AgendaPlanning & Development CommitteeThe Corporation of the City of BramptonMeeting #:Date:Monday, January 18, 2021Time: 7:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Location:Council Chambers - 4th Floor, City Hall - Webex Electronic MeetingMembers:Regional Councillor M. Medeiros - Wards 3 and 4Regional Councillor P. Fortini - Wards 7 and 8Regional Councillor R. Santos - Wards 1 and 5Regional Councillor P. Vicente - Wards 1 and 5City Councillor D. Whillans - Wards 2 and 6Regional Councillor M. Palleschi - Wards 2 and 6City Councillor J. Bowman - Wards 3 and 4City Councillor C. Williams - Wards 7 and 8City Councillor H. Singh - Wards 9 and 10Regional Councillor G. Dhillon - Wards 9 and 10Mayor Patrick Brown (ex officio) NOTICE: In consideration of the current COVID-19 public health orders prohibiting large public gatherings and requiring physical distancing, in-person attendance at Council and Committee meetings will be limited to Members of Council and essential City staff. As of September 16, 2020, limited public attendance at meetings will be permitted by pre-registration only (subject to occupancy limits). It is strongly recommended that all persons continue to observe meetings online or participate remotely. To register to attend a meeting in-person, please complete this form. For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending (some advance notice may be required), please contact: Shauna Danton, Legislative Coordinator, Telephone 905.874.2116, TTY 905.874.2130, or email [email protected]1.Call to Order 2.Approval of Agenda 3.Declarations of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act 4.Consent Motion All items listed with a caret (^) are considered to be routine and non-controversial by Council and will be approved by one resolution. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests it in which case the item will be removed from the consent resolution and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. (8.1)5.Statutory Public Meeting Reports 5.1Staff report re: City-initiated Amendment to the Zoning By-law to Eliminate Minimum Parking Requirements in the Downtown, Central Area, and Hurontario-Main Corridor 1.City-initiated Amendment to Eliminate Minimum Parking Requirements.pdf2.Appendix 1.pdf3.Appendix 2 (1).pdf4.Appendix 3.pdfStaff presentation by Michelle Gervais, Policy Planner, Planning, Building and Economic Development 5.2Staff report re: City-Initiated Amendments to the Official Plan (Second Unit Policies) and Zoning By-law (Above Grade Side Entrances Provision) 1.City-initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf2.Appendix 1 - Official Plan Amendment.pdf3.Appendix 2 Zoning By-law Amendment.pdfStaff presentation by Michelle Gervais, Policy Planner, Planning, Building and Economic Development 5.3Staff report re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law (to permit 29 additional units, relocate the supermarket, update setback requirements, and remove the Holding provision) - 2652367 Ontario Inc. - KLM Planning Partners Inc. - File OZS-2020-0019 1.OZS-2020-0019 - Queen and McVean.pdf2.OZS_2020_0019_APP1_CONV1.pdf3.OZS_2020_0019_APP2_LOC.pdf4.OZS_2020_0019_APP3_OP.pdf5.OZS_2020_0019_APP4_SP.pdf6.OZS_2020_0019_APP5_ZON.pdf7.OZS_2020_0019_APP6_ELU.pdf8.Information Summary.pdfLocation: Northeast corner of Queen Street East and McVean Drive - Ward 8 Staff presentation by Stephen Dykstra, Development Planner, Planning, Building and Economic Development See Items 6.2 and 11.25.4Staff report re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law (to permit 24 stacked back-to-back townhouse and three (3) traditional townhouse units) - Sunfield Investments (Church) Inc. - Weston Consulting - File OZS-2020-0026 1.Information Report OZS-2020-0026 172 Church St E.pdf2.OZS_2020_0026_APP1_CONV1.pdf3.OZS_2020_0026_APP2_LOC.pdf4.OZS_2020_0026_APP3_OP.pdf5.OZS_2020_0026_APP4_SP.pdf6.OZS_2020_0026_APP5_ZON.pdf7.OZS_2020_0026_APP6_ELU.pdf8.OZS_2020_0026_APP7_HERT.pdf9.OZS_2020_0026_APP8_TERTIARY.pdf10.OZS_2020_0026_Appendix 9_Information Summary.pdfLocation: 172 Church Street East - Ward 1 Staff presentation by Yin Xiao, Development Planner, Planning, Building and Economic Development See Item 11.15.5Staff report re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law (to permit a 21-storey residential building with 290 units on Block 2 lands) - KLM Planning Partners Inc. - i2 Developments (Brampton) Inc. - File OZS-2020-0028 1.OZS-2020-0028 - Information Report - Rezoning - 225 Malta Ave.pdf2.OZS_2020_0028_APP1_CONV1.pdf3.OZS_2020_0028_APP2_LOC.pdf4.OZS_2020_0028_APP3_OP.pdf5.OZS_2020_0028_APP4_SP.pdf6.OZS_2020_0028_APP5_ZON.pdf7.OZS_2020_0028_APP6_ELU.pdf8.OZS_2020_0028_APP7_HERT.pdf9.APPENDIX 8 - Information Summary.pdfLocation: 225 Malta Avenue - Ward 4 Staff presentation by Himanshu Katyal, Development Planner, Planning, Building and Economic Development 5.6Staff report re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-Law (to permit development of two high-rise mixed-use towers with a connecting podium) - TACC Holborn Corp. – Malone Given Parsons Ltd. - File OZS-2020-0032 1.OZS-2020-0032 - 8863 Gore Rd - ZBA.pdf2.OZS-2020-0032_APP1_CONV1.pdf3.OZS-2020-0032_APP1A_PLAN OF SUBDIVISION.pdf4.OZS-2020-0032_APP2_LOC.pdf5.OZS-2020-0032_APP3_OP.pdf6.OZS-2020-0032_APP4_SP.pdf7.OZS-2020-0032_APP5_ZON.pdf8.OZS-2020-0032_APP6_ELU.pdf9.OZS-2020-0032_APP7_Info Summary_2020-11-30.pdf10.OZS-2020-0032_APP8_Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf11.OZS-2020-0032_APP9_OReg 171-20.pdfLocation: 8863 The Gore Road, Northeast quadrant of Queen Street East and The Gore Road - Ward 8 Staff presentation by Mark Michniak, Development Planner, Planning, Building and Economic Development See Item 11.36.Public Delegations (5 minutes maximum) 6.1Possible delegations re: Site Specific Amendment to the Sign By-Law 399-2002, as amended - Peel Standard Condominium Corporation 1044 - 7956 Torbram Road – Ward 7 1.20210118_Public Notice -Sign Amendments - 7956 Torbram Road.pdfNote: Notice regarding this matter was published on the City's website on January 8, 2021 See Item 7.16.2Delegation re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law (to permit 29 additional units, relocate the supermarket, update setback requirements, and remove the holding provision) - 2652367 Ontario Inc. - KLM Planning Partners Inc. - File OZS-2020-0019 1.6.1-1 - Paul Mand.pdf1. Paul Mand, Project Representative, Mand Rai Lawyers LLP See Items 5.3 and 11.27.Staff Presentations and Planning Reports 7.1Staff report re: Site Specific Amendment to the Sign By-Law 399-2002, as amended - Peel Standard Condominium Corporation 1044 - 7956 Torbram Road – Ward 7 1.Site Specific Amendment to the Sign By-Law, 7956 Torbram Road .pdf2.Schedule 1 - Location Map.pdf3.Schedule 2 - Site Plan.pdf4.Schedule 3 - Proposed Signage - South Elevation.pdf5.Schedule 4 - Proposed Signage - East Elevation.pdfRecommendation See Item 6.17.2Staff report re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision - 2639509 Ontario Ltd. - Candevcon Ltd. - File C03W14.008 1.C03W14.008 - Recommendation Report - 10783 Creditview Rd - 2639509 Ontario Ltd - Candevcon Ltd.pdf2.Appendix 1_Concept Plan.pdf3.Appendix 1a_Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf4.Appendix 2 - Location Map.pdf5.Appendix 3 - Official Plan Designation.pdf6.Appendix 3a - Retail Structure Designation.pdf7.Appendix 4 - Secondary Plan Designations.pdf8.Appendix 5 - Zoning Designations.pdf9.Appendix 6 - Existing Land Uses.pdf10.Appendix 7 - Draft OPA.pdf11.Appendix 8 - Draft ZBLA.pdf12.Appendix 9 - Detailed Planning Analysis.pdf13.Appendix 10 - Public Meeting.pdf14.Appendix 11 - Correspondence Received.pdf15.Appendix 12 - Cover Page.pdf16.Appendix 12 - Schedule A.pdf17.Appendix 12 - Comments and Conditions.pdf18.Appendix 13 - Results of Application Circulation.pdfLocation: 10783 Creditview Road - Ward 6 Recommendation7.3Staff report re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision - Candevcon Ltd. - 2185715 Ontario Inc. - File C08E17.012 1.C08E17.012 - Recommendation Report - 11570 McVean Drive.pdf2.Appendix 1 - Original Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf3.Appendix 1A - Revised Draft Plan of Subdivison.pdf4.Appendix 2 - Location Map(1).pdf5.Appendix 3 - Official Plan Designations.pdf6.Appendix 4 - Secondary Plan Designations(1).pdf7.Appendix 5 - Zoning Designations(1).pdf8.Appendix 6 - Aerial and Existing Land Use.pdf9.Appendix 7 - Heritage Resources.pdf10.Appendix 8 - Propane Facilities.pdf11.Appendix 9 - Block Plan Designations.pdf12.Appendix 10 - Planning Analysis.pdf13.Appendix 11 - Results of Public Meeting - Revised.pdf14.C08E17.012 - Appendix 12 - Correspondence Received_Redacted.pdf15.Appendix 13 - Results of Application Circulation - Final.pdf16.Appendix 14 - Draft ZBA.pdf17.Appendix 15 - Conditions of Draft Approval.pdfLocation: 11570 McVean Drive - Ward 10 Recommendation7.4Staff report re: Application to Amend the Official Plan, Zoning By-law and Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision - Matthews Planning and Management Ltd. - Ouray Developments - File C10E05.019 1.C10E05.019 Ouray Developments - Recommendation Report.pdf2.Appendix 1(1).pdf3.Appendix 1A.pdf4.Appendix 1B.pdf5.Appendix 1C.pdf6.Appendix 2.pdf7.Appendix 3(1).pdf8.Appendix 4.pdf9.Appendix 5.pdf10.Appendix 6.pdf11.Appendix 7.pdf12.Appendix 8.pdf13.Appendix 9.pdf14.Appendix 10.pdf15.Appendix 11.pdf16.Appendix 12.pdfLocation: Northeast corner of Nexus Avenue and Fogal Road - Ward 8 Recommendation7.5Staff report re: Seeking Exemption from Section 22(2.1) of the Planning Act - Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. - Medallion Developments Inc. - File PRE17.123 1.PRE17.123 - Recommendation Report - Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc.pdf2.PRE17.123_APP1_CONV2.pdf3.PRE17.123_APP2_LOC.pdf4.PRE17.123_APP3_OP.pdf5.PRE17-123_APP4_SP.pdf6.PRE17.123_APP5_ZON.pdf7.PRE17_123_APP6_ELU.pdf8.PRE17_123_APP7_ELEV.pdfLocation: 69 Bramalea Road - Ward 7 Recommendation7.6Staff report re: Bill 108 – Amendments to the Planning Act requiring municipalities