
Environment Advisory Committee

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Rajbalinder Ghatoura (Co-Chair)
  • Harripaul Bridgemohan
  • Akeem Gardner
  • Jafir Jaferi
  • Charry Rakhara
  • Stacey Wilson
Members Absent:
  • David Laing, Co-Chair (regrets)
  • Alexandra Belen
  • Tamsen Metcalfe
  • Davika Misir (regrets)
  • Sherry-Ann Ram
  • City Councillor D. Whillans - Wards 2 and 6 (other municipal business)
Staff Present:
  • Michael Hoy, Supervisor, Environmental Planning, Public Works and Engineering
  • Stavroula Kassaris, Environmental Planner, Public Works and Engineering
  • Kristina Dokoska, Policy Planner, Environment, Public Works and Engineering
  • Zoe Milligan, Environmental Project Specialist, Pubic Works and Engineering
  • Nelson Cadete, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Economic Development
  • Sonya Pacheco, Legislative Coordinator, City Clerk's Office

The meeting was called to order at 6:16 p.m. and adjourned at 8:27 p.m.


The following motion was considered.

  • EAC016-2022

    That the agenda for the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2022 be approved as published and circulated.


The minutes were considered by Committee of Council on April 13, 2022, and were approved by Council on April 20, 2022. The minutes were provided for Committee’s information.


1. Julie Harlow, Brampton resident on behalf of Save Huttonville Forest

2. Dr. Tushar Mehta, Brampton resident

Julie Harlow and Dr. Tushar Mehta, Brampton residents, provided presentations to Committee, which included information regarding the impact of development on agricultural land, the environment and specifically, Huttonville Forest. 

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Impact of the loss of Huttonville Forest on the environment and the adjacent community 
  • Information from staff regarding the development planning approval process through the Planning and Development Committee, including environmental studies and the role of conservation authorities 
  • Concerns regarding the decision-making process
  • Indication that the subject development has been approved by Council
  • Clarification regarding tableland tree removal compensation

The following motion was considered. 

  • EAC017-2022

    That the following delegations re: Huttonville Forest, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2022, be received:

    1. Julie Harlow, Brampton resident on behalf of Save Huttonville Forest;
    2. Dr. Tushar Mehta, Brampton resident.


1. Diane Smele, Member, and Dr. David Steele, President, Earthsave Canada 

2. Mo (Marian) Markham, and Dr. Tushar Metha, Members, Plant-Based Cities Movement 

3. Shailly Prajapati, Brampton resident

Diane Smele, Member, and Dr. David Steele, President, Earthsave Canada, provided a presentation titled "Earthsave Canada".

Mo (Marian) Markham, and Dr. Tushar Metha, Members, Plant-Based Cities Movement, provided a presentation titled "Plant-based Cities Movement".

Shailly Prajapati, Brampton resident, provided a presentation titled "Healthy Diet and Sustainable Economy".

The presentations included information regarding climate change, the impact of animal-based foods on the environment, worldwide shifts to more plant-based foods, and the environmental and health benefits of consuming more plant-based, and less animal-based, foods. The delegations requested that the City of Brampton shift 50 per cent of its animal-based food purchases to plant-based purchases by the end of 2022. 

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Exploring options to provide more plant-based food options at City facilities and events
  • Indication that this matter has not been considered in the City's climate action plans
  • Impact of food on the climate crisis and the benefits of shifting to more plant-based foods

The following motion was considered.

  • EAC018-2022

    1. That the delegations re: Urgency of Climate Breakdown - Transitioning 50% of City Food Purchases to Plant-Based, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2022, be referred to a future meeting of the Committee of Council; and

    1. Diane Smele, Member, and Dr. David Steele, President, Earthsave Canada;
    2. Mo (Marian) Markham, and Dr. Tushar Metha, Members, Plant-Based Cities Movement;
    3. Shailly Prajapati, Brampton resident; and

    2. That, it is the position of the Environment Advisory Committee that, the City of Brampton evaluate their current food product sourcing and that Council consider a substantial shift towards adopting more plant-based options in City facilities and during events, in alignment with reducing climate impacts. 


Zoe Milligan, Environmental Project Specialist, Public Works and Engineering, provided a presentation titled "Private Property Maintenance and Prohibited Plants By-law".

