
City Council

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Patrick Brown, 
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos, 
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente , 
  • Regional Councillor N. Kaur Brar, 
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi , 
  • Regional Councillor D. Keenan, 
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros , 
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini, 
  • Regional Councillor G. Toor, 
  • City Councillor R. Power, 
  • and Deputy Mayor H. Singh  

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. and recessed at 11:59 a.m.  Council moved into Closed Session at 12:32 p.m. and recessed at 12:51 p.m.  Council reconvened in Open Session at 1:11 p.m. and adjourned at 1:15 p.m.

Mayor Brown noted that all Members were present in the meeting.

Council discussion took place with respect to proposed amendments to the agenda.

The following motion was considered.

  • C027-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    That the agenda for the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024 be approved as amended:

    To add:

    6.3. Announcement – Mayor’s Golf Tournament (Council Sponsor: Mayor Brown);

    19.6. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.


The following motion was considered.

  • C028-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    That the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 7, 2024, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be adopted as published and circulated.


In keeping with Council Resolution C019-2021, Mayor Brown reviewed the relevant agenda items during this section of the meeting and allowed Members to identify agenda items for debate and consideration, with the balance to be approved as part of the Consent Motion given the items are generally deemed to be routine and non-controversial. 

The following items marked with a caret (^) were considered to be routine and non-controversial by Council and were approved as part of the Consent Motion below: 10.2.1, 10.2.3, 10.4.1, 12.1, 12.3, 14.1, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3.

The following motion was considered.

  • C029-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byCity Councillor Power

    That Council hereby approves the following items and that the various Officials of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be necessary to give effect of the recommendations as contained therein: 10.2.1, 10.2.3, 10.4.1, 12.1, 12.3, 14.1, 19.1, 19.2 and 19.3.


    That the report from Laurie Robinson, Supervisor, Business Operations & Vital Statistics to the City Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, re: Delegated Authority Exercised by the City Clerk – Special Occasion Permit Requests Requiring Municipal Significance Designation in 2023, be received.


    1. That the report from Eugenia Bashura, Legal Counsel, Real Estate & Planning Law to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2023, re: Mayfield Industrial GP Inc. and Mayfield Industrial LP, the owners of Blocks 12, 13, 14, 15, 37 and 38 on Plan 43M-1907, consent to the City de-registering Blocks 12, 13, 14, 15, 37 and 38 on Plan 43M-1907 from a plan of subdivision in order to legally merge these parcels of land, be received;

    2. That Council enact By-law 21-2024 to deem Blocks 12, 13, 14, 15, 37 and 38 on Plan 43M-1907 not to be a part of a registered plan of subdivision for the purposes of subsection 50(3) of the Planning Act; and

    3. That the City provide notice of passage of the by-law as required by subsection 50(29) of the Planning Act.


    1. That the report from Simran Sandhu, Advisor, Special Projects, Planning, Building & Growth Management to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, re: Supplementary Recommendation Report – City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendments, be received;

    2. That the Zoning By-law Amendments attached hereto as Attachments 1 be adopted, on the basis that it represents good planning for the reasons set out in the Recommendation Report dated January 12, 2024; and,

    3. That no further notice or public meeting be required for the attached Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 22(6.1) and Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O c.P. 13, as amended.


    That the Minutes of the Committee of Council Meeting of January 31, 2024, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be received.


    1. That the Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be received; and,

    2. That Recommendations AU001-2024 to AU009-2024 be approved as outlined in the subject minutes.


    That the following correspondence re. Item 10.4.1 – Staff Supplementary Recommendation Report re. City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendments (Garage Dimensions), to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be received: 

    1. Victoria Mortelliti, Senior Manager, Policy & Advisory, Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), dated February 27, 2024

    19.1, 19.2 and 19.3

    That the following Closed Session minutes be acknowledged and the directions outlined within be confirmed:

    19.1. Closed Session Minutes - City Council - February 7, 2024

    19.2. Closed Session Minutes - Audit Committee - February 13, 2024

    19.3. Closed Session Minutes - Committee of Council - February 21, 2024


a) Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month – March 2024

b) Transit Operator & Worker Appreciation Day – March 18, 2024

c) Day of Remembrance and Action on Religious Freedom – March 2, 2024

d) World Teen Mental Wellness Day – March 2, 2024 

e) International Women's Day – March 8, 2024 (See Items 6.2, 7.1 and 16.2)

f) Black Mental Health Day – March 4, 2024

Mayor Brown acknowledged and read the proclamations listed above, with the exception of International Women's Day, which was acknowledged and read by Regional Councillors Santos and Brar.

Peter Bhatti received the proclamation for Day of Remembrance and Action on Religious Freedom and, on behalf of his family and the community, thanked Council for the proclamation in remembrance of his brother Shahbaz Bhatti.

Council Sponsors: Regional Councillors Santos and Brar

See items 6.1 e), 7.1 and 16.2

Representatives from the Brampton Women Empowerment Network (WEN) announced the events and activities taking place to mark International Women’s Day, and responded to questions of clarification from Council.

Mayor Brown announced his Charity Golf Event taking place on July 3, 2024, with each Council ward pairing picking a charity to support.

