City Council
The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Meeting #:
Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
  • Mayor Patrick Brown
  • Regional Councillor R. Santos
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente
  • Regional Councillor N. Kaur Brar
  • Regional Councillor M. Palleschi
  • Regional Councillor D. Keenan
  • Regional Councillor M. Medeiros
  • Regional Councillor P. Fortini
  • Regional Councillor G. Toor
  • City Councillor R. Power
  • Deputy Mayor H. Singh




For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending (some advance notice may be required), please contact:
Terri Brenton, Legislative Coordinator, Telephone 905.874.2106, TTY 905.874.2130 [email protected]


Note: Meeting information is also available in alternate formats upon request.

Note: The City Clerk will conduct a roll call at the start of the meeting.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

The Meeting Chair will review the relevant agenda items during this section of the meeting to allow Members to identify agenda items for debate and consideration, with the balance to be approved as part of the Consent Motion given the items are generally deemed to be routine and non-controversial.

a) Bill Davis Day – July 30, 2024

b) Colombia's Independence Day – July 20, 2024

c) National Drowning Prevention Week – July 21-27, 2024

d) Emancipation Day – August 1, 2024

Note: Proclamation a) was deferred from the Council Meeting of June 26, 2024, pursuant to Resolution C117-2024.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

To be received (the recommendations outlined in the minutes were approved by Council on June 26, 2024, pursuant to Resolution C130-2024).

Committee Chair: Regional Councillor Palleschi

To be approved

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Moved by Councillor Santos

Seconded by Regional Councillor Vicente

That Council waive the notice requirements from its Procedure By-law to reconsider a matter previously decided; and,

That Council reopen Resolution C065-2024 from the Council Meeting of April 17, 2024 in so far as it relates only to Committee of Council Recommendation CW129-2024 regarding the approval of the ceremonial street name Maudlyn Way.

Moved by Councillor Santos

Seconded by Regional Councillor Toor

That staff are hereby directed to review the City of Vaughan Special Events By-law and Noise By-law in respect to car rallies to determine if there are opportunities to enhance and strengthen the City of Brampton Nuisance By-law in respect to car rallies for the purpose of increased public safety in our community; and
Further that staff be directed to report back with the results of the review and with recommendations for Council’s consideration in September, 2024.

Note: In accordance with the Procedure By-law and Council Resolution, the Referred Matters List will be published quarterly on a meeting agenda for reference and consideration. A copy of the current Referred Matters List for Council and its committees, including original and updated reporting dates, is publicly available on the City’s website.

15 Minute Limit (regarding any decision made at this meeting)

During the meeting, the public may submit questions regarding decisions made at the meeting via email to the City Clerk at [email protected], to be introduced during the Public Question Period section of the meeting.



Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Note: This agenda item will be distributed prior to the meeting.

See Committee of Council Recommendation CW269-2024 – June 19, 2024 (approved by Council on June 26, 2024, pursuant to Resolution C119-2024) and By-laws 120-2024 and 121-2024

See Committee of Council Recommendation CW269-2024 – June 19, 2024 (approved by Council on June 26, 2024, pursuant to Resolution C119-2024) and By-law 119-2024

See Committee of Council Recommendation CW269-2024 – June 19, 2024 (approved by Council on June 26, 2024, pursuant to Resolution C119-2024) and By-law 119-2024

See Committee of Council Recommendation CW278-2024 – June 19, 2024 (approved by Council on June 26, 2024, pursuant to Resolution C119-2024)

Note: A separate package regarding this agenda item is provided to Members of Council and senior staff only.

Closed Session Minutes - City Council - June 26, 2024


Report - Disposition of Property


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

Report - Update on Downtown Redevelopment


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

Verbal Update - Committee of Adjustment


Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001:

Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.

Next Meetings:

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 – 9:30 a.m. (tentative)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 – 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 – 9:30 a.m.

No Item Selected