to authorize the use of Additional Residential Units in detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings 1.Bill 108 – Amendments to the Planning Act.pdf2.Appendix A.pdfRecommendation7.7Staff report re: Peer Review Consultant for Market Analysis, Inclusionary Zoning Assessment 1.Peer Review consultant for IZ Assessment.pdfRecommendation8.Committee Minutes 1.Minutes - Cycling Advisory Committee - December 15, 2020.pdf8.1^Minutes - Cycling Advisory Committee - December 15, 2020 To be approved9.Other Business/New Business 10.Referred/Deferred Matters Note: In accordance with the Procedure By-law and Council Resolution, the Referred Matters List will be published quarterly on a meeting agenda for reference and consideration. A copy of the current Referred Matters List for Council and its committees, including original and updated reporting dates, is publicly available on the City’s website.11.Correspondence 11.1Correspondence re: Application to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law (to permit 24 stacked back-to-back and 3 townhouse units) Sunfield Investments (Church) Inc. - Weston Consulting - File OZS-2020-0026 1.11.1 - Linda and Michael Joll.pdf1. Linda and Michael Joll, Brampton residents, dated January 7, 2021 See Item 5.411.2Correspondence re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law (to permit 29 additional units, relocate the supermarket, update setback requirements, and remove the Holding provision) - 2652367 Ontario Inc. - KLM Planning Partners Inc. - File OZS-2020-0019 1.11.2 - Tushar Sood.pdf1. Tushar Sood, Brampton resident, dated January 8, 2020 See Items 5.3 and 6.211.3Correspondence re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-Law (to permit development of two high-rise mixed-use towers with a connecting podium) - TACC Holborn Corp. – Malone Given Parsons Ltd. - File OZS-2020-0032 1.11.3 - Tushar Sood.pdf1. Tushar Sood, Brampton resident, dated January 8, 2020 See Item 5.612.Councillor Question Period 13.Public Question Period 15 Minute Limit (regarding any decision made at this meeting) During the meeting, the public may submit questions regarding recommendations made at the meeting via email to the City Clerk at [email protected], to be introduced during the Public Question Period section of the meeting.14.Closed Session 15.Adjournment Next Meeting: Monday, February 1, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Bill 108 – Amendments to the Planning Act.pdf2.Appendix A.pdf1.Minutes - Cycling Advisory Committee - December 15, 2020.pdf1.11.1 - Linda and Michael Joll.pdf1.6.1-1 - Paul Mand.pdf1.C03W14.008 - Recommendation Report - 10783 Creditview Rd - 2639509 Ontario Ltd - Candevcon Ltd.pdf2.Appendix 1_Concept Plan.pdf3.Appendix 1a_Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf4.Appendix 2 - Location Map.pdf5.Appendix 3 - Official Plan Designation.pdf6.Appendix 3a - Retail Structure Designation.pdf7.Appendix 4 - Secondary Plan Designations.pdf8.Appendix 5 - Zoning Designations.pdf9.Appendix 6 - Existing Land Uses.pdf10.Appendix 7 - Draft OPA.pdf11.Appendix 8 - Draft ZBLA.pdf12.Appendix 9 - Detailed Planning Analysis.pdf13.Appendix 10 - Public Meeting.pdf14.Appendix 11 - Correspondence Received.pdf15.Appendix 12 - Cover Page.pdf16.Appendix 12 - Schedule A.pdf17.Appendix 12 - Comments and Conditions.pdf18.Appendix 13 - Results of Application