A motion, moved by Mayor Brown and seconded by Regional Councillor Keenan, was introduced to provide for communications support for the tournament from Strategic Communications.

Mayor Brown responded to a question from Council regarding the nature of the requested support.

The motion was considered as follows.

  • C030-2024
    Moved byMayor Patrick Brown
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Keenan

    That Strategic Communications be directed to support communications with respect to the Mayor’s Golf Tournament.


Council agreed to provide additional time for this delegation.

In recognition of International Women’s Day, Donna Smith, Brampton resident and Nurse in Women’s Health and Director of Girls Operations with Brampton Minor Lacrosse, provided a presentation regarding women’s health issues and priorities for Brampton and girl’s programming in the Brampton Minor Lacrosse Association.

Ms. Smith responded to questions of clarification from Council.

A motion, moved by Regional Councillor Santos and seconded by Regional Councillor Brar, was introduced to refer the delegation to staff, adn considered as follows.

  • C031-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    That the delegation from Donna Smith, Brampton resident and Nurse in Women’s Health and Director of Girls Operations with Brampton Minor Lacrosse, re. Item 16.2 – International Women's Day, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be referred to staff.


    Item 16.2 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

    Regional Councillors Santos and Brar outlined challenges being faced by women holding elected office and in leadership positions, provided examples of discrimination and harassment they have experienced, and acknowledged the support received from their male colleagues.

Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, outlined comments on government relations matters (item 8.1), including land use planning, transportation, waste management, and water and wastewater, among other topics.

The following motion was considered.

  • C032-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Santos

    That the delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, re. Item 8.1 – Government Relations Matters, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be received.


Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, outlined comments regarding the proposed Ward Boundary Review (Item 10.2.2).

The following motion was considered.

  • C033-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Santos

    That the delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, re. Item 10.2.2 – Staff Report re. Ward Boundary Review – Process, Terms of Reference, and Budget Amendment, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be received.


Andrzej Hoffmann, Acting Manager, Government Relations, Office of the CAO, provided a presentation, which included information about Region of Peel, Provincial Government, and Federal Government matters.

The following motion was considered.

  • C034-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    That the staff update re. Government Relations Matters, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be received.


In response to questions from Council staff provided information on initiatives within African and Caribbean markets to attract investment and start-ups to the City, and efforts to cultivate Nollywood productions in Brampton.

Council acknowledged and thanked staff for their ongoing efforts toward Black Economic Development initiatives.

The following motion was considered.

  • C035-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Keenan

    1. That the report from Denise McClure, Senior Manager, Economic Development, to the City Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, re: City of Brampton 2023 Black Economic Development Initiatives, be received; and

    2. That City staff continue to deliver programs and services to Black entrepreneurs and businesses and lead initiatives within African and Caribbean markets to attract investment and start-ups.


At the request of Council, staff outlined the options and decision points for consideration with respect to the proposed Ward Boundary Review, and responded to questions.

Council discussion took place on this matter and included consideration of the options outlined in the report and proposed a number of amendments to the staff recommendations.  Members of Council expressed varying opinions regarding the direction for the review.

The following motion to receive the report and approve the recommendations, as amended, was introduced, displayed and considered.

  • C036-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    1. That the report from Shawnica Hans, Program Manager, Elections, City Clerk’s Office to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, re: Ward Boundary Review – Process, Terms of Reference, and Budget Amendment, be received;

    2. That direction be provided to staff regarding a review of Council composition:

    i. be based on a ten-ward model continuing, unless informed by the Province that representation by population will be established for Region of Peel Council, for Mississauga and Brampton;

    3. That direction be provided to staff to:

    i. Commence an internal-led ward boundary review, (including approval of Appendix 2 – Terms of Reference – Ward Boundary Review); 

    4. That, subject to Council approval of an internal-led ward boundary review, a budget amendment be approved and a new capital project be established in the amount of $100,000 for public consultation and engagement, with funding to be transferred from Reserve Fund #25 – Municipal Elections;

    5. That reporting thereon be brought to Committee of Council for consideration, including on appropriate phasing and the convening of a workshop; 

    6. That correspondence be sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing advising of Ward Boundary Review underway in Brampton.

Note: Council agreed to vary the order of business and dealt with this matter after Item 7.1.

Staff responded to questions from Council regarding the updated schedule for completion and installation of the monument.

Council acknowledged the efforts of staff and the community toward the design and finalization of the monument.

The following motion was considered.

  • C037-2024
    Moved byMayor Patrick Brown
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    1. That the report from Kelly Stahl, Director, Cultural Services to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, re: Revised Tamil Genocide Monument Design, be received;

    2. That Council approve the proposed revised design for the Tamil Genocide Monument;

    3. That subject to the proposed revised design meeting the site specifications, staff be directed to dispense with the surplus declaration process and negotiate a Site Agreement with the National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT), inclusive of the NCCT assuming all costs related to the monument, including, without limitation, fabrication, installation, ongoing maintenance, and deaccessioning;

    4. That Council delegate the authority to the Commissioner, Community Services to execute such agreement and/or other documents as may be required to implement Council’s resolutions and directions relating to the Tamil Genocide Monument, including such terms and conditions as may be satisfactory to the Chief Administrative Officer and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or designate; and

    5. That staff be directed to develop a comprehensive Commemoration Policy to govern the creation, placement, and management of monuments, memorials, and other forms of commemoration on municipally owned properties.



Dealt with under Consent Resolution C029-2024

Note: The recommendations outlined in the minutes were approved by Council on February 7, 2024, pursuant to Resolution C014-2024.

Regional Councillor Palleschi, Committee Chair, led Council’s consideration of the minutes.

A motion, moved by Regional Councillor Keenan and seconded by Regional Councillor Medeiros, was introduced to strike out Recommendation PDC034-2024 and replace it with the following:


1. That the staff report titled: Recommended Report, Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law (To permit an eight (8) storey residential apartment building consisting of 82 dwelling units including a retail use at grade), Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. - Soneil Clarence Inc., 75 Clarence Street, Part Block A, Plan 521, Ward 3, dated January 15th, 2024, to the Planning and Development Committee of February 12th, 2024 be received;

2. That the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc., on behalf of Soneil Clarence Inc, Ward 3, File: OZS-2019-006, be refused, on the basis that:

a. The proposed development is not compatible with surrounding character of the existing built form,

b. The cumulative impacts of the combined uses in the proposed zoning by-law (i.e. commercial school) with the proposed residential development could have undue impacts on the existing community, adding to traffic associated with the proposed residential development,

c. The scale and massing of the proposed development does not fit within the existing street context."

Councillor Keenan outlined the purpose of the amendment to provide reasons for Committee’s recommendation to refuse the application for 75 Clarence Street.

The amendment was voted on and carried.

The following motion to receive the minutes and approved the recommendations, as amended, was introduced and considered.

  • C038-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Keenan

    1. That the Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be received;

    2. That Recommendation PDC034-2024 be struck out and replaced with the following:


    1. That the staff report titled: Recommended Report, Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law (To permit an eight (8) storey residential apartment building consisting of 82 dwelling units including a retail use at grade), Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. - Soneil Clarence Inc., 75 Clarence Street, Part Block A, Plan 521, Ward 3, dated January 15th, 2024, to the Planning and Development Committee of February 12th, 2024 be received;

    2. That the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc., on behalf of Soneil Clarence Inc, Ward 3, File: OZS-2019-006, be refused, on the basis that:

    a. The proposed development is not compatible with surrounding character of the existing built form,

    b. The cumulative impacts of the combined uses in the proposed zoning by-law (i.e. commercial school) with the proposed residential development could have undue impacts on the existing community, adding to traffic associated with the proposed residential development,

    c. The scale and massing of the proposed development does not fit within the existing street context.”

    3. That Recommendations PDC028-2024 to PDC039-2024 be approved as amended.


    The recommendations were approved, as amended, as follows:


    That the agenda for the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


    That the following items to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, be approved as part of Consent: 8.1, 9.2, and 11.1.


    1. That the presentation from Marco Gerolini, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, Meridian Planning Consultants, on behalf of Darul Imaan Institute, 8627 Mississauga Road, Ward 4, File: OZS-2023-0037, be received; and

    2. That the following correspondence re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law, Meridian Planning Consultants, on behalf of Darul Imaan Institute, 8627 Mississauga Road, Ward 4, File: OZS-2023-0037 to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, be received.

    1. Ronald and Nancy Webb, Brampton Residents, dated February 12, 2024.


    That the presentation from Samantha Dela Pena, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Royalcliff Homes Countryside Inc., Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc., 0 Countryside Drive, Ward 10, File: OZS-2023-0023 & 21T-23006B, be received.


    1. That the presentation from Arjun Singh, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, MHBC Planning, on behalf of Bovaird West Holdings Inc., 0 Lagerfeld Drive, Ward 6, File: OZS-2023-0039 & 21T-23009B, be received; and

    2. That the following delegations re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, MHBC Planning, on behalf of Bovaird West Holdings Inc., 0 Lagerfeld Drive, Ward 6, File: OZS-2023-0039 & 21T-23009B to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, be received:

    1. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident

    2. Matthew Makkappallil, Brampton Resident

    3. Oz Kemal, MHBC Planning, on behalf of Bovaird West Holdings Inc.


    1. That the presentation from Noel Cubacub, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, re: City-Initiated By-law - Right of Entry for Maintenance, be received;

    2. That the report from Noel Cubacub, Planner, Development Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, re: City-Initiated By-law - Right of Entry for Maintenance, be received;

    3. That Planning and Development Services staff be directed to report back to the Planning and Development Committee with the results of the Public Meeting and draft “Right of Entry for Maintenance” by-law; and

    4. That the following delegation re: City-Initiated By-law - Right of Entry for Maintenance to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, be received:

    1. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident.


    1. That the staff report titled: Recommended Report, Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law (To permit an eight (8) storey residential apartment building consisting of 82 dwelling units including a retail use at grade), Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. - Soneil Clarence Inc., 75 Clarence Street, Part Block A, Plan 521, Ward 3, dated January 15th, 2024, to the Planning and Development Committee of February 12th, 2024 be received;

    2. That the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc., on behalf of Soneil Clarence Inc, Ward 3, File: OZS-2019-006, be refused, on the basis that:

    a. The proposed development is not compatible with surrounding character of the existing built form,

    b. The cumulative impacts of the combined uses in the proposed zoning by-law (i.e. commercial school) with the proposed residential development could have undue impacts on the existing community, adding to traffic associated with the proposed residential development,

    c. The scale and massing of the proposed development does not fit within the existing street context.


