 Ontario Inc., dated January 25, 2024

5. Maria Jones, Candevcon Group Inc., on behalf of Opal Valley Development Inc., dated January 25, 2024

6. Maria Jones, Candevcon Group Inc., on behalf of Dbrand Investment Corporation., dated January 25, 2024

7. Maria Jones, Candevcon Group Inc., on behalf of Siva Rama Krishna Prasad Ari, dated January 25, 2024

8. Ryan Virtanen, KLM Planning, on behalf of Upper Mayfield Estates Inc., dated January 27, 2024

9. Victoria Mortelliti, Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), dated January 26, 2024

10. Keith MacKinnon, Alyssa Woods, KLM Planning, on behalf of Regal Crest Homes and Countrywide Homes, dated January 29, 2024

11. Ryan Virtanen, KLM Planning, on behalf of 2742416 Ontario Inc. co Pearl Builders, dated January 29, 2024

12. Alex Lusty, Davies Howe LLP, on behalf of Crystal Homes (Wildflowers) Corporation, dated January 29, 2024.


That the Minutes of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee meeting of December 12, 2023, Recommendations ATC023-2023 - ATC030-2023, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of January 29, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


That the agenda for the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be approved, as amended to add the following item:

5.4. Delegation by David Boone, Brampton Resident, re: Parking in Bike Lanes


That the presentation from Fernanda Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Complete Streets Guidelines, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received.


1. That the presentation from Barry Lavelle, Citizen Member, re: Parking in Bike Lanes, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be referred to the Committee of Council meeting on January 31, 2024; and,

2. That the delegation by David Boone, Brampton Resident, re: Parking in Bike Lanes, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received; and,

3. That staff report back to Committee of Council meeting on January 31, 2024, regarding suggested improvements including and not limited to improved By-law Enforcement and increasing fines related to parking in bike lanes; and,

4. That the concerns raised in the presentation also be considered as part of the operational review of By-law Enforcement which is currently underway.


1. That the presentation from Stephane Laidlaw, Co-Chair, re: Winter Cycling In Brampton - Lessons Learned from Finland, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received; and,

2. That Public Works and Engineering staff report back to a future meeting of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee regarding how the new snow clearing contract will improve and address concerns.


That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Sub-Committee Minutes of November 2023, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received.


That the Information from Tyron Nimalakumar, Transportation Planner, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Community Rides Debrief 2023, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received.


That the Information from Fernanda Soares, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Growth Management, re: Wards 3 and 4 Community Town Hall - Bike Lanes on Charlolais Boulevard, to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting of December 12, 2023, be received.


That the Active Transportation Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, February 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.


That the following correspondence from Tara Buonpensiero, Chief Planner and Director of Planning and Development Services, Region of Peel, dated January 19, 2024, re: Adopted Brampton Official Plan - Notice of Complete Record Submission to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of January 29, 2024, be received.


That the following correspondence re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law, KLM Planning Partners Inc. - Metrus Central Properties Ltd., 1750 and 1735 Steeles Avenue West, Wards 4 and 6, File: OZS-2023-0014 and OZS-2023-0015, be received:

1. Sue Norton, Brampton Resident, dated January 25, 2024

2. Clive Picardo, Brampton Resident, dated January 29, 2024.


That the Planning and Development Committee do now adjourn to meet again for a Regular Meeting on Monday, February 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C014-2024

The recommendations approved under Consent are as follows.


That the agenda for the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024 be approved, as amended, as follows:

To add:

9.3.1   Discussion Item at the request of Regional Councillor Keenan, re: Advocacy to the Province on the Landlord and Tenant Board

To refer the following item to the February 7, 2024 City Council meeting:

6.5      Delegation from Barry Lavelle, Citizen Member, Active Transportation Advisory Committee, re: Parking in Bike Lanes

To refer the following item back to staff for further consideration:

12.2.3   Staff Report re: Increased Penalties for Parking and Stopping in Bicycle Lanes; and

To vary the order of items to deal with Item 7.1 (Government Relations Matters), prior to Item 6.11 (Delegations from Brampton residents, re: Residential Rental Licensing Pilot Program)


That the following items to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024 be approved as part of Consent: 8.2.2, 8.2.3, 8.3.1, 9.2.1, 9.4.1, 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 12.2.1, 12.2.2, 12.3.1, 15.1.


That the delegation from Robbie Mair, Co-Founder, EcoTank Canada, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Proposal to Create a New By-law to Reduce Plastic Waste in the City of Brampton, be referred to staff for consideration.


That the delegation from Sonia Maset, Manager, Different Spokes Brampton Bike Hub and Punjabi Community Health Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Community Benefits of Different Spokes Brampton Bike Hub, be received.


That the delegation from Jackie Duffus, Brampton resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Ceremonial Street Naming - Maudlyn Biso, be referred to staff for consideration.


That the delegation from Renate Diorio, Brampton resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Vehicular Noise and Speeding Concerns, be referred to staff for consideration and for a response to the delegate regarding measures underway.


That the delegation from Zohaib Hanif, Realtor, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Purchase or Lease of City Property Located at 52 Bramalea Road - Ward 7, be received.


That the delegation from Imran Hasan, Chair, Peel Crime Stoppers, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Crime Stoppers Month and Request for Use of a City Facility for a Fundraising Event, be referred to staff for consideration and identification of a potential funding source.


That the delegation from Steeson Mathew, Founder/CEO, Loop Parking Inc., to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Modernizing Parking Enforcement with Ai Curbside Parking Detection System, be referred to staff for consideration in conjunction with the Parking Master Plan.


That the delegation from Ronald Nardeo, Brampton resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Condition of Bloomingdale Park - Ward 3, be referred to staff for consideration.


That the delegations from the following Brampton residents, and the related staff response presentation, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Residential Rental Licensing Pilot Program, be received:

1. Alok Paliwal
2. Rajnish Joshi
3. Ravi Sohal
4. Udey Gupta
5. Baljit Singh Sandhu
6. Hetal Parikh (represented by Ravi Sohal)
7. Rajesh Kumar
8. Aditya Rajpoot
9. Rajiv Kumar
10. Bharatindu Goyal
11. Jat Barmi
12. Amrit Pal Singh
13. Richard Campbell
14. Nanette Doherty
15. Cynthia Kilfeather, Michelle Gauthier and Deb Agathos
16. Barbara Johnstone
17. Jane Russell
18. Kevin Russell


That the delegation from Nation Cheong, Vice President, Community Opportunities and Mobilization, United Way Greater Toronto, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Item 11.2.3 - Community Benefits Policy, be received.


1. That the report from Claudia Santeramo, Manager, Procurement Performance, Purchasing, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Community Benefits Policy, be received;

2. That the Community Benefits Policy, as set out in Appendix A, be approved; and

3. That staff be authorized to implement and administer the policy.


That the delegations from the following, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Item 7.1 - Government Relations Matters - 2024 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission, be received:

1. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident

2. Janine Herrmann-McLeod, Co-Chair, Brampton Caledon Health Coalition


Whereas the City of Brampton is calling on the Province to strengthen existing legislation to empower landlord rights in an effort to reduce the number of landlord/tenant issues creating a backlog at the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board; and

Whereas Brampton has experienced a high and growing number of converted residential rental units also known as additional residential units in existing neighbourhoods; and

Whereas Brampton is home to a significant number of international students, many of whom find housing in residential rental units; and

Whereas the City of Brampton is the first city to endorse an International Students Charter and has continuously advocated for the federal and provincial governments to better address issues related to the high number of international students being housed in the City; and

Whereas the Province of Ontario has recently announced a requirement for post-secondary institutions to guarantee adequate housing options for incoming international students; and

Whereas the Province of Ontario is allowing additional residential units (ARUs) to be included in municipal housing targets; and

Whereas landlords with residential rental properties in Brampton are concerned about the backlog of tenant issues at the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board, particularly related to overcrowding of tenants due to tenant subletting outside of lease agreements,

Therefore be it resolved that:

1. The Mayor, on behalf of Council, write a letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, that asks the Landlord and Tenant Board to find a fair balance of landlord and tenant rights related to tenants who break agreements of their lease, including but not limited to, subletting to other tenants and excessive past-due rent, and also address the backlog of cases; and

2. A copy of this letter be sent to the Attorney General of Ontario and all Brampton MPPs.


That the presentation by Andrzej Hoffmann, Advisor, Government Relations, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Government Relations Matters, be received.


1. That the report from Adam Barkovitz, Supervisor, Forestry Planning, Parks Maintenance and Forestry, Community Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement - Tree Inventory Services at Various Locations within the City of Brampton – All Wards, be received; and

2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for tree inventory services at various locations within the City of Brampton.


1. That the report from Ed Fagan, Director, Parks Maintenance and Forestry, Community Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement – Design and Construction of Park Amenities at Black Forest Park – Ward 9, be received; and

2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for the design and construction of park amenities at Black Forest Park - Ward 9.


1. That the report from Anand Patel, Director, Recreation, Community Services, and Ivana Tomas, Director, Transit Services, Transit, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Explore Brampton Youth Pass (EBYP) Pilot Program, be received;

2. That Council approves the staff recommendations to establish the Explore Brampton Youth Pass Program (2,500 passes) for youth ages 12-16 to have free access to Brampton Transit and Recreation programs during summer months on a permanent basis; and

3. That Council enact the by-law attached as Appendix D to this report, to amend Schedule G (Transit Division User Fees & Charges) of the User Fee By-law 380-2003, continuing a free Explore Brampton Youth Pass annually from Canada Day to Labour Day inclusive.


That the Minutes of the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame Committee Meeting of January 18, 2024, Recommendations SHF001-2024 to SHF005-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, be approved.


That the agenda for the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame Committee meeting of January 18, 2024 be approved as written and published.


That the minutes of the Nomination Sub-Committee Meeting of September 28, 2023 to the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame Committee meeting of January 18, 2024 be received.


That Committee proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

14.1. Open Meeting Exception under Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act 2001:

Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.


That the direction agreed upon within Closed Session, be approved, and that the official results be announced by media release once approved by Council.


That Brampton Sports Hall of Fame do now adjourn to meet again on February 8, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.


1. That the report from Janice Adshead, Deputy Clerk, Administrative Services and Information and Data, City Clerk’s Office, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Information and Data Governance Policies, be received;

2. That the Information and Data Governance Policy, as set out in Attachment 1 to this report, be approved;

3. That the Information and Data Privacy and Protection Policy, as set out in Attachment 2 to this report, be approved; and

4. That staff be authorized to implement and administer the policy.


That correspondence from the following Brampton residents, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Residential Rental Licensing Pilot Program, be received:

1. Heritage Downtown Brampton Group

2. Lorraine Dunne-Leslie

3. Kevin Troake

4. Sandra Culley

5. Nancy Lyness

6. Anand Thonta

7. Nanette Doherty

8. Jona Senk


1. That the report from Majbah Ahmed, Manager, Banking and Investments, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council meeting of January 31, 2024, re: 2024 Temporary Borrowing By-Law, be received; and

2. That a by-law be enacted in accordance with Section 407 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in the form attached to this report as Appendix A, to authorize the temporary short-term borrowing of funds, if considered necessary by the Treasurer, to meet current expenditures for the year 2024, until sufficient taxes are collected and other non-tax revenue are received.


