
Committee of Council

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Patrick Brown (ex officio)
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente
  • Regional Councillor N. Brar
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi
  • Regional Councillor D. Keenan
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros (arrived at 9:32 a.m.)
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini
  • City Councillor R. Power
  • Regional Councillor G. Toor
  • Deputy Mayor H. Singh
Staff Present:
  • Marlon Kallideen, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Bill Boyes, Commissioner, Community Services and Acting Fire Chief, Fire and Emergency Services
  • Steve Ganesh, Commissioner, Planning, Building and Growth Management
  • Laura Johnston, Commissioner, Legislative Services
  • Alex Milojevic, Commissioner, Corporate Support Services
  • Peter Pilateris, Commissioner, Public Works and Engineering
  • Heidi Dempster, General Manager, Brampton Transit
  • Sameer Akhtar, City Solicitor
  • Genevieve Scharback, City Clerk
  • Charlotte Gravlev, Deputy City Clerk
  • Sonya Pacheco, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. and adjourned at 12:32 p.m.


Committee discussion took place with respect to proposed amendments to the agenda.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW248-2024

    That the agenda for the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024 be approved, as amended, as follows:

    To add:

    6.11 Delegation from Bhavik Parikh and Rajiv Suri, Directors, OVBI Canada, re: Request to Waive Rental Fees for a Yoga Event on June 23, 2024 at Ken Whillans Square

    6.12 Delegation from Brampton Residents, re: Royal Links Circle

    11.3.2 Discussion Item at the request of Regional Councillor Brar, re: Implementation of All-Way Stop Signs within Wards 2 and 6

    To refer the following item to the June 26, 2024 meeting of City Council:

    5.1 Announcement – 2023 United Way Campaign – Cheque Presentation


The following items listed with a caret (^) were considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Committee and were approved at one time:

7.1, 8.2.2, 9.3.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.4, 10.3.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3, 11.2.4, 11.2.5, 11.3, 1, 12.2.1, 12.2.2, 12.2.3, 12.2.4, 12.2.5, 12.2.6, 13.1, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3

The following motion was considered.

  • CW249-2024

    That the following items to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024 be approved as part of Consent:

    7.1, 8.2.2, 9.3.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.4, 10.3.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3, 11.2.4, 11.2.5, 11.3.1, 12.2.1, 12.2.2, 12.2.3, 12.2.4, 12.2.5, 12.2.6, 13.1, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3.


Council Sponsor: City Councillor Power

Referred with under the Approval of Agenda - Recommendation CW248-2024


(See Items 11.1.1 and 11.2.1)

In response to an inquiry from the Chair, G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no one expressed an interest in delegating to Committee on this matter. 

See Item 11.1.1 – Recommendation CW269-2024


(See Item 8.2.1)

In response to an inquiry from the Chair, G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no one expressed an interest in delegating to Committee on this matter. 

See Item 8.2.1 – Recommendation CW261-2024


Dana Flynn, Executive Director, Dar Almaliky (o/a Noon Academy), addressed Committee with respect to a request to secure a long-term lease at 8 Rutherford Road South for the expansion of their school and community education centre currently operating at 12 Rutherford Road South. The delegation provided information on the growth of their programs and services provided to the community.

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Contributions of Noon Academy to the local community
  • Indication that 8 Rutherford Road South has been identified for other municipal purposes and is not available for a long-term lease
  • Review of other potential opportunities for space for Noon Academy

The following motion was considered.

  • CW250-2024

    That the delegation from Dana Flynn, Executive Director, Waleed Alsalahat, Chair, and Arshad Patel, Vice Chair, Dar Almaliky (o/a Noon Academy), to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request for a Long-Term Lease Agreement, be referred to staff to work with the group on other opportunities and report back to a future Committee of Council meeting.


Kurian Prakkanam, President, Brampton Malayalee Samajam / Brampton Boat Race, provided information to Committee regarding the Brampton Malayalee Samajam organization and announced the Brampton Boat Race taking place on August 17, 2024 at Professor's Lake. The delegation provided details regarding the Brampton Boat Race event, and requested that consideration be given to naming a park in Brampton "Malayalee Park" in recognition of this community. 

Committee Members expressed their enthusiasm for the Brampton Boat Race event, and acknowledged the contributions of the Malayalee community.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW251-2024

    That the delegation from Kurian Prakkanam, President, Brampton Malayalee Samajam / Brampton Boat Race, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Park Naming for the Malayalee Community and Brampton Boat Race, be referred to staff for consideration with respect to naming possibilities.


Karan Kohli, Board Member, and Ameem HAQ, Director of Revenue, Global T20 Canada, addressed Committee regarding the GT20 Canada Season 4 Sponsorship. A promotional video was played, and a presentation was provided regarding the economic impact of GT20 Canada in Brampton.

Committee discussion took place with respect to the following:

  • Growing popularity of cricket in North America
  • Establishment of cricket camps for children
  • Economic impact of GT20 Canada
  • Provincial contributions to this event
  • Charity games for women's cricket during the GT20 Canada event

The following motion was considered

  • CW252-2024

    Whereas the City of Brampton is well regarded as the Cricket Capital of Canada;

    Whereas the City of Brampton originally hosted the GT20 Cricket Tournament in 2019 and 2023;

    Whereas the City of Brampton has made ongoing investment in Cricket facilities and upgrades a key budget priority for many years;

    Whereas the 2023 GT20 Tournament had attendance of 89,759, broadcast audience of 180,000,000 viewers in 133 countries, and social media audience of 877,000,000; and

    Whereas the GT20 has offered to host cricket clinics for youth in Brampton and allow community groups to use the temporary stadium after the tournament concludes;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That:

    1. The delegation from Karan Kohli, Board Member, and Ameem HAQ, Director of Revenue, Global T20 Canada, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: GT20 Canada Season 4 Sponsorship, be received; and

    2. The City of Brampton agree to sponsor, in principle, the 2024 GT20 Tournament, July 25 to August 1, 2024, as the Hosting Sponsor, at a value of $300,000 CDN for tournament expenses in addition to waiver of rental fees for use of the Cricket fields at the Brampton Sports Park, with contractual terms that are satisfactory to the City’s legal and tourism staff, with financing to come from funds allocated in city budget.


Kathleen McDermott, Brampton Resident, addressed Committee and outlined the following concerns regarding the City's Committee of Adjustment (COA):

  • Lack of diversity in the composition of the COA
  • Missing documentation submitted during a meeting, the subsequent investigation and a request to further investigate this matter
  • Variances issued by the COA
  •  Zoning staff processes for minor variance applications 

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Similar concerns/complaints received by Members of Council from residents regarding the COA
  • Concerns that some decisions of the COA:
    • appear to be "rubber-stamped"
    • result in inappropriate locations for rental properties 
    • negatively impact mature neighbourhoods
    • do not align with the City's vision
  • Concern that some variances considered and approved by the COA are not "minor" in nature
  • Clarification regarding Zoning staff processes for minor variance applications, and an indication that staff will review the concerns raised by the delegation
  • Lack of diversity in the composition of the COA
  • The need to ensure COA decisions align with the City's vision for Brampton
  • Suggestion that COA members be required to undertake Gender-based Analysis Plus training and an education session on Brampton's Official Plan
  • The need for staff to review the COA process in its entirety, and further investigate the concerns raised by the delegation

The following motion was considered.

  • CW253-2024

    That the delegation from Kathleen McDermott, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Committee of Adjustment Concerns, be referred to staff for consideration, to include the upholding of City planning/zoning priorities and growth objectives, and that the committee composition regarding gender diversity be dealt with immediately, and that all committee members be required to undertake mandatory gender diversity training (as a requirement of maintaining a position on the committee), and a training session with respect to the Brampton Official Plan and priorities.


The following delegations addressed Committee with respect to concerns regarding the proposed expansion of Emerald Energy from Waste Inc.:

1. Steven Kirby, Brampton Environmental Alliance, and Julian Russel, Sierra Peel 

2. Liz Benneian, Founder, Ontario Zero Waste Coalition 

3. Emily Alfred, Waste Campaigner, Toronto Environmental Alliance 

4. Amisha Moorjani, Brampton Environmental Alliance 

The delegations' submissions included the following:

  • Magnitude of the proposed expansion project
  • Environmental impact and associated public health risks
  • Timelines for taking action against this project
  • Indication that this project does not align with the City's environmental goals
  • Previous decisions of the Region of Peel regarding incinerators
  • Information on why incinerators are not a good solution for waste
  • Information regarding waste burned at this facility and the significant pollution already existing in the Brampton/Peel airshed
  • Advocacy to the Provincial Government regarding the impacts of this project
  • Impact of this project on Brampton's reputation

The delegations sought Committee's support to stop the expansion of Emerald Energy from Waste Inc., and to request that the Provincial Government undertake a third party investigation of this matter. 

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Concerns regarding air pollution in Brampton
  • Suggestion that this matter be referred to Government Relations staff for discussion with relevant provincial partners
  • Public awareness and consultation regarding this project
  • Suggestion that the delegations attend a future Peel Regional Council meeting, as health issues and waste management are under the jurisdiction of the Region of Peel 

Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident, provided information regarding the purpose of the proposed Emerald Energy from Waste Inc. expansion, the implications of not proceeding with this project, and the limited landfill capacity in Ontario. In addition, the delegation expressed support for increasing recycling efforts across Ontario to reduce waste.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW254-2024

    That the following delegations to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Concerns regarding the Emerald Energy from Waste Inc. Expansion, be referred to staff:

    1. Steven Kirby, Brampton Environmental Alliance, and Julian Russel, Sierra Peel 

    2. Liz Benneian, Founder, Ontario Zero Waste Coalition 

    3. Emily Alfred, Waste Campaigner, Toronto Environmental Alliance 

    4. Amisha Moorjani, Brampton Environmental Alliance

    5. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton resident.


Beata Kostka, Brampton resident, addressed Committee and outlined concerns regarding the safety of children in relation to the implementation of gender-inclusive changerooms in the City's recreation centres, and highlighted the following:

  • Inappropriate behaviour in these changerooms and the lack of action taken by the City to address resident concerns
  • The City's responsibility to ensure the safety of residents
  • The need to promote inclusivity without compromising the safety, comfort and rights of individuals

The delegation requested that separate men, women and family changerooms be reinstated in the City's recreation centres, and that a separate space be provided for gender-inclusive changerooms.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW255-2024

    That the delegation from Beata Kostka, Brampton resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Recreation Centre Changerooms, be received.


Vanora Spreen and Matthew Samatas, Past Presidents, Rotary Club of Brampton, provided background information regarding the Rotary Club of Brampton and their contributions to the local community, and introduced a new cultural event called "Global Eats, Local Beats", which is scheduled to debut in September 2024. Additional information was provided regarding the event, and the delegations requested that the funds originally allocated for the Rib n' Roll event, which is not taking place this year due to the Gage Park construction project, be reallocated to this new event. 

Committee discussion on this matter included the contributions, fundraising and donations of the Rotary Club of Brampton to the local community, and a request that staff review options to support the "Global Eats, Local Beats" event.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW256-2024

    That the delegation from Vanora Spreen and Matthew Samatas, Past Presidents, Rotary Club of Brampton, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Reallocation of Funding for the Rotary "Global Eats, Local Beats" Event - September 2024, be referred to staff for consideration and report back to the July 10, 2024 meeting of City Council.


(See Item 10.2.1)

Andrew Mirabella, Associate Partner, Hemson Consulting Ltd., provided a presentation to Committee regarding the 2024 Service Area Asset Management Plan.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW257-2024

    That the delegation from Andrew Mirabella, Associate Partner, Hemson Consulting Ltd., to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Item 10.2.1 - 2024 Service Area Asset Management Plan, be received.