    That the Minutes of the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of January 30, 2024, Recommendations HB001-2024 - HB011-2024, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


    That the agenda for the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of January 30, 2024 be approved as published and circulated.


    1. That the report from Merissa Lompart, Assistant Heritage Planner, Planning, Building and Growth Management, dated December 1, 2023, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of January 30, 2024, re: Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act – 44 Nelson Street West, The Cuthbert House - Ward 1, be received;

    2. That the designation of the property at 44 Nelson Street West under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act (the “Act”) be approved;

    3. That staff be authorized to publish and serve the Notice of Intention to designate the property at 44 Nelson Street West in accordance with the requirements of the Act;

    4. That in the event that no objections to the designation are received, a by-law be passed to designate the subject property;

    5. That in the event that any objections to the designation are received, staff be directed to refer the proposed designation to the Ontario Lands Tribunal; and,

    6. That staff be authorized to attend any hearing process held by the Ontario Lands Tribunal in support of Council’s decision to designate the subject property.


    1. That the report from Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of January 30, 2024 re: Heritage Commemoration Plan for the McClure Farmhouse – 8331 Heritage Road, be received;

    2. That Option 2 – Interpretive Feature Wall, 2 as identified on Page 17 of the report, be identified as the preferred option for the commemoration; and

    3. That carved stone be used instead of concrete in the construction of the commemorative feature and that the owner and architect explore opportunities for the reuse of wood salvaged from the building for benches and other features on the site.


    1. That the report from Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner, Integrated City Planning, dated November 20, 2023 to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of January 30, 2024, re: Heritage Incentive Grant Application – 7741 Churchville Road, be received;

    2. That the Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant application for the repair of existing siding, soffits, fascia, gutters, and downspouts as well as restoration of existing trim around the front door be approved, to a maximum of $10,000.00, and;

    3. That the owner shall enter into a designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Agreement with the City after City Council agrees to support the Grant.


    1. That the report from Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner, Integrated City Planning to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of January 30, 2024, re: Property Standards Review for Designated Heritage Properties, be received; and,

    2. That staff be directed to prepare to report on proposed changes to the Heritage Incentive Grant and recommendations for the Implementation of the Municipal Heritage Tax incentive for presentation to the March meeting of the Brampton Heritage Board.


    1. That the verbal advisory from City Clerk’s Office to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of January 30, 2024, re: Request from Christiana Nuamah, Member, be received; and,

    2. That the request for a leave of absence from the Brampton Heritage Board be granted for the period January 2024 to April 2024.


    That the verbal advisory from City Clerk's Office to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of January 30, 2024, re: Termination of Appointment of Carla Green, Member, be received.


    1. That the verbal advisory from City Clerk's Office to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of January 30, 2024, re: Resignation of Lovejot Bhullar, Member, be received; and,

    2. That Mr. Bhullar’s resignation be accepted.


    1. That the report from Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of January 30, 2024, re: Implementation of Heritage Easement Agreements for Properties at 12044 Mississauga Road and 8940 Creditview Road, be received;

    2. That the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management, be authorized to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the Owner for the property at 10244 Mississauga Road in accordance with Part IV, section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act, as amended (the “Act”);

    3. That the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management be authorized to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the Owner for the property at 8940 Mississauga Road in accordance with Part IV, section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act, as amended (the “Act”); and

    4. That authority for signing of both Agreements be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management.


    That the correspondence from Emma Cohlmeyer, Senior Project Manager, ERA Architects Inc. to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of January 30, 2024, re: 10020 Mississauga Road, be received.


    That Brampton Heritage Board do now adjourn to meet again on February 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.


    That the report from Peter Bryson, Acting Director, Enforcement and By-Law Services, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, re: Illegal Development and Land Use Related to Truck, Trailer, and Container Storage, be referred to the February 21, 2024 Committee of Council Meeting.


    1. That the report from Luciano Totino, Manager, Development Construction, to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, re: Streamlining the Administrative Subdivision Assumption Process, be received;

    2. That Council endorse the proposed administrative process improvements related to the assumption of municipal services and infrastructure for plans of subdivisions; and

    3. That staff report annually with an update on the status of completed and anticipated assumptions. Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 in this report describes the anticipated assumptions for 2024.


    That the following correspondence from Tamara Chipperfield, Corporate Secretariat, Credit Valley Conservation, dated January 22, 2024, re: CVC Final Report on the Conservation Authorities Act Transition Period to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024, be received.


    That the Planning and Development Committee do now adjourn to meet again for a Regular Meeting on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.

Dealt with under Consent Resolution C029-2024

The recommendations approved under Consent are as follows.


That the agenda for the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


That the following items to the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, be approved as part of Consent: 6.4, 6.5.


1. That the report from Brad Cecile, Manager, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, re: Fleet Maintenance Audit Report 2023, be received; and

2. That the recommendations contained in Appendix 1: Fleet Maintenance Audit Report 2023, be approved.


1. That the report from Mia Cui, Manager, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, re: Limited Tendering Audit Report 2023, be received; and

2. That the recommendations contained in Appendix 1: Limited Tendering Audit 2023 Report, be approved.


That the Purchasing Department be directed to draft amendments to the Purchasing By-law 19-2018, among other changes, to mandate a conflict of interest disclosure as part of the limited tendering due diligence process and an improved, robust verification process for the justification of these limited tenders and present the draft amendments back to a Committee of Council meeting, at the beginning of Q4, for review and approval.


1. That the report from Mia Cui, Manager, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, re: Asset Management (Small Equipment & Operating Tools) Audit 2023, be received; and

2. That the recommendations contained in Appendix 1: Asset Management (Small Equipment and Operating Tools) Audit 2023 Report, be approved.


That the report from Brad Cecile, Manager, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, re: 2024 Internal Audit Work Plan and 2023 Status Update, be received.


That the report from Richard Gervais, Senior Advisor, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, re: Status of Management Action Plans- Q4 2023, be received.


That the report from Cynthia Kenth, Audit Communications, Internal Audit, to the Audit Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024, re: Annual Report - 2023, be received.


That Committee proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

11.1. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (a) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

(a)  The security of the property of the municipality or local board.


That the Audit Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, or at the call of the Chair.

A motion, moved by Regional Councillor Palleschi and seconded by Regional Councillor Brar, was introduced to strike out Recommendation CW063-2024 and replace it with the following:


1. That the report from Mihir Patel, Traffic Operations Technologist, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21st, 2024, re: Traffic By-law 93-93 – Administrative Update, be received; and,

2. That Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, be further amended.”

Councillor Palleschi outlined the purpose of the amendment to provide for the administrative updates as recommended by staff.

The amendment was voted on and carried.

The following motion to receive the minutes and approved the recommendations, as amended, was introduced and considered.

  • C039-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Palleschi
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Kaur Brar

    1. That the Summary of Recommendations from the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, to the Council Meeting of February 28, 2024, be received;

    2. That Recommendation CW063-2024 be struck out and replaced with the following:


    1. That the report from Mihir Patel, Traffic Operations Technologist, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21st, 2024, re: Traffic By-law 93-93 – Administrative Update, be received; and,

    2. That Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, be further amended”;

    3. That Recommendations CW044-2024 to CW073-2024 be approved as amended.


    The recommendations were approved, as amended, as follows.


    That the agenda for the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024 be approved, as published and circulated.


    That the following items to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024 be approved as part of Consent: 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3, 11.2.5, 12.2.2, 12.2.5, 12.3.1, 12.3.2, 15.1, 15.2.


    That the delegation from Nancy Cairns, Former Political Assistant, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Changes to the Ontario Municipal Act, be referred to staff for the development of appropriate correspondence.


    That the delegation from Francesca Belle, Operations Manager/Coach, Kim Inglis-Clarke, Operations Manager, and Peter Cutruzzola, Director at Large, Cobra Swim Club, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Aquatic Facilities in Brampton, be referred to staff for consideration and a report back within 60 days, if possible, in the context of the updated Parks and Recreation Master Plan.


    That the delegation from Michael J. Gyovai, Executive Director, BGC Peel, and Tom Allain, President, Brampton Kiwanis, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Status of Facility at 247 McMurchy Avenue South and Lease Alignments with Three Agencies, be referred to staff for consideration, particularly with regard to the alignment of lease periods.


    That the following delegations from Azad Goyat, Brampton First Foundation, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, be received:

    1. Rental Unit (Basement) Occupancy

    2. Brampton Landlords

    3. Brampton Auto Theft and Robberies


    That the delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Item 12.2.3 - Staff Report re: Budget Amendment and Request to Begin Procurement for the Demolition of Downtown City Properties – Ward 1, be received.


    That the presentation by Andrzej Hoffmann, Manager, Government Relations and Public Liaison, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Government Relations Matters, be received.


    That the report from Kevin Lindegaard, Licensing Manager, Enforcement and By-law Services, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Information Report to Council - Proposed Pilot Project - Driving Instruction Zones on City Property, be received.


    1. That the report from Peter Bryson, Acting Director, Enforcement and By-Law Services, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Illegal Development and Land Use Related to Truck, Trailer, and Container Storage, be received;

    2. That a copy of this report be shared with the Region of Peel, Town of Caledon, City of Mississauga, City of Vaughan, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Canadian National Railway, Canadian Pacific Railway, and the Ontario Trucking Association;

    3. That an official task force to continue enhanced enforcement measures be endorsed;

    4. That staff be authorized to share enforcement information with external agencies, as necessary; and

    5. That, given the prior re-allocation of resources from other Enforcement and By-law Services operations to support the Trucking Task Force, four by-law enforcement officers be hired to, immediately on a temporary basis, complement Enforcement and By-law Services.


    1. That the report from Amanda Leard, Manager of Investment Attraction, Economic Development, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: 2023 Economic Development Investment Attraction and International Relations Update, be received; and

    2. That the Chief Administrative Officer, in consultation with the Director of Economic Development, be authorized to approve Investment Attraction and International Relations missions in 2024 as such opportunities arise, subject to alignment with the overall strategy and approved budget.


    1. That the report from Denise McClure, Senior Manager, Economic Development, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Budget Amendment – Attracting International Entrepreneurs to the City of Brampton, be received;

    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a funding agreement with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development regarding the delivery of business services in the City of Brampton, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor (or designate);

    3. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with the Toronto Business Development Centre (TBDC), a not-for-profit corporation, to implement the funding agreement, in keeping with the priorities of supporting International Entrepreneurs in the City of Brampton, and that the form of such agreement is satisfactory to the City Solicitor (or designate);

    4. That staff report back to Council on achievements and results of the funding agreement on an annual basis; and

    5. That a budget amendment be approved, and a new capital project established in the amount of $4,000,000 for Economic Development, in partnership with the TBDC, to attract more entrepreneurs and business investment, and to be funded from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.


    Whereas, the City of Brampton officially launched the MedTech Task Force on May 25, 2023;

    Whereas, the work of the MedTech Task Force is dependent on support from industry experts and community partners; and,

    Whereas, the MedTech Task Force has garnered additional interest since its formation;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    1. That Jaipaul Massey-Singh, CEO, Brampton Board of Trade, be added as an official member of the MedTech Task Force; and

    2. That the City Clerks Office be requested to contact the new member of the Task Force to advise of the membership invitation and request the necessary contact information be provided to the City Clerk’s Office.


    That the report from Bennett Kim, Real Estate Coordinator, Realty Services, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Transactions Executed by Administrative Authority for October 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, be received.


    1. That the report from Lana Huynh, Advisor, Special Projects, Realty Services, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement – Professional Real Estate Appraisers and Surveyors for a One Year Period, be received;

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for Professional Real Estate Appraisal Services; and

    3. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for Professional Property Survey Services.


    1. That the report from Nash Damer, Treasurer, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Status of General Accounts Receivable, be received; and

    2. That Council approves the write-off of any invoice with an amount over $10,000 as described in this report.


    1. That the report from Nash Damer, Treasurer, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: 2024 User Fees – Housekeeping Updates, be received;

    2. That a by-law be passed to amend User Fee By-law 380-2003, as amended, for the purpose of housekeeping updates as set out in Appendix 1; and

    3. That the updated Stormwater Charge Credit Manual as set out in Appendix 2 be approved.


    1. That the report from Pat Carmichael, Manager, Data Centre and Cloud, Information Technology, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement – Back-up Storage, be received; and

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence procurement for the supply, installation, maintenance and support of Commvault Back-up Software for a Five (5) Year Period.


    1. That the report from Vincent Rodo, Director, Organizational Performance and Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Women’s Advisory Committee (RM 61/2022), be received;

    2. That the draft Terms of Reference to establish the Women’s Advisory Committee (Appendix 1) be approved;

    3. That Councillor Navjit Kaur Brar and Councillor Rowena Santos be appointed to the Women’s Advisory Committee;

    4. That the Women’s Advisory Committee be deemed constituted for an expeditious inaugural meeting; and

    5. That a subcommittee consisting of the Councillors appointed to the Women’s Advisory Committee be tasked with reviewing citizen applicants to the Committee, and to make recommendation to Council with respect to appointments to the inaugural Brampton Women’s Advisory Committee.


    1. That the report from Mihir Patel, Traffic Operations Technologist, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21st, 2024, re: Traffic By-law 93-93 – Administrative Update, be received; and,

    2. That Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, be further amended”;


    1. That the report from Ram Sah, Project Manager, Capital Works, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement for Engineering Services for Clark Boulevard Extension from Rutherford Road to Hansen Road South and Eastern Avenue Widening from Hansen Road South to Kennedy Road – Ward 3, be received; and,

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for engineering services for Clark Boulevard extension from Rutherford Road to Hansen Road South and Eastern Avenue widening from Hansen Road South to Kennedy Road.


    1. That the report from Peter Gabor, Manager, Building Design and Construction, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Budget Amendment and Request to Begin Procurement for the Demolition of Downtown City Owned Properties - Ward 1, be received;

    2. That Council direct staff to proceed with the demolition of vacant City-owned properties located at 30-46 and 54-60 Main Street North;

    3. That Council direct staff to proceed with continued negotiations to acquire the properties located at 22–28, 48, and 52 Main Street North for demolition;

    4. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement of a demolition contracting firm to proceed with the demolition of the city-owned properties located at 30-46 and 54–60 Main Street North; and

    5. That a budget amendment be approved to establish a new capital project in the amount of $6,000,000 for the demolition of the Downtown City-owned properties, with funding of $4,575,000 transferred from Reserve #110 – Community Investment Fund, and remaining funding of $1,425,000 to be transferred from Project #191584 - Demolition of 14 and 21 Nelson Street.


    1. That the report from Jason Keddy, Manager, Security Services, Public Works and Engineering, and Michael Kralt, Strategic Leader, Project Management, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement for Traffic Camera and Automated Speed Enforcement Programs, be received;

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for the supply and installation of traffic cameras at various intersections; and

    3. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement for the supply and implementation of automated speed enforcement cameras and related services.


