Item 11.2 was brought forward and dealt with together with Item 9.2
Arpita Jambekar, Heritage Planner, provided an overview of the Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum and Heritage Permit Conservation Plan for the property located at 69 Elliot Street which is owned by the City of Brampton and known as Memorial Park Arena. A Heritage Permit application was submitted for a one-storey addition on the property adjoining the western elevation of the existing heritage building.
Board discussion took place and included questions and comments regarding access to the original building and the secondary building, and whether any mature trees will be destroyed.
Staff advised of the following:
- Access to the original building remains the same and a secondary entrance will be provided for the proposed additional building that would lead to the amenities
- Some small trees will be removed from the site, however several more will be planted to replace those that will be lost
- Name of the pavilion remains unchanged
- Presently there were no plans to close off the original main entrance to the building
- Maintaining the present esthetics of the external facade of the building given its heritage and historical significance is intended
Staff advised that report 9.2 was to be received and that report and recommendations for report 11.2 were before the Board for consideration.
The following motion was considered: