
Committee of Council

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Council Chambers - 4th Floor, City Hall - Webex Electronic Meeting
Members Present:
  • Mayor Patrick Brown (ex officio)
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente
  • City Councillor D. Whillans
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros
  • City Councillor J. Bowman
  • City Councillor C. Williams
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini
  • City Councillor H. Singh
  • Regional Councillor G. Dhillon
Staff Present:
  • David Barrick, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Michael Davidson, Commissioner, Corporate Support Services
  • Richard Forward, Commissioner, Planning, Building and Economic Development
  • Derek Boyce, Acting Commissioner, Community Services
  • Jayne Holmes, Acting Commissioner, Public Works & Engineering
  • Alex Milojevic, General Manager, Transit
  • Bill Boyes, Fire Chief, Fire and Emergency Services
  • Sameer Akhtar, City Solicitor
  • Mark Medeiros, Acting Treasurer, Corporate Support Services
  • Peter Fay, City Clerk
  • Charlotte Gravlev, Deputy City Clerk
  • Sonya Pacheco, Legislative Coordinator

Note: In consideration of the current COVID-19 public health orders prohibiting large public gatherings of people and requirements for physical distancing between persons, in-person attendance at this Committee of Council meeting was limited and physical distancing was maintained in Council Chambers at all times during the meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 9:31 a.m., recessed at 1:25 p.m. and reconvened at 1:45 p.m. At 3:05 p.m. Committee recessed, moved into Closed Session at 3:15 p.m., and reconvened in Open Session at 3:58 p.m. and adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

As this meeting of Committee of Council was conducted with electronic participation by Members of Council, the meeting started with the City Clerk calling the roll for attendance at the meeting, as follows:

Members present during roll call: Councillor Santos, Councillor Vicente, Councillor Whillans, Councillor Palleschi, Councillor Bowman, Councillor Medeiros, Councillor Williams, Councillor Fortini, Councillor Singh, Councillor Dhillon

Members absent during roll call: Nil

Notes:  Regional Councillor Dhillon left the meeting at 3:15 p.m. - personal
             City Councillor Whillans left the meeting at 3:30 p.m. - personal

Committee discussion took place with respect to proposed amendments to the agenda.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW275-2020

    That the agenda for the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020 be approved as amended as follows:

    To delete:

    7.1 Delegation from Kathy Murphy, Vice President, Public Affairs & Communications, Coke Canada, re: Coke Canada 2020 Update

    To add:

    5.1 Announcement - Acknowledgement and Thanks to Enforcement and By-law Services for Exemplary Service


    Note: On a two-thirds majority vote to re-open the question, the Approval of Agenda was re-opened and Item 5.1 was added to the agenda.

The following items listed with a caret (^) were considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Committee and were approved at one time.

(9.2.1, 9.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.4, 10.2.6, 10.3.1, 11.2.1, 14.1, 14.3)

(Items 9.2.2, 10.2.3, 14.1, 14.3 were added to consent)

Mayor Brown and Members of Council expressed thanks and appreciation to the Enforcement and By-law Services Division for their exemplary service, and acknowledged the exceptional leadership of Paul Morrison, Director, By-law and Enforcement Services, and JeanPierre (JP) Maurice, Manager, By-law Enforcement. Committee Members acknowledged staff's community engagement efforts, and the challenges they face, particularly during the COVID-19 emergency.

Mr. Morrison and Mr. Maurice thanked Enforcement and By-law Services staff for their efforts, and Committee for this acknowledgement.

B. Lucas, Senior Manager, Public Affairs, Office of the CAO, provided a presentation on Government Relations Matters, which included updates on Regional, Provincial and Federal Government matters and on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

  • CW276-2020

    That the report titled: Government Relations Matters, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received.


Mayor Brown provided an update on the COVID-19 Emergency, which included the following:

  • High positivity rates in Brampton neighbourhoods, which have a high number of essential workers, and the need for additional resources from the Province to support Brampton residents
  • Concerns regarding racial comments on social media in relation to COVID-19 cases in Brampton, the need to support essential workers and highlight the importance of their role
  • Support for the establishment of an isolation centre in northeast Brampton and clarification that the isolation centre in Mississauga services all of Peel Region
  • Enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions and level of compliance in Brampton
  • The need for workers with COVID-19 to have quick access to federal sick benefits to stop the spread
  • Enforcement of fireworks regulations during Diwali, and confirmation from staff that fireworks are not permitted to be set off after 11:00 p.m.
  • Crowd control/capacity responsibilities for business establishments (e.g. grocery stores)
  • Number of City employees that have tested positive for COVID-19, and related information available on the City's website
  • Messaging to residents that celebrations of all holidays are to be virtual and/or restricted to persons that reside in the household 

The following motions were considered and seconded by all Members of Council.

  • CW277-2020

    That, given the precarious employment situation faced by many frontline and essential service workers within the City of Brampton, the Federal Government be requested to ensure the federal sick benefits program for workers with COVID-19 be as simple and straightforward as possible, for the broadest and quickest access by those in need of such benefits; and

    That the federal government be requested to ensure appropriate compensation programs are in place for businesses experiencing worker absences due to COVID-19 cases, in order that workers can be off work, when required due to COVID-19, with appropriate sick benefits in place for workers.

    A recorded vote was requested and the motion carried unanimously as follows: 

    Yea (11)Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, Regional Councillor Fortini , Regional Councillor Dhillon, City Councillor Whillans, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , City Councillor Singh, and Mayor Patrick Brown
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • CW278-2020

    That the Federal Government be thanked for its allocation of a COVID-19 isolation centre in the City of Mississauga to serve the Region of Peel, and that a formal request be made of the Federal Government to establish a new isolation centre in the northeast quadrant of Brampton, currently experiencing a prevalence of COVID-19 cases.

    A recorded vote was requested and the motion carried unanimously as follows: 

    Yea (11)Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, Regional Councillor Fortini , Regional Councillor Dhillon, City Councillor Whillans, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , City Councillor Singh, and Mayor Patrick Brown
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • CW279-2020

    That the update from Mayor P. Brown re: COVID-19 Emergency, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received.


Tracy Pepe, Owner, The Scented L'air, and on behalf of the Downtown Business Community, provided information to Committee regarding the Downtown Brampton BIA Shop Local Campaign.  She provided information regarding the campaign, highlighted the free delivery service for Downtown businesses, outlined the importance of shopping local to support businesses, and encouraged Members of Council to promote this campaign. In addition, Ms. Pepe provided information on other Downtown initiatives/events taking place during the Christmas season.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW280-2020

    That the delegation from Tracy Pepe, Owner, The Scented L'air, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Downtown Brampton BIA Shop Local Campaign, be received.


Justin Mamone, Director, Asset Management, Vandyk Properties (Vandyk-Uptowns Limited), requested that consideration be given to deferring the payment of development charges for the Vandyk-Uptowns Limited development at 10300 (10302) Heart Lake Road. He provided details with respect to this development and project challenges, which have resulted in significant costs.  He requested that the payment of development charges be deferred until such time that the construction is above-grade.  

It was noted that the area councillors would meet with Mr. Mamone and staff regarding this issue.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW281-2020

    1. That the delegation from Justin Mamone, Director, Asset Management, Vandyk Properties (Vandyk-Uptowns Limited), to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Payment of Development Charges at 10300 (10302) Heart Lake Road - Ward 2, be received; and

    2. That the delegation's request be referred to staff for review and a report back to a future Committee of Council meeting.


Craig Fowler, Vice President, Growth, Innovation and External Relations, Algoma University, provided a presentation which included updates on the Algoma University expansion at the Brampton Campus.

Committee discussion included the following:

  • Demand for post-secondary education in Brampton
  • Brampton funding for the new Algoma University sign
  • Proportion of international students, and an indication that the international student market remains strong
  • Student housing supports, and the need to improve student housing conditions

The following motion was considered.

  • CW282-2020

    That the delegation from Craig Fowler, Vice President, Growth, Innovation and External Relations, Algoma University, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Algoma University Expansion Update, be received.


1. Monika Sudds, Volunteer, Action Volunteers for Animals
2. Martin Field, Founder and Administrator, PAWS-4-Ontario (Pet Adoption as a Working Solution for Ontario)
3. Nicole Alexander, Volunteer, Action Volunteers for Animals
4. Heather MacLeod, TNR Community Volunteer
5. Denise Harkin, President, Action Volunteers for Animals

Item 11.4.1 was brought forward and dealt with at this time.

The delegations provided information to Committee regarding the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program for feral cats and outlined the need to implement this program in Brampton.  Information provided by the delegations included the following:

  • Public requests for a TNR program in Brampton
  • Responsibilities of cat colony caretakers/community volunteers
  • Components and benefits of a TNR program
  • Colony feeding stations and shelters, including concerns relating to the removal of shelters from public property
  • Importance of public education regarding feral cats and TNR programs
  • The need for municipal support and funding to operate a successful TNR program
  • Successful TNR programs in other municipalities
  • TNR work programs/certificates
  • Lack of support from the Animal Shelter for matters relating to feral cats  

K. Duncan, Manager, Animal Services, Legislative Services, provided information on staff's response to feral cats in Brampton, including a funding request in the Animal Services 2021 operating budget, a review of existing policies and support for all cats (stray and feral) and a review of relevant programs in other municipalities. She added that staff will investigate concerns relating to the removal of feral cat shelters on public property.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW282-2020

    1. That the following delegations to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program for Feral Cats in Brampton be received:

    1. Monika Sudds, Volunteer, Action Volunteers for Animals

    2. Martin Field, Founder and Administrator, PAWS-4-Ontario (Pet Adoption as a Working Solution for Ontario)

    3. Nicole Alexander, Volunteer, Action Volunteers for Animals

    4. Heather MacLeod, TNR Community Volunteer

    5. Denise Harkin, President, Action Volunteers for Animals; and,

    2. That the following correspondence to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Support for a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program for Feral Cats in Brampton, be received:

    1. Eva McDowell, Founder/Director, Georgina Feral Cat Committee, dated November 5, 2020

    2. Phil Nichols, Chief Operating Officer, Toronto Humane Society, dated November 3, 2020 

    3. Nicole Brisebois, Brampton Resident and Feral Cat Caretaker, dated November 11, 2020.


An audio recording of Rod Nolan speaking on behalf of Darlene Stripe, Brampton Resident, was played for Committee.  Through this recording, a request for an exemption to the Dog By-law to allow Ms. Stripe to keep four (4) dogs, which were identified as "emotional support animals", was submitted. Supporting documentation from Ms. Stripe's healthcare providers was referenced, and information was provided on the care, training and demeanor of each of dog. In addition, the negative impact of removing one of the dog's from Ms. Stripe's care was highlighted. 

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Purpose of the by-law provision relating to the number of dogs allowed
  • Request that staff review the delegation's request to keep four (4) dogs

K. Duncan, Manager, Animal Services, Legislative Services, provided information to Committee regarding complaints received and by-law offences relating to Ms. Stripe and her dogs.   
The following motion was considered.

  • CW283-2020

    That the delegation from Rod Nolan, on behalf of Darlene Stripe, Brampton Resident, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Request for an Exemption from Section 13 (a) of Dog By-law 250-2005 - Number of Dogs, be received.


1. Divya Arora and Lajanthan Prabaharan, Board Members and Political Advocacy Team Representatives, Community Climate Council

2. Gideon Forman, Climate Change and Transportation Policy Analyst, David Suzuki Foundation

3. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident

4. Dayle Laing, Secretary, BikeBrampton

5. Pauline Thornham, Co-Chair, Brampton Cycling Advisory Committee (video delegation)

Items 10.2.1, 10.4.2 and 10.4.3 were brought forward and dealt with at this time.

Divya Arora and Lajanthan Prabaharan, Board Members and Political Advocacy Team Representatives, Community Climate Council, provided a presentation which included information on the following:

  • Lack of public support for Option #1 (widening Williams Parkway to six lanes)
  • Support for Option #3, which aligns with the Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP), 2040 Vision, Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan (CEERP) and Council's priorities
  • Alternative solutions for improving traffic control/congestion
  • Characteristics of the surrounding residential area
  • Reallocating project funds to improve public transit (e.g. Queen Street BRT)

Gideon Forman, Climate Change and Transportation Policy Analyst, David Suzuki Foundation, spoke against Option #1 in the staff report, noting that widening Williams Parkway to six lanes will create induced demand and increase traffic congestion. He added that residents do not support Option #1 and this option does not align with the 2040 Vision and CEERP, where active transportation is a priority. He encouraged Committee to select one of the 4-lane options, which enhances active transportation, is more cost effective and improves health and air quality. 

Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident, expressed support for Option #3 and highlighted the need for separate bicycle facilities, noting that e-bikes are increasingly popular and can pose a danger on shared paths with pedestrians.  

Dayle Laing, Secretary, BikeBrampton, highlighted the lack of public support for Option #1, and outlined BikeBrampton's position on Options 2-4, noting that Option #3 is the preferred choice as it aligns with the 2040 Vision, ATMP and CEERP.  She sought clarification with respect to the construction of noise walls in Options 2-4 and advised that trees should be preserved and planted where possible. In addition, Ms. Laing outlined the need for more sustainable modes of transportation to address the climate emergency.

Pauline Thornham, Co-Chair, Brampton Cycling Advisory Committee (BCAC), provided a video delegation, which was played during the meeting. Ms. Thornham highlighted progress made through the implementation of bike lanes, which will help to improve health, reduce pollution and reduce traffic congestion. She acknowledged the results of the public survey, which indicates that most residents do not support Option #1, outlined the need to improve the quality of life for residents in this community, and outlined the BCAC's support for Option #3.

Committee discussion on this matter included the following:

  • Public engagement on the Williams Parkway Review and Public Survey responses
    • Most residents were not in support of Option #1 (widening Williams Parkway to six lanes)
    • Greenery and landscaping were highlighted as a priority 
  • Timeline for updating the TMP to incorporate elements of the CEERP (including GHG targets), active transportation and address induced demand

Staff responded to questions from Committee with respect to the possibility of amending Option #4 to include: 

  • the planting of trees and enhanced landscaping
  • that staff work with the Region of Peel to find opportunities for implementing multi-use pathways 
  • the continuation of the construction of noise walls along Williams Parkway, where desired by residents

Further Committee discussion included the following:

  • Funding for noise walls that are constructed without road widening
  • Funding opportunities from the Province for active transportation projects
  • Clarification from staff regarding why laybys for transit buses will not be incorporated in future road designs 
  • Possibility of implementing active transportation facilities on Franceschini Bridge over Highway 410
  • The need for more greenery, landscaping and multi-use paths in this area to encourage more active transportation
  • Request that the delegations' submissions and public survey be a consideration for other road widening projects citywide, if applicable
  • The need to review and report back on the reallocation of funds for this project, possible reimbursement of development charges, and funding options for the construction of noise walls without road widening
  • The need to review and determine if development charges can be applied to active transportation projects   

 The following motion was considered.

  • CW284-2020

    1. That the following delegations to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Williams Parkway Review, be received:

    1. Divya Arora and Lajanthan Prabaharan, Board Members and Political Advocacy Team Representatives, Community Climate Council

    2. Gideon Forman, Climate Change and Transportation Policy Analyst, David Suzuki Foundation

    3. Sylvia Roberts, Brampton Resident

    4. Dayle Laing, Secretary, BikeBrampton

    5. Pauline Thornham, Co-Chair, Brampton Cycling Advisory Committee; and

    2. That following correspondence to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Williams Parkway Review, be received:

    1. Stephen Laidlaw, Brampton Resident

    2. Pauline Thornham, Co-Chair, Brampton Cycling Advisory Committee.

  • CW285-2020

    1. That the report titled: Williams Parkway Review (McLaughlin Road to North Park Drive): People-moving capacity and public realm design – Ward 1, 5 and 7, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received; and,

    2. That the following option be selected for the City to carry forward for the design of Williams Parkway, based on the information presented in the subject report:

    Option 4, as amended to read: Keep four general purpose lanes, with resurfacing of existing road only; work with the Region of Peel to find opportunities for the multi-use path; include enhanced streetscaping in boulevards; that staff also be requested to include additional greening/landscaping; and review the inclusion of noise walls - beyond those in place which were associated with the original road-widening plan - where desired by the residents; and report thereon.

    3. That the survey results, communications and delegation information be considered, along with all future input received, in future roadway expansion projects planned across the city of Brampton.

    A recorded vote was requested and the motion carried as follows:

    Yea (11)Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, Regional Councillor Fortini , Regional Councillor Dhillon, City Councillor Whillans, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , City Councillor Singh, and Mayor Patrick Brown
    Carried (11 to 0)

(Regional Councillor P. Vicente, Vice-Chair)

Martin Bohl, Sector Manager, Health and Life Sciences, Food Processing and Logistics, Planning, Building and Economic Development, provided a presentation regarding COVID-19 Recovery in Brampton's Food and Beverage Processing Sector.  

The following motion was considered.

  • CW286-2020

    That the presentation from M. Bohl, Sector Manager, Health and Life Sciences, Food Processing and Logistics, Planning, Building and Economic Development, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: COVID-19 Recovery in Brampton's Food and Beverage Processing Sector (File CE.x), be received.




The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda.

P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

(City Councillor H. Singh, Chair; Regional Councillor R. Santos, Vice-Chair)


  • CW287-2020
    1. That the report titled: 2021 Interim Tax Levy, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020 be received; and
    2. That a by-law be passed for the levy and collection of the 2021 Interim Tax Levy.
  • CW288-2020

    That the report titled: 2022 Municipal Election – Contribution Rebate Program, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received.


Request to Begin Procurement for Internet Voting and Contract Extension for Vote Tabulation Equipment

Committee discussion took place with respect to the subject report and included varying opinions regarding the provision of internet voting services in the 2022 municipal election. Discussions included the following:

  • Expressions of support for Option #2
  • Voter security/fraud concerns for internet voting
  • The need to ensure all residents have an opportunity to vote
  • Use of internet voting by AMO and other municipalities
    • Details were provided regarding the internet voting experience at the AMO election
  • Voter turnout during the advance voting period
  • Indication that there is no data to suggest internet voting increases voter turnout
  • Capacity of internet voting systems and authentication processes
  • Indication that youth have the lowest voter turnout across Canada, and internet voting may increase the youth vote
  • The need to enhance youth engagement and education to increase voter turnout
  • Concerns that different voting processes for various government elections may cause confusion for electors
  • Suggestion that consideration be given to a combination of Models 2 and 5
  • Suggestion that internet voting to reconsidered following the 2022 Municipal Election, and that the experience of the cities of Burlington and Markham be reviewed

The following motion was considered.

  • CW289-2020
    1. That the report titled: 2022 Municipal Election Technology Model, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received;
    2. That Council approve Model 2 for implementation in the 2022 Municipal Election, as follows:

    “Model 2: Paper Ballots, Extend Current Technology Contract – this model would be the same as the 2018 voting model, however staff would investigate newer versions of the same technology offered by the current vendor. As discussed in this report, staff was satisfied with the voting technology provided by the current vendor, and the voting experience was successful, both for electors and for staff.”

    1. That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to commence the extension of the contract related to vote tabulation equipment, based on Council’s approval of Model 2 as described in this report;
    2. That a budget amendment be approved and a new capital budget be established for contracted capital lease services for vote tabulation equipment, with funds transferred from the General Rate Stabilization Reserve, pending Budget Committee deliberations:

    a. Paper ballot tabulation: $870,000 ($256,000 in 2021, and $614,000 in 2022)

    A recorded vote was requested and the motion carried unanimously as follows.

    Yea (11)Regional Councillor Santos , Regional Councillor Vicente , Regional Councillor Palleschi, Regional Councillor Medeiros, Regional Councillor Fortini , Regional Councillor Dhillon, City Councillor Whillans, City Councillor Bowman, City Councillor Williams , City Councillor Singh, and Mayor Patrick Brown
    Carried (11 to 0)

Semi-Annual Reporting - January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019, July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020

The following motion was considered.

