
Brampton Heritage Board

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Hybrid Meeting - Virtual Option & In-Person in Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall
Members Present:
  • Stephen Collie (Co-Chair)
  • Douglas McLeod (Co-Chair)
  • Nick Craniotis
  • Prianka Garg
  • Sharron Goodfellow
  • Hunyah Irfan
  • Dian Landurie
  • Christiana Nuamah
  • Rajesh Vashisth
  • Paul Willoughby
  • Regional Councillor P. Vicente - Wards 1 and 5
Members Absent:
  • Surinder Ahuja
  • Roy de Lima
  • Nicardo Francis
  • Naveed Suleman
Staff Present:
  • Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner/Supervisor
  • Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner
  • Chandra Urquhart, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m. and adjourned at 8:49 p.m.

  • HB026-2024

    That the agenda for the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of July 23, 2024 be approved as published and circulated. 


The minutes were considered by Planning and Development Committee on June 17, 2024 and approved by Council on June 26, 2024. The minutes were provided for information.


Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, provided an overview of the Heritage Impact Assessment for the property located at 14 River Road. The property is listed in Brampton’s Municipal Register as a Cultural Heritage Resource due to its cultural heritage landscape features. The construction of an addition to the existing single detached home was approved through the approval of a Minor Variance application. 

Board discussion took place on the proposed addition. Staff provided clarification as follows:

  • The proposed addition to house is not designated and its footprint remains unchanged
  • Landscape features of the property are considered a heritage resource and staff have recommended that mitigation measures be undertaken to maintain the cultural landscape
    • this includes the setbacks, driveway and berms and natural vegetation
  • Impact to drainage and water runoff will be addressed through the development application process

The following motion was considered: 

  • HB027-2024

    1.  That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of July 23, 2024, re: Heritage Impact Assessment, 14 River Road – Ward 6, be received;

    2.  That the following recommendations as per the Heritage Impact Assessment by Vincent J. Santamaura, Architect Inc. be followed:

    a.   With respect to the proposed construction of additions and renovations to the existing buildings at 14 River Road, it is recommended that:

    i.  The design of the renovations and additions to the existing single detached residence and the existing garage implements Heritage design strategies to make its design sympathetic to the River Road Cultural Heritage Landscape;

    ii.  The design of the proposed renovations and additions to the existing single detached residence and renovations to the existing garage be approved;

    3.  That the design approach and components of the proposed renovations and addition, which are adjacent to existing Listed and Designated Heritage resources, be sympathetic to the existing Heritage value and thereby seek to reduce any impacts to the adjacent heritage resources; and,

    4.  That the following mitigation measures be followed:

    i.  The front yard setback and driveway width be maintained.

    ii.  The existing screening consisting of the berm and mature trees along River Road also be maintained and must not be altered or affected during the construction on the property.


Item 11.2 was brought forward and dealt with together with Item 9.2

Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, provided an overview of the Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum and Heritage Permit Conservation Plan for the property located at 69 Elliot Street which is owned by the City of Brampton and known as Memorial Park Arena. A Heritage Permit application was submitted for a one-storey addition on the property adjoining the western elevation of the existing heritage building. 

Board discussion took place and included questions and comments regarding access to the original building and the secondary building, and whether any mature trees will be destroyed. 

Staff advised of the following:

  • Access to the original building remains the same and a secondary entrance will be provided for the proposed additional building that would lead to the amenities 
  • Some small trees will be removed from the site, however several more will be planted to replace those that will be lost 
  • Name of the pavilion remains unchanged
  • Presently there were no plans to close off the original main entrance to the building
  • Maintaining the present esthetics of the external facade of the building given its heritage and historical significance is intended

Staff advised that report 9.2 was to be received and that report and recommendations for report 11.2 were before the Board for consideration. 

The following motion was considered:

  • HB028-2024

    1.  That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of July 23, 2024, re: Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum, 69 Elliott St – Ward 3 be received;

    2.  That the Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum for 69 Elliott Street prepared by VG Architects dated May 10, 2024 be received; and,

    3.  That a complete Heritage Conservation Plan be submitted and approved, prior to the issuance of Demolition or Building Permits for the project, as referenced in the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ATA Architects Inc. and Brampton Heritage Board meeting dated December 29, 2022, for the long-term maintenance of the building.


Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner, provided an overview of the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) on the subject properties noting that they are all owned by the City. Properties located at 48-52 Main Street North are privately owned. Demolition of the City-owned buildings were approved by Council on February 2024. The demolition of these buildings will result in the destruction of all heritage attributes of these building. The HIA outlines mitigation measures and design alternatives that are intended to guide the design of future development and help to mitigate impacts to the properties’ heritage attributes. Four options are provided for consideration, however staff were not recommending a preferred option.

Board discussion took place and included questions and comments. Staff advised of the following:

  • Buildings will be demolished and the RFP and other processes will follow as approved by Council 
  • The City and all others involved in demolition and other processes are aware that the buildings were built on floating foundations 
  • The City has no authority to mandate the demolition of privately owned buildings
  • Timelines for the demolition project are not available at this time
  • Council is eager to see development to these sites in conjunction with the Center for Innovation (CFI) 
  • The City has deemed that the buildings are uninhabitable in its current state 
  • A documentation salvage record will be prepared and there will be an opportunity prior to and during the demolition phase to ensure through photos, video and story telling so that the engineering creativity of that period will be captured

The Board put forward a motion to amend Clause 2 (ii) of the staff recommendation to add, 'and that a photo and film documentation of the foundation structure for the buildings be incorporated in the report'   

The following motion was considered: 

  • HB029-2024

    1.  That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board Meeting of July 23, 2024, re: Heritage Impact Assessment, 30-46 and 54-60 Main Street North - Ward 1 be received; and,

