1. That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, dated November 18, 2024, to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of November 19, 2024, re: Revised Scoped Heritage Impact Assessment and Heritage Permit of Phase II for 10254 Hurontario St - Ward 2 be received;
2. That the revised scoped Heritage Impact Assessment for 10254 Hurontario St prepared by AREA Architects, dated November 1, 2024 for Phase 2 of the proposed alterations and additions to the property be received; and,
3. That the Heritage Permit application submitted on November 12, 2024 for Phase 2: Daycare Ground and Second floor addition on West (rear) façade of 10254 Hurontario St, be approved, as recommended by the Heritage Impact Assessment, subject to the following condition, as recommended by heritage staff:
I. that the architect and/or heritage consultant monitors construction work to ensure that original features are preserved wherever possible and that all new work is compatible and completed to the same high standard as the existing.