  • CW290-2020

    That the report titled: Salary Administration Policy: Semi Annual Review, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received.

  • CW291-2020
    1. That the report titled: Execution of Documents by Electronic Signature By-law, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received; and


    2. That the Execution of Documents by Electronic Signature By-law as set forth in Appendix A attached to this report, be approved.

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda.

P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

(Regional Councillor P. Vicente, Chair; Regional Councillor P. Fortini, Vice-Chair)


The following motion was considered.

  • CW292-2020

    1.That the report titled: Capacity Improvements Review of Goreway Drive between Humberwest Parkway and Cottrelle Boulevard - Ward 8, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received; and,

    2.That Council direct staff to proceed with the design to widen Goreway Drive between Humberwest Parkway and Yorkland Boulevard to four lanes with multi use paths on both sides of the road and resurface the two lane rural section of Goreway Drive between Yorkland Boulevard and Cottrelle Boulevard as outlined in Option 3 in this report.

  • CW293-2020
    1. That the report titled: Replacing Existing Yield Sign with Stop Sign – Trewartha Crescent - Ward 2 (File I.AC) to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020 be received; and,


    2. That a by-law be passed to amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, to remove an existing Yield sign, and to implement a Stop sign at the intersection of Trewartha Crescent and Trewartha Crescent.
  • CW294-2020
    1. That the report titled: Traffic By-law 93-93 - Administrative Update (File I.AC), to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received; and,


    2. That a by-law be passed to amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended, as outlined in the subject report.

Committee discussion took place with respect to the subject report and included the following: 

  • Reduction in the number of complaints received due to increased service levels
  • Sidewalk snow clearing process
  • Indication that snow clearing equipment requirements are outlined in the contract
  • Use of treated salt for bus shelters
  • Winter maintenance on roads that have no sidewalks
  • Clarification regarding the priority order for snow clearing services on roads 
  • Information available on the City's website regarding snow clearing operations, including the Brampton Plow Tracker application
  • Indication that maintenance of active transportation routes and bicycle facilities is the same as roads

Committee acknowledged the work of staff and thanked them for their efforts.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW295-2020

    That the report titled: Winter Maintenance Service Level Update, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received.

  • CW296-2020
    1. That the report titled: Initiation of Subdivision Assumption – Hayford Holdings Inc. – Registered Plan 43M-1982 - West of McVean Drive, South of Mayfield Road - Ward 10 - (File C08E16.005 and 21T-12011B) to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020 be received;


    2. That the City initiate the Subdivision Assumption of Hayford Holdings Inc., Registered Plan 43M-1982; and


    3. That a report be forwarded to City Council recommending the Subdivision Assumption of Hayford Holdings Inc., Registered Plan 43M-1982 once all departments have provided their clearance for assumption.
  • CW297-2020

    That the Minutes of the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council Meeting of November 5, 2020, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, Recommendations SC041-2020 to SC049-2020 be approved, as published and circulated.


    The recommendations were approved as follows:


    That the Agenda for the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council  meeting of November 5, 2020 be approved as amended to add the following:

    10.1  Discussion at the request of Charles Gonsalves, Member, and Max Kazman, Vice-Chair, re: Whether there is a need for Site Inspections with School Operating at Fifty Percent Capacity


    That the presentation by Craig Kummer, Senior Manager, Traffic Services, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council Meeting of November 5, 2020, re: Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) Overview be received.


    1. That the Site Inspection Request from Violet Skirten, Crossing Guard Supervisor, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of November 5, 2020, re: Relocation of Crossing Guard - St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Separate School, 550 North Park Drive - Ward 7 be received; and
    2. That a site inspection be undertaken.


    1. That the discussion at the request of Charles Gonsalves, Member, and Max Kazman, Vice-Chair, to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of November 5, 2020, re: Whether there is a need for Site Inspections with School Operating at less than Fifty Percent Capacity, be received; and,
    2. That site inspections not be undertaken by the Committee until attendance at schools have resumed to full capacity, unless it was deemed by the Committee that it was a safety matter concern. 


    1. That the Site Inspection report to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of November 5, 2020, re: Marguerite d'Youville Catholic Secondary School, 10815 Dixie Road – Ward 9 be received; and,
    2. That the Principal be requested to continue to educate and encourage the drivers to use the designated Kiss and Ride area to drop off students and use the parking lot area to turn around when needed; and,
    3. That the Brampton School Traffic Council revisit this school when the number of students attending school has returned to normal to capture a true sense of the interaction between all components at arrival and dismissal of the school.


    1. That the Site Inspection report to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of November 5, 2020, re: Kingswood Public School, 235 Kingswood Drive – Ward 1 be received; and,
    2. That the Manager of Enforcement and By-law Services be requested to arrange to monitor and enforce the parking restrictions at Kingswood Public School during school arrival and dismissal times; and,
    3. That the Principal be requested to:
    • Arrange for the placement of cones at the entrance and exit to prevent vehicles from entering school property at arrival and dismissal times;
    • Continue to educate and inform the student population on safety rules and responsibilities in and around the school.


    1. That the Site Inspection report to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of November 5, 2020, re: Goldcrest Public School, 24 Goldcrest Road – Ward 8 be received; and,
    2. That, in an effort to encourage Active Transportation to and from school, the Principal be requested to contact the designated Peel Health Nurse to participate in the School Travel Plan Program in Peel;
    3. That the Manager of Enforcement and By-law Services be requested to enforce the parking restrictions on Goldcrest Road in the vicinity of the school during arrival and dismissal times; and,
    4. That the Principal continue to educate and encourage the student population and families to exercise safety in and around the school.


    1. That the Site Inspection report to the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting of November 5, 2020, re: St.Jean-Marie Vianney Catholic School, 75 Jordensen Drive - Ward 6 be received; and
    2. That a Crossing Guard is not warranted at the intersection of Williams Parkway and Valleyway Drive at this time.


    That the Brampton School Traffic Safety Council meeting do now adjourn to meet again on December 3, 2020.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW298-2020

    That the correspondence from Alisa Mahrova, Clerk and Manager, Policy, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), dated October 20, 2020, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, re: Update on Municipal Memorandums of Understanding and Service Level Agreements, be received.


The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda.

P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

(Regional Councillor R. Santos, Chair; City Councillor C. Williams, Vice-Chair)


The following motion was considered.

  • CW299-2020
    1. That the report titled: Park Naming – Swingbridge Park (Ward 4),to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, be received;
    2. That Council approve the naming of the future park at 8224 Creditview Road as Swingbridge Park; and
    3. That the name Swingbridge Park be used in all official signage and promotional material related to the park development.

The following motion was considered.

  • CW300-2020

    That the Minutes of the Brampton Transit Advisory Committee Meeting of November 2, 2020, to the Committee of Council Meeting of November 18, 2020, Recommendations BTAC006-2020 to BTAC010-2020 be approved, as published and circulated.


    The recommendations were approved as follows:


    That the Agenda for the Brampton Transit Advisory Committee Meeting of November 2, 2020, be approved as amended as follows:

    1. To delete Item 7.2; and,
    2. To refer Item 7.7 to staff to report back at a future meeting


    That the presentation by Alex Milojevic, General Manager, Transit, re: Transit Advisory Committee Presentation, to the Transit Advisory Committee Meeting of November 2, 2020, be received.


    That the following be referred to staff for a report back at a future meeting:

    "Whereas residents of Brampton pay among the highest car insurance rates in Canada

    Whereas the Term of Council Priorities include “Equalize all forms of transportation”

    Whereas the TOCP seeks to plan for sustainable growth

    Whereas the TOCP seek to lower Brampton’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and the 59% of Brampton’s emissions come from transportation

    Therefore be it resolved that the Brampton Transit Advisory Committee recommends

    1. That City Council considers implementing a bikesharing program in Brampton, with recommendations from the Brampton Cycle Advisory Committee as to location and implementation
    2. That City Council considers implementing a carsharing program in Brampton, at locations including, but not limited to, by transit stations, community centres, other community centres, with a plan towards an electric fleet.
    3. That carsharing and bikesharing in Brampton should be accessible through a shared platform with transit, as implemented in other cities like Montreal
    4. That this motion be forwarded to the Brampton Cycle Advisory Committee"


    That the correspondence from Tammi Jackson, Legislative Coordinator, City Clerk's Office, dated October 28, 2020, re: Cycling Advisory Committee Representative on Brampton Transit Advisory Committee, to the Brampton Transit Advisory Committee Meeting of November 2, 2020, be received. 


