Items 6.1 and 7.1 were brought forward and dealt with at this time.
Arjun Singh, Planner, Development Services, presented an overview of the application that included location overview, area context, site photos, development proposal, planning framework summary, official plan designation, Brampton plan designation, secondary plan designation, zoning by-law, zoning by-law amendment, key issues and considerations, and next steps.
Marshall Smith, KLM Planning Partners Inc., presented an overview of the application that included location context, existing and future policies in regards to the Brampton official plan, existing and future policies in regards to the zoning by-law, development proposal, and example photos.
The following delegation addressed Committee and expressed their concerns and comments with respect to the subject application:
- Rick Ainsley, Brampton Resident
Committee consideration of the matter included concerns and comments from the delegates with respect to the following:
- safety concerns as a result of the increased number of accidents at the subject location
- water drainage issues and flooding concerns
- illegal truck parking at the subject site due to non-compliance with enforcement rules and regulations
- increased traffic congestion
- environmental concerns
- decreased property value of neighbouring properties
Staff noted that the applicant had previously submitted a temporary amendment application at the subject location.
In response to questions of clarification from Committee, staff explained the holding provisions placed on the application, noting that the applicant is required to submit a satisfactory traffic study, detailed engineering study, and a site plan. Staff also noted that the site plan is required to be inclusive of the proposed recreational facility.
Committee noted the importance of ensuring developments maintain compliance with regulations.
The following motion was considered: