That the Minutes of the Brampton Community Safety Advisory Committee Meeting of September 16, 2021, to the Committee of Council Meeting of October 13, 2021, Recommendations BCS0-2021 to BCS0-2021, be approved as published and circulated.
The recommendations were approved as follows:
That the agenda for the Brampton Community Safety Advisory Committee Meeting of September 16, 2021, be approved, as published and circulated.
That the Delegation from Richard Miller, Founder, Keep 6ix, Rachel Xyminis-Chen, Director of Programs & Community Culture, Keep 6ix, and Hubert Hultz, Peel Regional Police, to the Brampton Community Safety Advisory Committee Meeting of September 16, 2021, re: Gangs 4 Tuition Program, be received.
That the presentation by Gloria Ruiz, Coordinator, and Tristan Costa, Planner I, to the Community Safety Advisory Committee meeting of September 16, 2021, re: Nurturing Neighbourhoods Update be received.
That the Delegation from Alexandra Hopkins, Business Professional Women Brampton, and Geraldine Esemezie, Business Professional Women Brampton, to the Brampton Community Safety Advisory Committee Meeting of September 16, 2021, re: (BPW) Brampton Resolution To Increase Options Available To Victims Of Domestic Violence to Live Safely In Their Community, be received
That the Delegation from Imran Hasan, Chair, Peel Crime Stoppers, to the Brampton Community Safety Advisory Committee Meeting of September 16, 2021, re: Crime Stoppers and Partnering with the City, be received
That the Verbal Update from Suzy Godefroy, Executive Director, Downtown Brampton BIA, to the Brampton Community Safety Advisory Committee Meeting of September 16, 2021, re: Creating a Welcoming Streets Pilot Program for Brampton, be received
That the compendium of Background Information, re: City of Brampton Traffic Information and Countermeasures, to the Brampton Community Safety Advisory Committee Meeting of September 16, 2021, be received
That the Brampton Community Safety Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.