Circulation.pdf1.C08E17.012 - Recommendation Report - 11570 McVean Drive.pdf2.Appendix 1 - Original Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf3.Appendix 1A - Revised Draft Plan of Subdivison.pdf4.Appendix 2 - Location Map(1).pdf5.Appendix 3 - Official Plan Designations.pdf6.Appendix 4 - Secondary Plan Designations(1).pdf7.Appendix 5 - Zoning Designations(1).pdf8.Appendix 6 - Aerial and Existing Land Use.pdf9.Appendix 7 - Heritage Resources.pdf10.Appendix 8 - Propane Facilities.pdf11.Appendix 9 - Block Plan Designations.pdf12.Appendix 10 - Planning Analysis.pdf13.Appendix 11 - Results of Public Meeting - Revised.pdf14.C08E17.012 - Appendix 12 - Correspondence Received_Redacted.pdf15.Appendix 13 - Results of Application Circulation - Final.pdf16.Appendix 14 - Draft ZBA.pdf17.Appendix 15 - Conditions of Draft Approval.pdf1.City-initiated Amendment to Eliminate Minimum Parking Requirements.pdf2.Appendix 1.pdf3.Appendix 2 (1).pdf4.Appendix 3.pdf1.City-initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf2.Appendix 1 - Official Plan Amendment.pdf3.Appendix 2 Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf1.Information Report OZS-2020-0026 172 Church St E.pdf2.OZS_2020_0026_APP1_CONV1.pdf3.OZS_2020_0026_APP2_LOC.pdf4.OZS_2020_0026_APP3_OP.pdf5.OZS_2020_0026_APP4_SP.pdf6.OZS_2020_0026_APP5_ZON.pdf7.OZS_2020_0026_APP6_ELU.pdf8.OZS_2020_0026_APP7_HERT.pdf9.OZS_2020_0026_APP8_TERTIARY.pdf10.OZS_2020_0026_Appendix 9_Information Summary.pdf1.OZS-2020-0019 - Queen and McVean.pdf2.OZS_2020_0019_APP1_CONV1.pdf3.OZS_2020_0019_APP2_LOC.pdf4.OZS_2020_0019_APP3_OP.pdf5.OZS_2020_0019_APP4_SP.pdf6.OZS_2020_0019_APP5_ZON.pdf7.OZS_2020_0019_APP6_ELU.pdf8.Information Summary.pdf1.OZS-2020-0028 - Information Report - Rezoning - 225 Malta Ave.pdf2.OZS_2020_0028_APP1_CONV1.pdf3.OZS_2020_0028_APP2_LOC.pdf4.OZS_2020_0028_APP3_OP.pdf5.OZS_2020_0028_APP4_SP.pdf6.OZS_2020_0028_APP5_ZON.pdf7.OZS_2020_0028_APP6_ELU.pdf8.OZS_2020_0028_APP7_HERT.pdf9.APPENDIX 8 - Information Summary.pdf1.OZS-2020-0032 - 8863 Gore Rd - ZBA.pdf2.OZS-2020-0032_APP1_CONV1.pdf3.OZS-2020-0032_APP1A_PLAN OF SUBDIVISION.pdf4.OZS-2020-0032_APP2_LOC.pdf5.OZS-2020-0032_APP3_OP.pdf6.OZS-2020-0032_APP4_SP.pdf7.OZS-2020-0032_APP5_ZON.pdf8.OZS-2020-0032_APP6_ELU.pdf9.OZS-2020-0032_APP7_Info Summary_2020-11-30.pdf10.OZS-2020-0032_APP8_Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf11.OZS-2020-0032_APP9_OReg 171-20.pdf1.Peer Review consultant for IZ Assessment.pdf1.PRE17.123 - Recommendation Report - Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc.pdf2.PRE17.123_APP1_CONV2.pdf3.PRE17.123_APP2_LOC.pdf4.PRE17.123_APP3_OP.pdf5.PRE17-123_APP4_SP.pdf6.PRE17.123_APP5_ZON.pdf7.PRE17_123_APP6_ELU.pdf8.PRE17_123_APP7_ELEV.pdf1.Site Specific Amendment to the Sign By-Law, 7956 Torbram Road .pdf2.Schedule 1 - Location Map.pdf3.Schedule 2 - Site Plan.pdf4.Schedule 3 - Proposed Signage - South Elevation.pdf5.Schedule 4 - Proposed Signage - East Elevation.pdf1.20210118_Public Notice -Sign Amendments - 7956 Torbram Road.pdf1.11.2 - Tushar Sood.pdf1.11.3 - Tushar Sood.pdf1.C10E05.019 Ouray Developments - Recommendation Report.pdf2.Appendix 1(1).pdf3.Appendix 1A.pdf4.Appendix 1B.pdf5.Appendix 1C.pdf6.Appendix 2.pdf7.Appendix 3(1).pdf8.Appendix 4.pdf9.Appendix 5.pdf10.Appendix 6.pdf11.Appendix 7.pdf12.Appendix 8.pdf13.Appendix 9.pdf14.Appendix 10.pdf15.Appendix 11.pdf16.Appendix 12.pdf