    (See Item 10.2.1 - Recommendation CW264-2024) 


Bhavik Parikh and Rajiv Suri, Directors, OVBI Canada, provided information to Committee regarding International Yoga Day, and requested the City's support to waive the rental fees associated with hosting a yoga event at Ken Whillans Square on June 23, 2024.

Committee discussion took place with respect to previous support for this event, and the possibility of waiving the rental fees and providing promotional assistance.

It was noted that, in accordance with the Procedure By-law, a two-thirds majority vote would be required to consider the delegation's request to waive the rental fees associated with the subject yoga event. 

The motion was considered as follows, with the required two-thirds majority vote achieved.

That the delegation from Bhavik Parikh and Rajiv Suri, Directors, OVBI Canada, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Waive Rental Fees for a Yoga Event on June 23, 2024 at Ken Whillans Square, be received; and

Whereas, the Art of Living Foundation and OVBI Canada, both renowned non-profit organizations dedicated to promoting health, wellbeing, and spiritual growth, has submitted a request to delegate to City Council for waiver of rental fees for their upcoming yoga event; and

Whereas, the waiver of fees for this event would not only alleviate the financial burden on the Art of Living Foundation and OVBI Canada, but would also demonstrate the City Council's recognition and support of the organization's efforts to promote health, wellness, and community engagement;

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the City Council hereby grants the OVBI Canada and Art of Living Foundation's request for delegation and waiver of fees for their upcoming yoga event, in recognition of the organization's longstanding commitment to enhancing the quality of life for residents and their substantial contribution to the cultural and social fabric of the community.

Immediately following the vote, the motion was clarified to include direction that corporate communications be undertaken for this event, and a revote was taken.

The motion carried, as follows, with a two-thirds majority vote achieved.

  • CW258-2024

    That the delegation from Bhavik Parikh and Rajiv Suri, Directors, OVBI Canada, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Waive Rental Fees for a Yoga Event on June 23, 2024 at Ken Whillans Square, be received; and

    Whereas, the Art of Living Foundation and OVBI Canada, both renowned non-profit organizations dedicated to promoting health, wellbeing, and spiritual growth, has submitted a request to delegate to City Council for waiver of rental fees for their upcoming yoga event; and

    Whereas, the waiver of fees for this event would not only alleviate the financial burden on the Art of Living Foundation and OVBI Canada, but would also demonstrate the City Council's recognition and support of the organization's efforts to promote health, wellness, and community engagement;

    Therefore Be It Resolved, that the City Council hereby grants the OVBI Canada and Art of Living Foundation's request for delegation and waiver of fees for their upcoming yoga event, in recognition of the organization's longstanding commitment to enhancing the quality of life for residents and their substantial contribution to the cultural and social fabric of the community; and

    That Corporate Communications be undertaken.


Harinder Singh Basati, Brampton resident, addressed Committee regarding privacy concerns on Royal Links Circle due to inadequate fencing between the residential and commercial properties, and requested that consideration be given to identifying solutions to address privacy and noise-related concerns, in collaboration with residents.    

In response to a question from Committee, S. Ganesh, Commissioner, Planning, Building and Growth Management, provided information regarding the related planning application and processes, and staff work with the community to address the concerns raised by the delegation. In addition, the Commissioner advised that an update on this matter could be provided at the June 26, 2024 Council meeting.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW259-2024

    That the delegation from Harinder Singh Basati, Brampton resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Royal Links Circle, be referred to staff for a verbal report to the June 26, 2024 meeting of City Council.

  • CW260-2024

    That the presentation by Andrzej Hoffmann, Manager, Government Relations and Public Liaison, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Government Relations Matters, be received.






Regional Councillor Palleschi requested that staff proceed with caution in regard to the proposed pilot project, as it relates to the safety of people attending the designated facilities.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW261-2024

    1. That the supplemental report from Kevin Lindegaard, Licensing Manager, Enforcement and By-law Services, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Supplemental Report –  Proposed Pilot Project – Driving Instruction Zones on City Property, be received;

    2. That a by-law be passed to amend Mobile Licensing By-law 67-2014, Part VI – Restricted Areas S. 10(1)(b) to reflect driving instruction, lessons, and practice testing only in designated City locations and times specified by the licence issuer (relating to Restricted Areas to practice); and

    3. That a by-law be passed to amend User Fee By-Law 380-2003, Section 2 – Schedule A to reflect a user fee of $25.00 to be applied in Appendix 1 – Driving Instruction Zones – for Registered users.

  • CW262-2024

    That the report from Shawnica Hans, Program Manager, Elections, City Clerk’s Office, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Ward Boundary Review – Update on Population Data, be received.






Regional Councillor Palleschi addressed Committee regarding the Ward Boundary Review, particularly in regard to reviewing the population per ward and budget allocations for Members of Council, and asked that an update be provided in the near future.

Mayor Brown noted that N. Damer, Treasurer, Corporate Support Services, will work with M. Halls, Senior Advisor, Financial Advisory Services, Office of the Mayor, in regard to the use of appropriate/reflective ward population data, and will consult with Members of Council regarding the formula and measurement tools to be used.


The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted.








  • CW263-2024

    That the Minutes of the MedTech Task Force Meeting of May 30, 2024, Recommendations MTTF001-2024 to MTTF006-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, be approved.


    The recommendations were approved as follows:


    That the agenda for the MedTech Task Force Committee Meeting of May 30, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


    That the following presentations to the MedTech Task Force Committee Meeting of May 30, 2024, re:

    1. Algoma University
    2. Roga Life
    3. Medical Alley, MN

    be received.


    That the following updates to the MedTech Task Force Committee Meeting of May 30, 2024, re:

    1. Brampton Medical School
    2. Brampton Venture Zone

    be received.


    That the following Verbal Updates on Key Projects to the MedTech Task Force Committee Meeting of May 30, 2024, re:

    1. Wet Labs - Outline of Feasibility Study/Consultation
    2. MedTech Conference, Toronto - October 15 - 17, 2024
    3. Sector MedTech Outline (new) with Our Stakeholders (Including BIO 2024).

    be received.


    That the presentation from Sarah Diaz, Brain Injury Association, Peel Halton, re: Concept for a 2025 Conference in Brampton, to the MedTech Task Force Committee Meeting of May 30, 2024, be received.


    That the MedTech Task Force do now adjourn to meet again for a Regular Meeting of Committee on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.




The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted.






The following motion was considered.

  • CW264-2024

    1. That the report from Amit Gupta, Manager, Corporate Asset Management, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: 2024 Service Area Asset Management Plan, be received;

    2. That Council approve the “2024 Service Area Asset Management Plan” attached as Appendix A; 

    3. That Council refer this report in its entirety to the 2025 Budget process as input; and

    4. That the “2024 Service Area Asset Management Plan” be posted on the City’s website to comply with O. Reg. 588/17.


    (See Item 6.10 - Recommendation CW257-2024)


  • CW265-2024

    That the report from Claudia Santeramo, Manager, Procurement Performance, Purchasing, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Purchasing Activity Quarterly Report – 1st Quarter 2024, be received.

  • CW266-2024

    That the report from Claudia Santeramo, Manager, Procurement Performance, Purchasing, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Active Consulting Service Contracts – 1st Quarter 2024, be received.

  • CW267-2024

    That the report from Kasia Bielska, Manager, Corporate Collections, Corporate Support Servics, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Status of Tax Collection Accounts - 2023, be received.

  • CW268-2024

    That the Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting of May 14, 2024, Recommendations AAC001-2024 to AAC006-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, be approved.


    The recommendations were approved as follows:


    That the agenda for the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2024, be approved as published and circulated.


    That the presentation from Andrew Charles, Supervisor, Planning, Transit, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2024, re: Brampton Transit Update be received.


    That the delegation by Philip O'Sullivan, Perkins&Will, Canada, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2024, re: Embleton Community Centre - Design and Accessibility be received.


    That the update by Enforcement and By-law Services, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May14, 2024, re: Accessible Parking Enforcement Update – Q4 2023 (October 01 to December 31) be received.


    That the update by Chris Sensicle, Enforcement and By-law Services, to the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2024, re: Quarter One, 2024 Accessible Enforcement Statistics – Overview be received.


    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting do now adjourn to meet again on September 10, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.




The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted. 


Item 11.2.1 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Reshma Fazlullah, Engineer, Environmental Compliance, Environment and Development Engineering, Planning, Building and Growth Management, and Allyson Sanders, Strategic Leader, Project Management, Enforcement and By-law Services, Legislative Services, provided a presentation entitled "Proposed Site Alteration By-law".

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Appreciation for staff's efforts in addressing illegal dumping issues
  • Clarification from staff that changes to a property that adversely impacts a neighboring property will be subject to the enforcement tools proposed in the subject by-law
  • The need to incorporate more character in the design of new developments (e.g. rolling hills) and a desire to avoid flattening lands 
  • Large scale site alterations

The following motion was considered.

  • CW269-2024

    1. That the presentation by Reshma Fazlullah, Engineer, Environmental Compliance, Environment and Development Engineering, Planning, Building and Growth Management, and Allyson Sanders, Strategic Leader, Project Management, Enforcement and By-law Services, Legislative Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Proposed Site Alteration By-law, be received.

    2. That the report from Michael Heralall, Director, Environment and Development Engineering, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Proposed Site Alteration By-law, be received;

    3. That the attached Site Alteration By-law (Attachment 1) be enacted;  

    4. That the Fill By-law 143-95 be repealed; 

    5. That the Topsoil By-law 30-92 be repealed; 

    6. That the Administrative Penalties (Non-Parking) By-law 218-2019 be amended to adopt the proposed administrative penalties in Attachment 2;

    7. That the User Fee By-law 380-2003 be amended to update the user fees associated with permit and renewal fees (Attachment 3);

    8. That Council approve two permanent full-time Engineers, Environmental Compliance positions in Environmental and Development Engineering, Planning Building and Growth Management;

    1. That the two permanent full-time Engineers, Environmental Compliance be included in the 2025 budget submission for a total budget of $287,140;

    9. That Council approve one permanent full-time Operations Technician position in Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering;

    1. That the one permanent full-time Operations Technicians be included in the 2025 budget submission for a total budget of $130,923; and,

    10. That net incremental revenue increase of  $129,050 be included in the 2025 budget submission.



  • CW270-2024

    1. That the report from Olivia Sparrow, Manager, Stormwater Programs, Environment and Development Engineering, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Beaver Management in Stormwater Ponds and Watercourses (RM 57/2022), be received; and

    2. That staff develop standard operating procedures and update guidelines relating to beaver management in stormwater ponds and watercourses.

  • CW271-2024

    1. That the report from Ryan Booth, Director, Operations and Maintenance, Transit, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement – Bus Brake Components and Brake Rotors for a Three-Year Period, be received; 

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to begin procurement for supply and delivery of bus brake components and brake rotors for three year period; and

    3. That the General Manager, Transit, or designate, be delegated the authority on behalf of the City to execute any necessary contracts, agreements and or amending agreements, and other documentation as may be required in connection therewith on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transit, or designate and Treasurer in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or designate.

  • CW272-2024

    1. That the report from Radoslaw Moryc, Traffic Operations Technologist, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: 2024 New School Infrastructure Improvements - Ward 6, be received; 

    2. That the report be forwarded to the Peel District School Board and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board to provide assistance in development of the 2024 school program; 

    3. That staff implement the measures outlined in this report to ensure orderly and safe school openings; 

    4. That the report be forwarded to the Region of Peel’s Traffic and Sustainable Transportation Division for information purposes; and

    5. That Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, be further amended to provide for the necessary traffic controls to accommodate the opening of new schools for the 2024/2025 school year.

  • CW273-2024

    1. That the report from Brian Johnson, Fleet Maintenance Supervisor, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement for General Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance Services to Various Vehicles for a Three (3) Year Period – All Wards, be received; 

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence procurement for the general vehicle repair and maintenance services to various vehicles for a three (3) year period. 


Committee discussion took place regarding the Advanced Traffic Management System, and included the following:

  • Indication that the existing system is at the end of its useful life
  • Advantages of a new system
  • Traffic signal prioritization options 
  • Cost efficiencies associated with a long-term contract
  • Importance of ensuring changes and new technology can be integrated in the system to meet future needs
  • Concerns regarding a lengthy contract due to rapid advancements in technology
  • Indication from staff that a long-term contract presents a low risk to the City 

The following motion was considered.

  • CW274-2024

    That the report from Nelson Melendez, Supervisor, Traffic Signals, Road Maintenance, Operations and Fleet, Public Works and Engineering, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement – Design, Implementation, Support and Maintenance for an Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) for an Eight (8) Year Period with one (1) additional two (2) year optional renewal - All Wards, be referred back to staff for further consideration and a report back to the July 10, 2024 meeting of City Council.


Committee Members expressed support for the implementation of a process that provides residents with the option to install residential bollards.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW275-2024

    1. That the report from Simran Sandhu, Advisor – Special Projects, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Information Report – Residential Bollards (RM 9/2024), be received;

    2. That staff be directed to bring a recommendation report forward to Council with additional details, including assessment of staffing and financial implications should there be any associated with this work; and

    3. That staff be directed to establish the appropriate standard operating procedures, protocols and relevant enacting by-laws to offer the option for residents to install residential bollards.


Committee Members expressed concerns regarding the subject report as it relates to access to neighbouring properties for maintenance purposes. 

The following motion was considered.

  • CW276-2024

    1. That the report from Noel Cubacub, Planner, Integrated City Planning, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024 re: City-initiated By-law - Right of Entry for Maintenance (Friendly Neighbour By-law), be received;

    2. That the following correspondence to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: City-initiated By-law - Right of Entry for Maintenance (Friendly Neighbour By-law), be received:

    a. Mitchell Taleski, Paradise Developments, dated June 12, 2024

    b. Victoria Mortelliti, BiLD, dated June 13, 2024.

  • CW277-2024

    That the Minutes of the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 4, 2024, Recommendations EAC013-2024 to EAC017-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, be approved.


    The recommendations were approved as follows:


    That the agenda for the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 4, 2024, be approved.


    That the delegation from Christopher Hong, Project Manager, and Kayden Toffolo, Engineering Intern, WalterFedy, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 4, 2024, re: City of Brampton's 2024-2029 Corporate Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update, be received.


    That the verbal update from Pam Cooper, Manager, Environmental Planning, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 4, 2024, re: Upcoming Engagement Events, be received.


    That the verbal update from Kristina Dokoska, Policy Planner - Environment, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Environment Advisory Committee Meeting of June 4, 2024, re: Update on the CCAP Vision Workshop and the Adaptation Actions Workshop, be received.


    That the Environment Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again for a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair.


Regional Councillor Brar outlined concerns from residents regarding the need for safe crossings to access local parks, the need to ensure streets are safe for residents, and the need to address these concerns on a case-by-case basis. In addition, Councillor Brar thanked staff for their efforts in prioritizing the safety of residents. 

The following motion was considered.

  • CW278-2024

    Whereas residents of Wards 2 and 6 have expressed a need to their local Councillors for all-way stop signs at the intersections of Crown Victoria Drive/ Sugarhill Drive and Rambling Oak Drive/ Sugarhill Drive;

    Whereas the local Councillors have heard the concerns of the residents, specifically the need for pedestrians to cross safely when they are accessing local parks;

    Whereas there have been instances of near-collisions at the intersections of Crown Victoria Drive/ Sugarhill Drive and Rambling Oak Drive/ Sugarhill Drive; and

    Whereas Traffic Services has initiated an initial review of each intersection and has determined that all-way stop signs can safely be accommodated at both locations, respectively;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That Traffic Services commence the process to implement all-way stops signs at the intersection of Crown Victoria Drive/ Sugarhill Drive and Rambling Oak Drive/Sugarhill Drive.




The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted.





  • CW279-2024

    1. That the report from Craig Booth, Manager, Recreation, Community Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024 re: Request to Begin Procurement – Turf Maintenance at Peel Village Golf Course for a 5-Year Period – Ward 3, be received; 

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to begin procurement for turf maintenance at Peel Village Golf Course for a 5-year period.

  • CW280-2024

    1. That the report from Erin Hashani, Manager, Recreation Planning, Recreation, Community Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Ontario Senior Games Rental Fee Waiver, be received; and

    2. That Council approve waiving the rental fees for the South-Central Regional Games on September 11, 2024.

  • CW281-2024

    1. That the report from Jerry Urjasz, Division Chief, Communications, Brampton Fire and Emergency Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement - Supply and Delivery of Replacement of Radio Equipment and Accessories to the Council Meeting, be received;

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement and enter into direct negotiations (Limited Tender) with Motorola Solutions Canada Inc. for replacement portable radios, equipment, and accessories.

  • CW282-2024

    1. That the report from Dwayne Chaisson, Division Chief, Apparatus and Maintenance, Brampton Fire and Emergency Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement for Supply and Delivery of One (1) Aerial Device, be received; and 

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the procurement and enter into direct negotiations (Limited Tender) with 1200 Degrees Ontario for the supply and delivery of one (1) aerial device.

  • CW283-2024

    1. That the report from Dwayne Chaisson, Division Chief, Apparatus and Maintenance, Brampton Fire and Emergency Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement for Supply and Delivery of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), be received; and,

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the Procurement for replacement Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).

  • CW284-2024

    1. That the report from Dwayne Chaisson, Division Chief, Apparatus and Maintenance, Brampton Fire and Emergency Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Request to Begin Procurement for Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Fully Electric Fire Trucks, be received; and 

    2. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the Procurement for two (2) fully electric fire trucks.




The following motion was considered.

  • CW285-2024

    That the following correspondence from Brampton Residents, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, re: Item 6.8 - Delegation from Beata Kostka, Brampton resident, re: Recreation Centre Changerooms, be received:

    1. Josefina Sanchez

    2. Ntsiki Mitchell

    3. Jessica Webb

    4. Michelle Bernardo

    5. Paulina Vergara

    6. Manny Banton

    7. Trishelle Dotson

    8. Kayla Thompson

    9. Carol Horvat


The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda. G. Scharback, City Clerk, read the following question submitted by email from Beata Kostka, Brampton resident:

“Can you confirm whether or not the Federal Government or any affiliation of the Government had any influence in your decision to create these all inclusive changerooms within the city of Brampton in regards to the City receiving any type of funding?”

Regional Councillor Santos advised that the decision relating to all-inclusive changerooms was not a decision of Council. 


  • CW286-2024

    That the Referred Matters List - 2nd Quarter Update 2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of June 19, 2024, be received.


The public was given the opportunity to submit questions in person or via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made during this meeting. G. Scharback, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted.


^15.1 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:        

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and, a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board - Lease Negotiations

^15.2 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:        

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and, a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board - Lease Negotiations

^15.3 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001:        

Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees - Facility Naming Discussion

Item 15.1 was approved on consent, not discussed in closed session, and direction was deemed to be given.

Item 15.2 was approved on consent, not discussed in closed session, and direction was deemed to be given, including consideration of a motion in open session. (See Recommendation CW287-2024)

Item 15.3 was approved on consent, not discussed in closed session, information was deemed to be received, and no direction was given.

The following motion was considered, pursuant to Item 15.2.

  • CW287-2024

    That the Chief Administrative Officer be delegated authority to execute a new lease agreement and such other documents necessary between the Corporation of the City of Brampton as the landlord and the YMCA of Greater Toronto as the tenant, on terms and conditions acceptable to the Senior Manager, Realty Services, and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or delegate.


^ Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


^ Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


^ Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001:


The following motion was considered.

  • CW288-2024

    That the Committee of Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, or at the call of the Chair.

No Item Selected