Dealt with under Consent Resolution C096-2024
The recommendations approved under Consent are as follows.
That the agenda for the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024 be approved, as amended, as follows:
To add:
6.8. Delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident, re: Item 10.2.2 - Staff Report re: 2023 Year End Reserve Report
12.3.3. Discussion Item at the request of Mayor Brown re: Rental Fees for the Peel Regional Police Community Ball Hockey Cup at Century Gardens - June 20 and 21, 2024
That the following items to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22 2024 be approved as part of Consent: 7.1, 9.4.1, 9.4.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.3, 10.2.4, 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 12.3.1, 15.2.
That the delegation from Anna Gonzalez, Event Organizer, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Request for Financial Support for Colombian Independence Day, be referred to staff for consideration.
That the delegation from Michael Vickers, Executive Director, Brampton Arts Organization, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Brampton Arts Organization (BAO) 2023 Annual Report and Updates, be received.
That the delegation from Glenn McClelland, President, and Ron Evans, Treasurer, Brampton Excelsior Lacrosse Club, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Request to Reinstate Funding for the Brampton Excelsior Lacrosse Club, be referred to staff for consideration of options for replacing the current funding shortfall, potentially via the Advance Brampton Fund, or other mechanisms as may be appropriate, with a report back to Committee prior to the summer Council break.
That the delegation from the following representatives of the Ontario Contractors Association, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Contractor Requirements and Standards, be referred to staff for a report back to a future Committee meeting:
Sukhwinder Kalsi - President, Satinder Sohi - Financial Secretary, Jagtar Kalsi - Secretary, Amar Singh - Media Secretary, Davinder Singh Sains - Vice President, J. Kamal - Team Member, Gurjot Singh Gill - Team Member
That the delegation from Neil Davis, Brampton resident, on behalf of the Mocon Family, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Request to Add "Mocon" to the Approved Street Name Registry for Use within Subdivision 21T-20011B/OZS-2020-0036 (location of the former Mocon Greenhouses), be received;
Whereas Section 14 of the Procedure By-law 160-2004, as amended, allows Council to temporarily suspend the rules of the Procedure By-law by a two-thirds majority vote of Council;
Therefore be it resolved that Section 4.5(8a) (Delegations) be temporarily suspended, in accordance with Section 14 of the Procedure By-law; and
That the name ‘Mocon’ be added to the approved Street Name Registry and ‘Santos Mocon’ to the list of approved park names.
That the delegation from George Shepperdley, Chair, and Bob Tremblay, Co-Chair, South Central Regional Games, Ontario Senior Games Association Brampton District 19, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Request for Financial Support for South Central Region 55+ Games on September 11, 2024, be referred to staff to work with the event organizers to identify potential options for support.
That the delegation from Daivid Gross, Director, Funds Procurement, Renisdale Investment Private, Canada Ltd., to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Procurement of Funds for Brampton Projects, be received.
That the delegation from Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Item 10.2.2 - Staff Report re: 2023 Year End Reserve Report, be received.
That the report from Nash Damer, Treasurer, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: 2023 Year End Reserve Report, be received.
That the presentation by Andrzej Hoffmann, Manager, Government Relations and Public Liaison, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Government Relations Matters, be received.
1. That the report from Clare Barnett, Director, Economic Development, Office of the CAO, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Economic Development Memorandums of Understanding (MOU), be received; and
2. That the Economic Development Office continue to pursue MOUs and respond to invitations from international organizations and jurisdictions to bring economic benefit to Brampton.
That the correspondence from Carrie Percival, Chair, Downtown Brampton BIA, dated May 15, 2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Resignation of Downtown Brampton BIA Board Member, be received.
That the correspondence from Carrie Percival, Chair, Downtown Brampton BIA, dated May 15, 2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: New Members of the Downtown Brampton BIA Board, be received.
1. That the report from Maja Kuzmanov, Senior Manager, Accounting Services/Deputy Treasurer, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Capital Project Financial Status Report – Q4 2023, be received; and
2. That the Treasurer be authorized to amend budgets for Capital Projects listed in Schedule D of the report.
1. That the report from Nash Damer, Treasurer, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024 re: 2023 Year-End Investment Report, be received; and
2. That the existing Investment Policy FIN-210 be replaced with the revised Investment Policy as provided in Attachment 3 of the report.
1. That the report from Nash Damer, Treasurer, Finance, Corporate Support Services, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: 2023 Year-End Operating Budget Report, be received;
2. That the 2023 year-end net operating surplus of $7,520,659 combined with $22,561,219 in utilized Safe Restart funding for a total overall surplus of $30,081,878.08 be contributed as per the following:
i. $25,028,515.00 to the General Rate Stabilization Reserve;
ii. $1,263,340.77 to the Energy Efficiency Reserve in 2023 which represents 25% of the excess surplus beyond the GRS target balance, as per Council Resolution BC018-2020;
iii. $3,790,022.31 to the Asset Repair and Replacement Reserve which represents 75% excess surplus beyond the GRS target balance, as per Council’s approved Budget Policy, FIN-120; and
3. That the existing Budget Policy FIN-140 be replaced with the revised Budget Policy as provided in Attachment 2 of the report.
1. That the report from Frank Mazzotta, Manager, Development Engineering, Environment and Development Engineering, Planning, Building and Growth Management to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Budget Amendment – Developer Reimbursement for the Construction of Rivermont Road from Brasstown Valley Trail to Dalbeattie Drive - Ward 6, be received, and;
2. That subject to the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management executing the Supplementary Subdivision Agreement (“the Agreement”) between 840966 Ontario Limited (“the Developer”) and the Corporation of the City of Brampton that includes a Development Charges Credit Agreement in Schedule L, pursuant to the Administrative Authority By-law 2016-2017, as amended;
i. A budget amendment be approved, and a new capital project be established in the amount of $5,589,000 for the reimbursement of construction of Rivermont Road from Brasstown Valley Trail to Dalbeattie Drive, within phase 2 of the Ashley Heritage Joint Venture Subdivision, being file C05W02.008, 21T-19015B, with funding to be transferred from Reserve #137 - DC Roads;
ii. Council approve the reimbursement of development charges to the Developer, in accordance with Schedule L of the Agreement for the single source delivery of development charge funded road infrastructure, for the actual reasonable cost of the construction of Rivermont Road from Brasstown Valley Trail to Dalbeattie Drive, up to a maximum upset limit of $5,589,000.
1. That the report from Frank Mazzotta, Manager, Development Engineering, Environment and Development Engineering, Planning, Building and Growth Management, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, re: Budget Amendment – Developer Reimbursement for the Construction of Rivermont Road from Embleton Road to Heritage Road - Ward 6, be received, and;
2. That subject to the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management executing the Supplementary Subdivision Agreement (“the Agreement”) between Kendalwood Land Development Inc., Shayma Dick Holdings Inc., 2570616 Ontario Inc. (“the Developer”) and the Corporation of the City of Brampton that includes a Development Charges Credit Agreement in Schedule L, pursuant to the Administrative Authority By-law 2016-2017, as amended;
i. A budget amendment be approved, and a new capital project be established in the amount of $2,795,000 for the reimbursement of construction of Rivermont Road from Embleton Road to Heritage Road, in connection with the Kendalwood Subdivision - Phase 2, being file C05W06.007, 21T-06026B, with funding to be transferred from Reserve #137 - DC Roads;
ii. Council approve the reimbursement of development charges to the Developer, in accordance with Schedule L of the Agreement for the single source delivery of development charge funded road infrastructure, for the actual reasonable cost of the construction of Rivermont Road from Embleton Road to Heritage Road, up to the maximum upset limit of $2,795,000.
That the Minutes of the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame Committee Meeting of May 9, 2024, Recommendations SHF006-2024 to SHF009-2024, to the Committee of Council Meeting of May 22, 2024, be approved.
That the agenda for the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame Committee meeting of May 8, 2024 be approved, as published and circulated.
Whereas the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame has a robust list of accomplished inductees, and is being afforded a chance to grow its public presence through a new, dedicated space,
And whereas some inductee profiles are multiple decades old at this point, and may not reflect the entirety of an inductees career, or may make references to achievements that may unintentionally confuse current visitors,
Therefore be it resolved that the matter be referred back to staff to investigate for possible financial implications, scope and impact on staff resources, and to report back to a future meeting of the Sports Hall of Fame Committee.
That the discussion by Ken Mair, Supervisor, Sports and Community Partner, to the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame Committee meeting of May 9, 2024, re: Induction Ceremony Feedback be received.
That the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
That the associated rental fees for the following events be waived:
- Ontario Police Memorial Fund Ball Hockey Tournament at Century Gardens - June 17 and 18, 2024
- Peel Regional Police Community Ball Hockey Cup at Century Gardens - June 20 and 21, 2024
That Committee proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:
15.1 Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:
Labour relations or employee negotiations
That the Committee of Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, or at the call of the Chair.