1. That the report from Cheryl Waters, Senior Real Estate Coordinator, Realty Services, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Property Interests to be Expropriated for the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Project (DBFP) – Ward 3, be received;

2. That a by-law be enacted authorizing The Corporation of the City of Brampton, as expropriating authority, to make an application for approval to expropriate the property interests required in connection with the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Project (DBFP), as described in Attachment 1 to this report for the purposes of design and construction of the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection; and

3. That the Senior Manager, Realty Services, be authorized to execute, and cause to be served and published on behalf of The Corporation of the City of Brampton as expropriating authority, all notices, applications, advertisements and other documents required by the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.26 as amended, in a form approved by the City Solicitor or designate in order to effect the expropriation of the said property interests.


1. That the report from Mihir Patel, Traffic Operations Technologist, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Traffic By-law 93-93 – Administrative Update, be received; and,

2. That a by-law be passed to amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, as outlined in the subject report.


1. That the report from Ryan Booth, Director, Transit Operations and Maintenance, Transit, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement – Various Transit Goods and Services, be received;

2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence procurement in accordance with the Purchasing By-Law for:

a. Refurbishment of 18-metre (60-foot) articulated bus joints.

b. Mid-life major refurbishment of 18-metre (60-foot) articulated buses.

c. Rental services of subcompact cars and passenger minivans.

d. General vehicle repairs for non-revenue vehicles.

e. Transit bus filters.

f. Supply and delivery of OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts for NOVA buses.

g. Supply and delivery of OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts for New Flyer buses.

h. Pick up and disposal of sandy/waste products.

i. Diesel and biodiesel for transit buses; and,

3. That the General Manager, Transit, or designate, be delegated the authority on behalf of the City to execute any necessary contracts, agreements and or amending agreements, and other documentation as may be required in connection therewith on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transit, or designate and Treasurer in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.


That the Minutes of the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council Meeting of January 11, 2024, Recommendations SC001-2024 to SC005-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, be approved.


That the agenda for the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of January 11, 2024 be approved as published and circulated.


1. That the site inspection request from Rajvir Singh Randhawa, Brampton resident, re: Review of Safety Measures for Students and Pedestrians due to Speeding in Vicinity of School, Harold M. Brathwaite Secondary School, 415 Great Lakes Drive - Ward 9 be received; and

2. That staff of Traffic Services be requested to review the traffic signal infrastructure in the vicinity of the school and determine if additional safety measures are required.


1. That the site inspection request from Susan Baier, Vice-Principal, re: Review of Traffic Issues, Parking Congestion on School Street and School Property, Larkspur Public School, 111 Larkspur Road, Ward 9, be received; and,

2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


That the update by Enforcement and By-law Services, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of January 11, 2024, re: School Patrol Statistics 2023 - 2024 be received.


That the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting do now adjourn to meet again on February 8, 2024.


That the Committee of Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, or at the call of the Chair.

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C014-2024

The recommendations approved under Consent are as follows.


That the agenda for the Governance and Council Operations Committee Meeting of February 5, 2024 be approved, as amended:

To add:

9.2. Discussion Item at the Request of Regional Councillor Vicente, re. Quorum Rules for Members of Council during Advocacy Meetings


That the verbal update from Staff re. Council Office Assistant Position, to the Governance and Council Operations Committee Meeting of February 5, 2024, be received; and

That the designated current value of the position be redistributed from the Clerk’s Office to the staffing budget line for Council offices equally amongst the members of Council.


That Members of Council be authorized to attend provincial and federal delegation meetings in numbers that may meet quorum of Council, with the understanding that their conduct in such settings will not advance decision-making of Brampton Council.


That Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, May 6, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. or at the call of the Chair.

1. Carrie Percival, Brampton resident, dated January 26, 2024

2. Barbara Johnstone, Brampton resident, received February 2, 2024

3. David Lozowsky, Brampton resident, received February 5, 2024

See Item 12.2 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW026-2024 – January 31, 2024

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C014-2024

1. Alex Lundy, Davies Howe, dated January 30, 2024

See Item 12.1 – Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC023-2024 – January 29, 2024

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C014-2024

1. Joanne Cottel, Brampton resident, dated February 1, 2024

See Items 7.2 and 10.6.2

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C014-2024

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office or in person regarding any decisions made during the meeting. 

Darryl Romeo, Brampton resident, asked four questions regarding Items 7.1 and 10.6.1.  

Mayor Brown indicated that staff would contact Mr. Romeo to provide responses to his questions.



The following motion was considered.

  • C022-2024
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Singh
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    That By-laws 10-2024 to 19-2024, before Council at its Regular Meeting of February 7, 2024, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.


    The by-laws were passed as follows.

    By-law 10-2024 – To amend Temporary Outdoor Patio Expansions By-law 103-2020, as amended 

    See Item 10.2.1

    By-law 11-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended – Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc. – Paradise Homes Mahogany Inc. – 7896 Mavis Road – Ward 4 (File: OZS-2023-0033)

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC010-2024 - January 15, 2023

    By-law 12-2024 – To amend User Fee By-law 380-2003 – Schedule G to continue a free Explore Brampton Youth Pass on an annual basis

    See Item 12.2 – Minutes – Committee of Council – January 31, 2024

    By-law 13-2024 – To authorize the temporary borrowing of funds for the Year 2024 The Corporation of the City of Brampton

    See Item 12.2 – Minutes – Committee of Council – January 31, 2024

    By-law 14-2024 – To authorize property interests to be expropriated for the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Project (DFBP) – Ward 3

    See Item 12.2 – Minutes – Committee of Council – January 31, 2024

    By-law 15-2024 – To amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended – administrative updates to schedules relating to through highways and fire routes

    See Item 12.2 – Minutes – Committee of Council – January 31, 2024

    By-law 16-2024 – To amend By-law 308-2012, as amended, being the “Building Division Appointment By-law”

    By-law 17-2024 – To establish certain lands as part of the public highway system – Williams Parkway – Ward 8

    By-law 18-2024 – To establish certain lands as part of the public highway system (Bramalea Road) – Ward 9

    By-law 19-2024 – To prevent the application of part lot control to part of Registered Plan 43M-2032 – creation of lots 100-114 and associated maintenance easements for two lots near Robert Parkinson Drive and Novice Drive – Ward 6 (PLC-2023-0025)

Note: Items 19.1 and 19.2 were considered under Consent Resolution C014-2024.

The following motion was considered.

  • C023-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Vicente
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Santos

    That Council proceed into Closed Session (at 12:30 p.m.) to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

    19.3. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Labour relations or employee negotiations.

    19.4. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - a property matter.


    Note: In Open Session, Mayor Brown reported on the status of matters considered in Closed Session, as follows:

    19.3 – this item was considered in Closed Session, information was received, and no direction was given.

    19.4 – this item was considered in Closed Session, direction was given, including consideration of a public motion (see Resolution C024-202, below).

  • The following motion was considered with respect to Item 19.4.

    Moved byRegional Councillor Vicente
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Santos

    1. That Council directs staff to proceed with the close-out of the EOI for the Heritage Theatre Block; and,

    2. That Council directs staff to develop and issue an RFP for the Heritage Theatre Block within the North-East Quadrant of Main Street and Queen Street that achieves the long-term strategic redevelopment of the lands and includes mixed-use residential development.


^ Closed Session Minutes - City Council - January 24, 2024


^ Note to File - Committee of Council - January 31, 2024


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


The following motion was considered.

  • C025-2023
    Moved byRegional Councillor Toor
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    That the following by-law before Council at its Regular Meeting of February 7, 2024, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, and signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:

    By-law 20-2024 – To confirm the proceedings of Council at its Regular Meeting held on February 7, 2024.


The following motion was considered.

  • C026-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    That Council do now adjourn to meet again for a Regular Meeting of Council on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. or at the call of the Mayor.

No Item Selected