    That the Brampton Transit Advisory Committee do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, March 1, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., or at the call of the Co-Chairs.

1. Eva McDowell, Founder/Director, Georgina Feral Cat Committee, dated November 5, 2020

2. Phil Nichols, Chief Operating Officer, Toronto Humane Society, dated November 3, 2020 

3. Nicole Brisebois, Brampton Resident and Feral Cat Caretaker, dated November 11, 2020

Dealt with under Item 7.5 - Recommendation CW282-2020

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda.

P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

The public was given the opportunity to submit questions via e-mail to the City Clerk’s Office regarding any decisions made under this section of the agenda.

P. Fay, City Clerk, confirmed that no questions were submitted regarding decisions made under this section.

Items 14.1 and 14.3 were added under Consent. These items were acknowledged in Open Session and the directions therein were given in accordance with the recommendations included in the respective reports. See Recommendations CW301-2020 and CW302-2020 below. 

  • The following motion was considered in regard to Item 14.1.


    That the General Manager, Transit or designate, be delegated authority to act as the Authorized Representative of the City and to execute on behalf of the City any agreements, amending agreements, or other documentation as may be required to execute the contract extension for Brampton Transit Advertising, under key business terms and conditions acceptable to the General Manager, Transit or designate and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or designate.

  • The following motion was considered with respect to Item 14.3.


    That a By-law be enacted to delegate authority to the Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering to execute such agreements, documents and instruments necessary to effect the disposal of the City’s easement interest over lands described Parts 1, 5, 8 and 11 on Plan 43R-4721; Brampton being part of PIN 14109-0228 (LT) to the owner of the lands subject to the easement and municipally known as 59 McLaughlin Road North for nominal consideration, said agreements, documents and instruments to be on terms acceptable to the Senior Manager, Realty Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor or designate.

  • CW303-2020

    That Committee proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

    14.2. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:
    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

    14.4. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:
    Labour relations or employee negotiations.

    14.5. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:
    Labour relations or employee negotiations.

    14.6. Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:
    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.


    In Open Session, the Chair reported on the status of matters considered in Closed Session, as follows:

    14.2 - This item was considered by Committee in Closed Session and direction was given to staff to introduce a motion in Open Session. See Recommendation CW304-2020.

    14.4 - This item was considered by Committee in Closed Session and no direction was given to staff

    14.5 - This item was considered by Committee in Closed Session and no direction was given to staff

    14.6 - This item was considered by Committee in Closed Session and direction was given to staff

  • The following motion was considered with respect to Item 14.2.


    1. That a by-law be enacted to approve and ratify the Agreement of Purchase and Sale fully executed by The Corporation of the City of Brampton on September 30, 2020 for the purchase of the property municipally known as 54 Main Street North, Brampton.;

    2. That a by-law be enacted to delegate authority to the Commissioner of Community Services to execute any agreements together with all other documents and instruments necessary for the completion of the City’s purchase of the property at 54 Main Street North, Brampton, on terms acceptable to the Senior Manager, Realty Services and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor or designate;

    3. That a budget amendment be approved and a new capital project be established in the aggregate amount of $910,000 (inclusive of all taxes, due diligence costs, closing costs, estimated operations and security cost for the first year, other ancillary costs and applicable HST) for the acquisition of 54 Main Street North, Brampton with funding to be transferred from Reserve #12 – Land Sale Proceeds.


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

Labour relations or employee negotiations.

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

Labour relations or employee negotiations.

Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

  • CW305-2020

    That the Committee of Council do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 or at the call of the Chair.

No Item Selected