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Review of the subject by-law with Enforcement and By-law Services staff to balance the City's goals with the ability to enforce
  • The Ontario Weed Control Act noxious weeds list
  • Identification of problematic plants and invasive plant species
  • Promoting use of native plants
  • Impact of invasive plants on neighbouring properties, and related enforcement practices
  • Public awareness and education program regarding prohibited plants and the subject by-law

The following motion was considered.

  • EAC019-2022

    1. That the staff presentation titled: Grass and Weed Cutting By-law 166-2011 Update, to the Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2022, be received.

    2. That staff be requested to educate the public through providing visual identification of plants on the City's website, and any other resources that may be available, to educate residents on plants of concern and common landscape plants that are problematic in the environment, and provide options for native alternatives. 


Nelson Cadete, Project Manager - Active Transportation, Planning, Building and Economic Development, provided a presentation titled "Micromobility – Electric Scooter Pilot".

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Regulations for the use of electric scooters (e-scooters)
  • E-scooter parking management and enforcement (e-scooter parking/docking areas)
  • Interest from Committee members to participate in an e-scooter demonstration 
  • E-scooter accessibility features

The following motion was considered.

  • EAC020-2022

    That the staff presentation titled: Micromobility – Electric Scooter Pilot, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2022, be received. 


Item 8.1 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Zoe Milligan, Environmental Project Specialist, Public Works and Engineering, provided an update regarding the Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP), noting that the plan has been finalized and will be presented to the Committee of Council at the June 22, 2022 meeting. Ms. Milligan encouraged Committee members to show their support for the plan.

The following motions were considered.

  • EAC021-2022

    That the verbal update from Zoe Milligan, Environmental Project Specialist, Public Works and Engineering, re: Urban Forest Management Plan - Final Report, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2022, be received.

  • EAC022-2022

    Whereas the United Nations has declared 2021-2030 the “Decade of Ecosystem Restoration” to “Prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide” and calls on everyone; including local governments to act to find viable solutions to mitigate global challenges such as increasing climate change impacts and catastrophic biodiversity losses;

    Whereas the UNECE identified urban trees and forests as providing a unique opportunity for policymakers at local levels of government to contribute meaningfully to the goals for the Decade; prompting over 50 mayors, at the inaugural Forum of Mayors in October 2020 to endorse a Declaration which places trees and forests at the heart of the urban agenda for next decade by pledging to adopt policy and take action through the “Trees in Cities Challenge”;

    Whereas the City of Brampton 2040 Vision calls for the planting of one million trees by 2040 to grow the urban forest, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and foster the delivery of ecosystem services;

    Whereas in February 2020, the City of Brampton Council approved the Brampton One Million Trees Program as a framework for the City and its partners to increase tree planting initiatives and realize the target of one million trees by 2040; 

    Whereas the Report to Committee of Council, dated November 20, 2019 stipulates that the One Million Trees Program is focused on getting new trees in the ground, and does not look at tree preservation and upkeep; and further that, directions pertaining to the inventorying, operations, maintenance, and monitoring of the urban forest will be addressed in the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan;

    Whereas it is acknowledged in the Report to Committee of Council dated November 20, 2019 that the City’s current canopy is just 18% of total land cover and that the existing canopy is under further threat due to invasive species, extreme weather events and drought;

    Whereas it is widely acknowledged that in order to benefit from the ecosystems service a healthy urban forest can provide, trees must live to their potential. Further that in order for trees to survive and thrive, thus contributing to a healthy urban forest, cities must invest resources in planning, monitoring and maintenance;

    Therefore Be It Resolved that, it is the position of the Environment Advisory Committee that Brampton City Council adopt and support the Urban Forest Management Plan in principle and practice, including the resources to adequately operationalize the plan.


Kristina Dokoska, Policy Planner - Environment, Public Works and Engineering, provided an overview of the Earth Day and Grow Green Awards event.

The following motion was considered.

  • EAC023-2022

    That the Verbal Update from Kristina Dokoska, Policy Planner - Environment, Public Works and Engineering, re: Earth Day and Grow Green Awards Recap, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2022, be received.


Michael Hoy, Supervisor, Environmental Planning, Public Works and Engineering, provided an update on the recruitment of board members for the Centre for Community Energy Transformation (CCET), and advised that on May 6, 2022 the CCET became a non-profit organization. 

The following motion was considered.

  • EAC024-2022

    That the Verbal Update from Michael Hoy, Supervisor, Environmental Planning, Public Works and Engineering, re: Centre for Community Energy Transformation (CCET) Update, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2022, be received.



The following motion was considered.

  • EAC025-2022

    That the Environment Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.