    2.  That the following recommendations as per the Heritage Impact Assessment by LHC Heritage Planning & Archaeology Inc. be followed:

    1. Provisional proposed development alternatives and mitigation measures are presented in the HIA report. They are intended to inform the design of the forthcoming development and should be considered to help mitigate possible impacts to the properties’ heritage attributes. Detailed mitigation strategies shall be developed upon finalization of the design for the proposed development;
    2. That the report provides a series of four development alternatives relative to the demolition of the of the City-owned buildings and that, regardless of which option is selected, a documentary record of the buildings on the properties should be prepared. This being the case a Documentation and Salvage report is to be prepared for the buildings that are demolished, and that a photo and film documentation of the foundation structure for the buildings be incorporated in the report;  
    3. That, should Option 2, Option 3 or Option 4 be the selected alternative, it is recommended that a Conservation Plan be prepared by a qualified Heritage Professional to include guidance for any immediate intervention required prior to removals and construction, stabilization during construction, and guidance for repairs and long-term maintenance following construction and new development;
    4. That, should demolition be the selected alternative, salvage that considers the properties’ heritage attributes and other salvageable materials should be conducted and commemoration – through the City’s plaque program – should be prepared, with incorporation of any salvaged features from the buildings in a commemorative element, for the new development.
    5. That when the design of the proposed development is finalized, an addendum to this HIA should be prepared to address any additional impacts and to clarify proposed alternatives, mitigation, and next steps.

Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, provided an overview of the subject report, noting that the property located at 8990 McLaughlin Road South was the former Ontario Provincial Police Administration Building. The building was designated in 2006, and due to its deteriorated condition was approved for demolition to allow for the design of the Brampton Arts and Culture Centre.

In response to comments and questions, staff advised of the following:

  • Confirmation that the building is designated
  • The report provides a series of options as determined by the Heritage Impact Assessment to guide the design process
  • The options should be considered for reincorporation as the design is prepared for the proposed development
  • A report on the de-designation of the building will be brought to the Board at a future date
  • Every effort will be made to retain and salvage the heritage elements of the building such as the entranceway rotunda

The following motion was considered:

  • HB030-2024

    1.  That the report from Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of July 23, 2024, re: Heritage Impact Assessment, 8990 McLaughlin Road South - Ward 4 be received;

    2.  That the Heritage Impact Assessment Report for 8990 McLaughlin Road, prepared by LHC Heritage Planning & Archaeology Inc., dated June 17, 2024 be deemed complete;

    3.  That the following recommendations from the Heritage Impact Assessment by LHC Heritage Planning & Archaeology Inc. be followed:

    1. Options 1 through 8, are recommended in the HIA for proposed development while retaining the heritage attributes to the greatest extent possible. The preferred option from a heritage conservation perspective is Option 2 (retention of north façade, lobby, rotunda, hallways, and rooms along the building’s north façade). In the event retention as per Option 2 is not possible, then Options 3 through 7, in that order of preference, should be pursued;
    2. Option 8 (Demolition, commemoration, and interpretation) should only be considered as an option of last resort if all other options are demonstrated not to be viable;
    3. As design of the Brampton Arts and Culture Centre progresses, the project team should consider the relevant Standards outlined in HIA section 9.3. New elements should be designed to be physically and visually compatible with, subordinate to, and distinguishable from the retained portions of the building. Reintegration of salvaged elements must also be guided by the standards and guidelines identified in Table 4 of the HIA (Attachment 1);
    4. The design should also be informed by the existing building. Design elements such as those listed below should all be considered for re-incorporation or to guide the design of the forthcoming building:
      1. The patterns and colour palette of the terrazzo floor in the building’s lobby and hallway
      2. Polished chrome air vent grilles
      3. Polished chrome handrail and door hardware
      4. And acoustic ceiling tiles in the rotunda;

    4.  That a Conservation Plan/ Heritage Building Protection Plan be prepared by a qualified heritage professional to guide any retention in situ of portions of the building and their re-integration into a new development;

    5.  That prior to any changes to the building, a Salvage and Documentation Plan is to be prepared in order to identify materials to be salvaged and to outline measures to conserve materials being stored for reuse;

    6.  That a Commemoration and Interpretation Plan be prepared for the new development regardless of the option selected. It is recommended that the Commemoration Strategy make use of salvaged materials; and,

    7.  That an addendum to this scoped HIA will be required once a proposed development for the property has been prepared.


Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner, provided an overview of the subject report regarding the implementation of the Heritage Easement Agreement for 10900 Coleraine Drive, where the property was relocated. The home has been standing on stilts since its relocation and the owners are now ready to complete the relocation with its new foundation. Completion of the Heritage Easement Agreement will provide the City and owner a clear understanding of their responsibilities through this process.

The following motion was considered:

  • HB031-2024

    1.  That the report from Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner, to the Brampton Heritage Board meeting of July 23, 2024, re: Implementation of Heritage Easement Agreement for the Property at 10900 Coleraine Drive, Ward 10, be received; and,

    2.  That the Commissioner of Planning, Building and Growth Management be authorized to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the Owner for the property at 10900 Coleraine Drive in accordance with Part IV, section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act, as amended (the “Act”).


Charlton Carscallen, Principal Planner, provided an update on heritage matters which included the following:

  • Hiring of a new Heritage Planner, Otmar Melhado
  • City of Brampton 50th Anniversary Celebrations at Chinguacousy Park 
    • Heritage Division arranged a booth at the site and forty to fifty people expressed interest  
  • Plaque unveiling ceremony for Marysfield Community Coorperative Housing took place in June 2024 and approximately fifty people attended

The Board suggested that they be advised of events related to Heritage Board events.

  • HB032-2024

    That Brampton Heritage Board do now adjourn to meet again on September 17, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
