Ivan Macri, Citizen Member, expressed concerns with the safety for local business owners and the break and enters occurring within Brampton. Mr. Macri advised it's an ongoing concern as the same businesses continue to be targeted causing concerns with insurance companies. Business owners need support and guidance to help restore hope and help get business owners through the process.
Councillor Keenan advised that adaptation is fundamental for businesses being broken into. There is a need to take precautions to prevent it from happening again. Councillor Keenan suggested information packages be created, similar to what Peel Regional Police did with vehicles being stolen. Take a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach.
Sgt Jeff Mason advised there are several factors contributing to break and enters, such as mental health, addiction, whether, etc.. Brampton Residence can contact Peel Police to request an environmental design and audit be undertaken. Officers will attend and assist with identifying potential locations for camera installation, increased lighting, trimming of bushes, etc. making it less attractive for criminals wanting to break in.
Razmin Said, Manager, Community Safety and Well-Being Office, outlined that the Community Safety and Well-being plan includes crime prevention through and environmental design audit check list that will be developed and was set to be undertaken in 2025. Ms. Said advised that staff will look at implementing it sooner. In addition, the plan also includes a home and property crime prevention guide, for residents and businesses. The draft plan is being work on with the Region of Peel and Reel Regional Police and will be brought to committee for input and review.
Ms. Said clarified that the draft report on the Nurtured Neighbourhood grant is being revised and will be brought to Council before the next Committee meeting.