    1. That the report from Peter Gabor, Manager, Building Design and Construction, Public Works and Engineering, to Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, re: Budget Amendment and Request to Begin Procurement for Interior Renovations to 175 Sandalwood Parkway – Ward 2, be received;

    2. That Council direct staff to proceed with the necessary state of good repair work, security upgrades and interior renovations to accommodate the Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) Processing Centre staff and operations at 175 Sandalwood Parkway;

    3. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence procurements as required to proceed with work necessary to accommodate the ASE Processing Centre staff and operations at 175 Sandalwood Parkway;

    4. That Council approve the return of surplus capital funds totaling $1,500,000 as detailed in the financial section of this report; and

    5. That a budget amendment be approved to establish a new capital project in the amount of $1,500,000 for the state of good repair work, security upgrades and interior renovations to accommodate the ASE Processing Center staff and operations at 175 Sandalwood Parkway, with funding of $1,250,000 to be transferred from Reserve #100-Legacy Fund and $250,000 from Reserve #4-Asset Repair and Replacement.


    That the Minutes of the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of February 6, 2024, Recommendations EAC001-2024 to EAC006-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, be approved.


    That the agenda for the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of February 6, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


    That the verbal update from Karley Cianchino, Environmental Project Specialist, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of February 6, 2024, re: Earth Day, be received.


    That the verbal update from Karley Cianchino, Environmental Project Specialist, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of February 6, 2024, re: Upcoming Engagement Opportunity - Seedy Saturday, be received.


    That the verbal update from Kristina Dokoska, Environmental Planner, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of February 6, 2024, re: Climate Change Adaptation Plan, be received.


    That the verbal update from Kristina Dokoska, Environmental Planner, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of February 6, 2024, re: Ontario Resource Centre for Climate Adaptation, be received.


    That the Environment Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., or at the call of the Chair.


    That the Minutes of the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council Meeting of February 8, 2024, Recommendations SC006-2024 to SC015-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of February 21, 2024, be approved.


    That the agenda for the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of February 8, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


    1. That the correspondence from James Mann, Brampton resident, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of February, 8, 2024, re: Request to review Safety Concerns at Vanderbrink Drive and Sugarcane Avenue and Crossing Guard inquiry, Hewson Public School, 235 Father Tobin Road - Ward 9, be received; and,

    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    1. That the correspondence from Anuj Vohra, Brampton resident, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of February 8, 2024, re: Request to review Traffic Congestion at intersection of Earnscliffe Circle and Earnscliffe Gate, Earnscliffe Public School, 50 Earnscliffe Circle - Ward 7, be received; and,

    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    1. That the correspondence from Elayia Ajjantheepan, Brampton resident, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of February 8, 2024, re: Request for a Crossing Guard at intersection of Creditview Road and Tribune Drive, Tribune Drive Public School, 30 Tribune Drive - Ward 6, be received; and,

    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    1. That the correspondence from Peter Petrucelli, School Administrator, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of February 8, 2024, re: Request to review Traffic Congestion at Corporation Drive and Torbram Road in vicinity of the school, St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, 25 Corporation Drive, be received; and,

    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    1. That the correspondence from Steven Quartarone, Vice-Principal, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of February 8, 2024, re: Request for a Crossing Guard at Mayfield Road and Snellview Boulevard, St. Rita Catholic School, 30 Summer Valley Drive, Ward 2, be received; and,

    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    That the update by Enforcement and By-law Services, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council Meeting, re: School Patrol Statistics 2023 - 2024 be received.


    That the information from Violet Skirten, Crossing Guard Supervisor, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of February 8, 2024, re: Crossing Guard Appreciation Week be received.


    1. That the Site Inspection report for Larkspur Public School, be received;

    2. That, in an effort to encourage Active Transportation to and from school, the Principal contact their designated Peel Health Nurse to participate in the School Travel Plan Programin Peel;

    3. The principal be requested:

    • to ask the School Board to review the signage and pavement markings in the Kiss and Ride area. In addition, to review the placement of the “No Left Turn Sign”.
    • to remind drivers to observe the “No Left Turn” restrictions at the school exit
    • to arrange with the School Board Planning staff to review the Kiss and Ride operation with the possibility of opening it during arrival and dismissal times

    4. That the Manager of Parking Enforcement arrange for the enforcement of Parking/Stopping infractions during arrival and dismissal times.


    That Brampton School Traffic Safety Council do now adjourn to meet again on March 7, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.


    That Committee proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

    15.3 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

    15.4 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.


    1. That a budget amendment be approved for project #234690-002 – Bus Purchases, in the amount of $2,264,000, to be funded through $1,391,000 from Reserve #121 - Municipal Transit Capital and $873,000 from Res #96 - Transportation Initiatives Reserve;

    2. That staff be authorized to begin procurement for a new bus contract, consisting of 40ft (12m) and 60ft (18m) conventional and BRT transit buses for a one (1) year initial term, with three (3) additional one (1) year renewal options, in accordance with the Purchasing By-Law, and;

    3. That staff be authorized to begin procurement to advance the clean diesel to electric bus conversion pilot project.


    That the Commissioner, Community Services, be delegated authority to approve and execute any required agreements and other documents deemed necessary for completing the inductions into the 2024 Brampton Arts Walk of Fame program, on such terms and conditions as may be satisfactory to the Director, Cultural Services or designate, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor or designate.


    That the Committee of Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, or at the call of the Chair.

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office or in person regarding any decisions made during the meeting. 

Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, asked potential venues for film festivals, including Nollywood (outlined in Item 10.1.1). 

Mayor Brown noted that, in the past, the City partnered with private movie theatre owners.



The following motion was considered.

  • C040-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Keenan
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Santos

    That By-laws 21-2024 to 34-2024, before Council at its Regular Meeting of February 28, 2024, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.


    The by-laws were passed as follows.

    By-law 21-2024 – To deem Blocks 12, 13, 14, 15, 37 and 38 on Plan 43M-1907 as not part of the plan of subdivision for the purpose of Section 50(3) of the Planning Act

    See Item 10.2.3

    By-law 22-2024 – To amend User Fee By-law 380-2003, as amended – housekeeping updates to various fees and charges

    See Item 12.4 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW060-2024 – February 21, 2024

    By-law 23-2024 – To amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended – administrative updates to scheduled relating to through highways, no parking, fire routes and community safety zones

    See Item 12.4 – Committee of Council Recommendation CW063-2024 – February 21, 2024

    By-law 24-2024 – To adopt Amendment Number OP2006-261 to the Official Plan of the City of Brampton Planning Area – Arcadis on behalf of the Regional Municipality of Peel – 1358 Queen Street West – Ward 5 (File: OZS-2023-0027)

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC008-2024 – January 15, 2024 and By-law 25-2024

    By-law 25-2024 – To amend Zoning By-Law 270-2004, as amended – Arcadis on behalf of the Regional Municipality of Peel – 1358 Queen Street West – Ward 5 (File: OZS-2023-0027)

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC008-2024 – January 15, 2024 and By-law 24-2024

    By-law 26-2024 – To amend Zoning By-Law 270-2004, as amended – Sheridan Capital Management Corp. – c/o Candevcon Limited – 10635, 10647, and 0 The Gore Road – Ward 10 (File: OZS-2023-0001)

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC181-2023 – December 4, 2023

    By-law 27-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended – Sheridan Capital Management Corp. c/o Matthews Planning & Management Inc. – 10797 The Gore Road – Ward 10 (File: OZS-2023-0002)

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC182-2024 – December 4, 2024

    By-law 28-2024 – To establish certain lands as part of the public highway system (Heart Lake Road) – Ward 2

    By-law 29-2024 – To establish certain lands as part of the public highway system Williams Parkway – Ward 8

    By-law 30-2024 – To prevent the application of part lot control to part of Registered Plan 43M-1818 – maintenance easements for one block near Fallowfield Rd and Creditview Rd. – Ward 5 (PLC-2023-0027)

    By-law 31-2024 – To prevent the application of part lot control – maintenance easements for eight (8) lots near Fallowfield Road and Creditview Road – Ward 5 (PLC-2023-0028)

    By-law 32-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended – City-initiated amendment – Below Grade Entrances

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC023-2024 – January 29, 2024

    By-law 33-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended – City-initiated amendment – Driveway Widths

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC023-2024 – January 29, 2024

    By-law 34-2024 – To amend Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended – City-initiated amendment – Supportive Housing Residence Type 1 and 2

    See Planning and Development Committee Recommendation PDC023-2024 – January 29, 2024


  • Items 19.1, 19.2 and 19.3 were dealt with under Consent Resolution C029-2024.
  • Item 19.6 was added under Approval of Agenda Resolution C027-2024

The following motion was considered.

  • C041-2024
    Moved byCity Councillor Power
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    That Council proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

    19.4. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (e) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

    19.5. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (e) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

    19.6  Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

    A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.


    Note: In Open Session, Mayor Brown reported on the status of matters considered in Closed Session, as follows:

    19.4 – this item was considered in closed session, and direction was given.

    19.5 – this item was considered in closed session, and direction was given.

    19.6 – this item was considered in closed session, direction given, including that a motion be considered in public session (see Resolution C042-2024 below).

  • The following motion was considered with respect to Item 19.6.

    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Vicente

    That the Acting Manager, Asset / Energy Management & Capital Planning be directed to use a limited tendering process to engage a consultant to sell carbon credits on behalf of the City before the expiry date; and 

    That Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering be authorized to execute a contract with such a consultant in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or designate.


^ Closed Session Minutes - City Council - February 7, 2024


^ Closed Session Minutes - Audit Committee - February 13, 2024


^ Closed Session Minutes - Committee of Council - February 21, 2024


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (e) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (e) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


The following motion was considered.

  • C043-2024
    Moved byCity Councillor Power
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Palleschi

    That the following by-law before Council at its Regular Meeting of February 28, 2024, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, and signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:

    By-law 35-2024 – To confirm the proceedings of Council at its Regular Meeting held on February 28, 2024.


The following motion was considered.

  • C044-2024
    Moved byRegional Councillor Santos
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Singh

    That Council do now adjourn to meet again for a Regular Meeting of Council on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. or at the call of the Mayor.

No Item Selected